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#pragma once
#include "gsw.h"
#include "ncfuncs.h"
#include "simple2ddata.h"
#include <memory>
using michlib::Ceil;
using michlib::DetGeoDomain;
using michlib::Floor;
using michlib::GPL;
using michlib::int2;
class LayeredData: public NCFuncs
using Data = Simple2DData;
class NC
MString url;
NCFileA nc;
std::vector<MDateTime> times;
NC(MString&& newurl): url(std::move(newurl)) { nc.Reset(url + "#cache&noprefetch"); }
MString ReadTimes(const MString& tname)
if(!nc) return "File not open";
auto time = nc.VR(tname);
if(!time) return "Can't read times";
MDateTime refdate;
time_t step = 0;
auto units = nc.Attribute<MString>(tname, "units");
if(!units) return "Can't read refdate";
auto [rd, st, suc] = Refdate(units);
if(!suc) return "Can't parse " + units.Get() + " to refdate";
if(st == 0) return "Can't get timestep from string " + units.Get();
refdate = rd;
step = st;
for(size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) times[i] = refdate + static_cast<time_t>(time(i)) * step;
return "";
const NCFileA* operator->() const { return &nc; }
explicit operator bool() const { return nc; }
MDateTime Begin() const { return times.front(); }
MDateTime End() const { return times.back(); }
const NCFileA& Get() const { return nc; }
const std::vector<MDateTime>& Times() const { return times; }
size_t Index(MDateTime tm) const
if(tm < Begin() || tm > End()) return 0;
size_t b = 0, e = times.size() - 1;
if(tm == times[b]) return b + 1;
if(tm == times[e]) return e + 1;
while(e - b > 1)
size_t c = (e + b) / 2;
if(tm == times[c]) return c + 1;
if(tm > times[c])
b = c;
e = c;
return 0;
const MString& Url() const { return url; }
std::vector<NC> nc;
std::vector<real> depths;
std::vector<MDateTime> times;
struct DimNames dname;
real lonb, latb, lone, late;
real lonstep, latstep;
MString title;
class EnvVar
MString name, oldvalue;
bool activated, saved;
EnvVar(): activated(false) {}
~EnvVar() { Deactivate(); }
void Activate(const MString& var, const MString& val)
if(activated) Deactivate();
name = var;
char* curval = getenv(name.Buf());
if(nullptr == curval)
saved = false;
oldvalue = curval;
saved = true;
setenv(name.Buf(), val.Buf(), 1);
void Deactivate()
if(!activated) return;
setenv(name.Buf(), oldvalue.Buf(), 1);
activated = false;
EnvVar proxy;
struct Parameters: public BaseParameters
size_t xb, yb, xe, ye, layer;
virtual ~Parameters() override = default;
// TODO: RetVal
MString Open(const MString& dataset);
void SetTitle(const MString& newtitle) { title = newtitle; }
MString Info() const;
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> Parameters(michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args, const struct Region& reg) const;
bool Read(const MString& vname, std::map<MString, Data>& cache, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const;
2 years ago
bool isOk() const { return nc.size() > 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return nc.size() > 0; }
real Depth(size_t l) const { return isOk() ? depths[l] : -1000.0; }
real Depth(const BaseParameters* ip) const { return Depth(dynamic_cast<const struct Parameters*>(ip)->layer); }
real Lon(size_t ix) const { return isOk() ? (lonb + ix * lonstep) : -1000.0; }
real Lat(size_t iy) const { return isOk() ? (latb + iy * latstep) : -1000.0; }
size_t NDepths() const { return depths.size(); }
size_t NTimes() const { return times.size(); }
MDateTime Time(size_t i) const
if(!isOk() || i >= times.size()) return MDateTime();
return times[i];
time_t Timestep() const { return isOk() ? (times[1] - times[0]).Seconds() : 0; }
MString Title() const { return title; }
MString Dump(const struct Parameters* ppar) const
// clang-format off
"Current settings:\n" + MString() +
" Longitudes: from " + Lon(ppar->xb) + " (" + ppar->xb + ") to "+ Lon(ppar->xe) + " (" + ppar->xe + ")\n" +
" Latitudes: from " + Lat(ppar->yb) + " (" + ppar->yb + ") to "+ Lat(ppar->ye) + " (" + ppar->ye + ")\n" +
" Depth: layer " + ppar->layer + ", depth " + Depth(ppar->layer) + " m\n";
// clang-format on
VarPresence CheckVar(const MString& vname) const
return NCFuncs::CheckVar(vname, [this](const MString& vn) { return HaveVar(vn); });
template<class DataType> Data ReadVarRaw(const NC& f, const MString& name, size_t i, bool nodepth, const struct Parameters* p) const;
bool HaveVar(const MString& vname) const
for(size_t i = 0; i < nc.size(); i++)
if(NCFuncs::HaveVar(nc[i].Get(), vname)) return true;
return false;
std::tuple<MString, size_t, size_t> VarNameLoc(const MString vname, MDateTime tm) const
for(size_t i = 0; i < nc.size(); i++)
auto head = nc[i]->Header();
auto tind = nc[i].Index(tm);
if(tind == 0) continue;
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
auto stname = nc[i]->A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
if(!stname) continue;
if(StName2Name(stname) == vname) return {v.Name(), i, tind - 1};
return {"", 0, 0};