9 changed files with 609 additions and 129 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#pragma once |
#include "GPL.h" |
#include "ParseArgs.h" |
#include "mregex.h" |
#include "ncfuncs.h" |
#include "simple2ddata.h" |
#include "uvdata.h" |
#include <dirent.h> |
#include <utility> |
using michlib::Ceil; |
using michlib::DetGeoDomain; |
using michlib::Floor; |
using michlib::GPL; |
using michlib::int2; |
using michlib::int4; |
using michlib::MString; |
using michlib::real; |
using michlib::RegExp; |
class AVISOLOCALData: public NCFuncs |
{ |
std::vector<MDateTime> times; |
MString datapath; |
struct Parameters: public BaseParameters |
{ |
real lonb, latb, lone, late; |
virtual ~Parameters() override = default; |
}; |
static MString Title() { return "AVISO local mirror"; } |
public: |
using Data = Simple2DData; |
AVISOLOCALData() = default; |
MString Info() const; |
// TODO: RetVal
MString Open(const CLArgs& args); |
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> Parameters(michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) const; |
bool isOk() const { return times.size() > 0; } |
size_t NTimes() const { return times.size(); } |
MDateTime Time(size_t i) const |
{ |
if(!isOk() || i >= times.size()) return MDateTime(); |
return times[i]; |
} |
time_t Timestep() const { return isOk() ? (times[1] - times[0]) : 0; } |
explicit operator bool() const { return times.size() > 0; } |
bool CheckVar(const MString& vname) const |
{ |
NCFileA nc; |
nc.Reset(datapath + "/uv-" + times[0].ToString() + ".nc"); |
return NCFuncs::CheckVar(vname, [&nc = std::as_const(nc)](const MString& vn) { return HaveVar(nc, vn); }); |
} |
Data Read(const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const; |
template<class DataType> Data ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& name, const struct Parameters* p) const; |
UVData ReadUV(const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#pragma once |
#include "DataAdapters/ncfilealt.h" |
#include "StringFunctions.h" |
#include "mdatetime.h" |
#include <set> |
#include <tuple> |
using michlib::MDateTime; |
using michlib::MString; |
using michlib::NCFileA; |
class NCFuncs |
{ |
public: |
struct CoordNames |
{ |
MString lonname, latname, depthname, timename; |
size_t nx, ny, nz, nt; |
}; |
static MString StName2Name(const MString& stname); |
static std::tuple<MDateTime, time_t, bool> Refdate(const MString& refdate); |
static void GetVars(const NCFileA& nc, std::set<MString>& vars); |
static CoordNames GetCNames(const NCFileA& nc); |
static CoordNames GetDNames(const NCFileA& nc); |
static bool HaveVar(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& vname); |
template<class HV> static bool CheckVar(const MString& vname, HV hv) |
{ |
if(!hv(vname)) |
{ |
bool varexist = false; |
if(vname == "temp" && hv("ptemp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true; |
if(vname == "ptemp" && hv("temp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true; |
if(vname == "pdens" && (hv("ptemp") || hv("temp")) && hv("sal")) varexist = true; |
if((vname == "U" || vname == "U2") && hv("u") && hv("v")) varexist = true; |
if(!varexist) return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
#include "AVISOLOCAL.h" |
MString AVISOLOCALData::Info() const |
{ |
if(!isOk()) return ""; |
NCFileA nc; |
struct CoordNames cn, dn; |
std::set<MString> vars; |
nc.Reset(datapath + "/uv-" + times[0].ToString() + ".nc"); |
if(!nc) return "Can't open file " + datapath + "/uv-" + times[0].ToString() + ".nc"; |
GetVars(nc, vars); |
dn = GetDNames(nc); |
cn = GetCNames(nc); |
MString svars; |
{ |
bool first = true; |
for(const auto& v: vars) |
{ |
svars += (first ? "" : ", ") + v; |
first = false; |
} |
} |
auto lons = nc.VR(cn.lonname); |
auto lats = nc.VR(cn.latname); |
if(!(lons && lats)) return "Can't get longitudes/latitudes"; |
real lonb = lons(0); |
real latb = lats(0); |
real lone = lons(dn.nx - 1); |
real late = lats(dn.ny - 1); |
real lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (dn.nx - 1); |
real latstep = (late - latb) / (dn.ny - 1); |
// clang-format off
return |
"Dataset: " + Title() + "\n" + |
" Begin date: " + Time(0).ToString() + "\n" + |
" End date: " + Time(NTimes()-1).ToString() + "\n" + |
" Time step: " + Timestep() + " seconds\n" + |
" Time moments: " + NTimes() + "\n" + |
" Region: (" + lonb + " : " + lone + ") x (" + latb + " : " + late + ")\n" + |
" Grid: " + dn.nx + "x" + dn.ny + " (" + lonstep + " x " + latstep + ")\n" + |
" Supported variables: " + svars; |
// clang-format on
} |
MString AVISOLOCALData::Open(const CLArgs& args) |
{ |
GPL.UsePrefix("AVISOLOCAL"); |
datapath = GPL.ParameterSValue("Datapath", ""); |
RegExp regex("uv-([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).nc"); |
regex.Compile(); |
DIR* dir = opendir(datapath.Buf()); |
struct dirent* de; |
if(nullptr == dir) return "Can't open directory " + datapath; |
while((de = readdir(dir))) |
{ |
if(!regex.Match(de->d_name)) continue; |
times.emplace_back(MString(de->d_name + regex.Off(1), regex.Len(1))); |
} |
closedir(dir); |
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end()); |
return ""; |
} |
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> AVISOLOCALData::Parameters(michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) const |
{ |
std::unique_ptr<struct Parameters> ppar{new struct Parameters}; |
if(!(args.contains("lonb") && args.contains("lone") && args.contains("latb") && args.contains("late"))) return {nullptr, "Region not specified (lonb, lone, latb, late)"}; |
ppar->lonb = args.at("lonb").ToReal(); |
ppar->lone = args.at("lone").ToReal(); |
ppar->latb = args.at("latb").ToReal(); |
ppar->late = args.at("late").ToReal(); |
pars.SetParameter("lonb", ppar->lonb); |
pars.SetParameter("latb", ppar->latb); |
pars.SetParameter("lone", ppar->lone); |
pars.SetParameter("late", ppar->late); |
return {ppar.release(), ""}; |
} |
AVISOLOCALData::Data AVISOLOCALData::Read(const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const |
{ |
if(!isOk()) return Data(); |
auto p = dynamic_cast<const struct Parameters*>(ip); |
NCFileA nc; |
MString name = ""; |
bool isfloat = false, isint2 = false, isint4 = false; |
nc.Reset(datapath + "/uv-" + times[i].ToString() + ".nc"); |
if(!nc) return Data(); |
{ |
auto head = nc.Header(); |
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) |
{ |
auto stname = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name"); |
if(!stname) continue; |
if(StName2Name(stname) == vname) |
{ |
name = v.Name(); |
isint2 = v.Type().Id() == NC_SHORT; |
isint4 = v.Type().Id() == NC_INT; |
isfloat = v.Type().Id() == NC_FLOAT; |
} |
} |
} |
if(!name.Exist()) // Conversion read
{ |
// U and U2 from u and v
if(vname == "U" || vname == "U2") |
{ |
bool square = vname == "U2"; |
auto u = Read("u", ip, i); |
auto v = Read("v", ip, i); |
if(!(u && v)) return Data(); |
auto out = u; |
for(size_t ind = 0; ind < out.N(); ind++) |
{ |
if(u.IsFill(ind) || v.IsFill(ind)) |
out.V(ind) = out.Fillval(); |
else |
out.V(ind) = square ? (u(ind) * u(ind) + v(ind) * v(ind)) : michlib::Hypot(u(ind), v(ind)); |
} |
return out; |
} |
return Data(); |
} |
// Direct read
if(isint2) return ReadVarRaw<int2>(nc, name, p); |
if(isint4) return ReadVarRaw<int4>(nc, name, p); |
if(isfloat) return ReadVarRaw<float>(nc, name, p); |
return Data(); |
} |
template<class DataType> AVISOLOCALData::Data AVISOLOCALData::ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& name, const struct AVISOLOCALData::Parameters* p) const |
{ |
real unitmul = 1.0; |
DataType fill; |
real offset = 0.0, scale = 1.0; |
{ |
auto a_fill = nc.A<DataType>(name, "_FillValue"); |
auto a_offset_d = nc.A<double>(name, "add_offset"); |
auto a_scale_d = nc.A<double>(name, "scale_factor"); |
auto a_offset_f = nc.A<float>(name, "add_offset"); |
auto a_scale_f = nc.A<float>(name, "scale_factor"); |
if(!a_fill) return Data(); |
fill = a_fill; |
if(a_offset_d) offset = a_offset_d; |
if(a_scale_d) scale = a_scale_d; |
if(a_offset_f) offset = a_offset_f; |
if(a_scale_f) scale = a_scale_f; |
} |
auto cn = GetCNames(nc); |
auto dn = GetDNames(nc); |
auto lons = nc.VR(cn.lonname); |
auto lats = nc.VR(cn.latname); |
if(!(lons && lats)) return Data(); |
auto lonb = lons(0); |
auto latb = lats(0); |
auto lone = lons(dn.nx - 1); |
auto late = lats(dn.ny - 1); |
auto lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (dn.nx - 1); |
auto latstep = (late - latb) / (dn.ny - 1); |
auto dom = DetGeoDomain(lonb, lone); |
real lon1 = ToGeoDomain(p->lonb, dom); |
real lon2 = ToGeoDomain(p->lone, dom); |
real lat1 = p->latb; |
real lat2 = p->late; |
auto yb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lat1 - latb) / latstep)); |
auto ye = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lat2 - latb) / latstep)); |
if(ye > dn.ny - 1) ye = dn.ny - 1; |
if(yb >= ye) return Data(); |
auto xb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lon1 - lonb) / lonstep)); |
auto xe = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lon2 - lonb) / lonstep)); |
if(xb == xe) return Data(); |
auto unit = nc.A<MString>(name, "units"); |
if(unit && (unit.Get() == "m s-1" || unit.Get() == "m/s")) unitmul = 100.0; |
Data data((xb < xe) ? (xe - xb + 1) : (dn.nx + xe - xb + 1), ye - yb + 1, lons(xb), lats(yb), lonstep, latstep); |
if(xb < xe) |
{ |
auto var = nc.V<DataType>(name, {dn.lonname, xb, xe - xb + 1}, {dn.latname, yb, ye - yb + 1}); |
if(!var) return Data(); |
if(var.DimLen(0) != data.Nx() || var.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data(); |
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var.DimLen(0); ix++) |
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var.DimLen(1); iy++) |
{ |
DataType v = var(ix, iy); |
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
auto var1 = nc.V<DataType>(name, {dn.lonname, xb}, {dn.latname, yb, ye - yb + 1}); |
auto var2 = nc.V<DataType>(name, {dn.lonname, 0, xe + 1}, {dn.latname, yb, ye - yb + 1}); |
if(!(var1 && var2)) return Data(); |
if((var1.DimLen(0) + var2.DimLen(0)) != data.Nx() || var1.DimLen(1) != data.Ny() || var2.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data(); |
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var1.DimLen(0); ix++) |
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var1.DimLen(1); iy++) |
{ |
DataType v = var1(ix, iy); |
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul); |
} |
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var2.DimLen(0); ix++) |
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var2.DimLen(1); iy++) |
{ |
DataType v = var2(ix, iy); |
data(ix + var1.DimLen(0), iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul); |
} |
} |
return data; |
} |
UVData AVISOLOCALData::ReadUV(const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const |
{ |
if(!isOk()) return UVData(); |
auto u = Read("u", ip, i); |
auto v = Read("v", ip, i); |
if(!(u && v)) return UVData(); |
UVData out{u.Nx(), u.Ny(), u.Lon(0, 0), u.Lat(0, 0), u.XStep(), u.YStep()}; |
for(size_t i = 0; i < out.N(); i++) |
{ |
if(u(i) == Data::Fillval() || v(i) == Data::Fillval()) |
out.U(i) = out.V(i) = UVData::Fillval(); |
else |
{ |
out.U(i) = u(i); |
out.V(i) = v(i); |
} |
} |
return out; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#include "ncfuncs.h" |
NCFuncs::CoordNames NCFuncs::GetDNames(const NCFileA& nc) |
{ |
CoordNames out; |
auto head = nc.Header(); |
for(const auto& dim: head.Dimensions()) |
{ |
if(dim.Name() == "lon" || dim.Name() == "longitude") |
{ |
out.lonname = dim.Name(); |
out.nx = dim.Len(); |
} |
if(dim.Name() == "lat" || dim.Name() == "latitude") |
{ |
out.latname = dim.Name(); |
out.ny = dim.Len(); |
} |
if(dim.Name() == "depth") |
{ |
out.depthname = dim.Name(); |
out.nz = dim.Len(); |
} |
if(dim.Name() == "time") |
{ |
out.timename = dim.Name(); |
out.nt = dim.Len(); |
} |
} |
return out; |
} |
NCFuncs::CoordNames NCFuncs::GetCNames(const NCFileA& nc) |
{ |
CoordNames out; |
auto head = nc.Header(); |
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) // Try to define coordinates by attribute standard_name or attribute axis
{ |
auto stname = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name"); |
auto axis = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "axis"); |
bool islon = false, islat = false, isdepth = false, istime = false; |
if(!(stname || axis)) continue; |
if(stname && stname.Get() == "longitude") islon = true; |
if(stname && stname.Get() == "latitude") islat = true; |
if(stname && stname.Get() == "depth") isdepth = true; |
if(stname && stname.Get() == "time") istime = true; |
if(!out.lonname.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "X") islon = true; |
if(!out.latname.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "Y") islat = true; |
if(!out.depthname.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "Z") isdepth = true; |
if(!out.timename.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "T") istime = true; |
if(islon) out.lonname = v.Name(); |
if(islat) out.latname = v.Name(); |
if(isdepth) out.depthname = v.Name(); |
if(istime) out.timename = v.Name(); |
if(islon) out.nx = v.Dimensions().size(); |
if(islat) out.ny = v.Dimensions().size(); |
if(isdepth) out.nz = v.Dimensions().size(); |
if(istime) out.nt = v.Dimensions().size(); |
} |
return out; |
} |
void NCFuncs::GetVars(const NCFileA& nc, std::set<MString>& vars) |
{ |
auto head = nc.Header(); |
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) |
{ |
auto ret = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name"); |
if(!ret) continue; |
if(StName2Name(ret).Exist()) vars.emplace(StName2Name(ret)); |
} |
if((vars.contains("ptemp") || vars.contains("temp")) && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("pdens"); |
if(vars.contains("ptemp") && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("temp"); |
if(vars.contains("temp") && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("ptemp"); |
if(vars.contains("u") && vars.contains("v")) vars.emplace("U"); |
if(vars.contains("u") && vars.contains("v")) vars.emplace("U2"); |
} |
std::tuple<MDateTime, time_t, bool> NCFuncs::Refdate(const MString& refdate) |
{ |
MDateTime out; |
time_t step = 0; |
MString rstr; |
auto words = michlib::Split_on_words(refdate); |
auto ci = words.begin(); |
if(ci != words.end()) |
{ |
if(*ci == "hours") step = 3600; |
if(*ci == "days") step = 3600 * 24; |
ci++; |
} |
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "since"
if(ci != words.end()) rstr = *ci; // Day
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; |
if(ci != words.end()) rstr += " " + *ci; // Hours
bool success = out.FromString(rstr); |
return {out, step, success}; |
} |
MString NCFuncs::StName2Name(const MString& stname) |
{ |
if(stname == "sea_water_potential_temperature") return "ptemp"; |
if(stname == "sea_water_temperature") return "temp"; |
if(stname == "sea_water_salinity") return "sal"; |
if(stname == "ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta") return "mld"; |
if(stname == "sea_surface_height_above_geoid") return "ssh"; |
if(stname == "sea_surface_elevation") return "ssh"; |
if(stname == "eastward_sea_water_velocity") return "u"; |
if(stname == "northward_sea_water_velocity") return "v"; |
if(stname == "surface_geostrophic_eastward_sea_water_velocity") return "u"; |
if(stname == "surface_geostrophic_northward_sea_water_velocity") return "v"; |
if(stname == "upward_sea_water_velocity") return "w"; |
return ""; |
} |
bool NCFuncs::HaveVar(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& vname) |
{ |
auto head = nc.Header(); |
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) |
{ |
auto stname = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name"); |
if(!stname) continue; |
if(StName2Name(stname) == vname) return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
template<class HV> bool NCFuncs::CheckVar(const MString& vname, HV hv) |
{ |
if(!hv(vname)) |
{ |
bool varexist = false; |
if(vname == "temp" && hv("ptemp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true; |
if(vname == "ptemp" && hv("temp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true; |
if(vname == "pdens" && (hv("ptemp") || hv("temp")) && hv("sal")) varexist = true; |
if((vname == "U" || vname == "U2") && hv("u") && hv("v")) varexist = true; |
if(!varexist) return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
*/ |
Reference in new issue