@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ MString LayeredData::Info() const
std::set<MString> vars; |
for(const auto& f: nc) |
{ |
auto head = f.Header(); |
auto head = f->Header(); |
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) |
{ |
auto ret = f.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name"); |
auto ret = f->A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name"); |
if(!ret) continue; |
vars.emplace(StName2Name(ret)); |
if(StName2Name(ret).Exist()) vars.emplace(StName2Name(ret)); |
} |
} |
MString svars; |
@ -48,31 +48,34 @@ MString LayeredData::Open(const MString& dataset)
MString proxyurl = GPL.ParameterSValue("USEPROXY", ""); |
if(proxyurl.Exist()) proxy.Activate("all_proxy", proxyurl); |
urls.clear(); |
nc.clear(); |
size_t i = 1; |
while(true) |
{ |
MString url = GPL.ParameterSValue(dataset + "_URL" + i, ""); |
if(url.Exist()) |
urls.emplace_back(std::move(url)); |
{ |
//michlib::message("Open "+url);
nc.emplace_back(std::move(url)); |
if(!nc.back()) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
return "Can't connect to url " + url; |
} |
MString ret = nc.back().ReadTimes(); |
if(ret.Exist()) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
return "Can't connect to url " + url + ": " + ret; |
} |
} |
else |
break; |
i++; |
} |
if(urls.size() == 0) return "No urls for dataset " + dataset + " specified in config"; |
if(nc.size() == 0) return "No urls for dataset " + dataset + " specified in config"; |
nc.resize(urls.size()); |
for(size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) |
{ |
nc[i].Reset(urls[i] + "#cache&noprefetch"); |
if(!nc[i]) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
return "Can't connect to database"; |
} |
} |
auto head = nc[0].Header(); |
auto head = nc[0]->Header(); |
lonname = latname = ""; |
for(const auto& dim: head.Dimensions()) |
{ |
@ -93,7 +96,15 @@ MString LayeredData::Open(const MString& dataset)
return "Can't find longitude/latitude"; |
} |
auto rdepths = nc[0].VR("depth"); |
// Read times
{ |
for(const auto& f: nc) times.insert(times.end(), f.Times().begin(), f.Times().end()); |
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end()); |
auto last = std::unique(times.begin(), times.end()); |
times.erase(last, times.end()); |
} |
auto rdepths = nc[0]->VR("depth"); |
if(!rdepths) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
@ -102,41 +113,8 @@ MString LayeredData::Open(const MString& dataset)
depths.resize(rdepths.DimLen(0)); |
for(size_t i = 0; i < depths.size(); i++) depths[i] = rdepths(i); |
auto time = nc[0].VR("time"); |
if(!time) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
return "Can't read times"; |
} |
MDateTime refdate; |
{ |
auto units = nc[0].Attribute<MString>("time", "units"); |
if(!units) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
return "Can't read refdate"; |
} |
MString rstr; |
auto words = michlib::Split_on_words(units); |
auto ci = words.begin(); |
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "hours"
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "since"
if(ci != words.end()) rstr = *ci; // Day
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; |
if(ci != words.end()) rstr += " " + *ci; // Hours
if(!refdate.FromString(rstr)) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
return "Can't parse " + rstr + " to refdate"; |
} |
} |
times.resize(time.DimLen(0)); |
for(size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) times[i] = refdate + static_cast<time_t>(time(i)) * 3600; |
auto lons = nc[0].VR(lonname); |
auto lats = nc[0].VR(latname); |
auto lons = nc[0]->VR(lonname); |
auto lats = nc[0]->VR(latname); |
if(!(lons && lats)) |
{ |
nc.clear(); |
@ -158,7 +136,7 @@ std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> LayeredData::Parameters(michlib_intern
if(!args.contains("var")) return {nullptr, "Variable not specified"}; |
ppar->varname = args.at("var"); |
if(!VarNameLoc(ppar->varname).first.Exist()) return {nullptr, "Variable " + ppar->varname + " not exists in this dataset"}; |
if(!HaveVar(ppar->varname)) return {nullptr, "Variable " + ppar->varname + " not exists in this dataset"}; |
if(args.contains("layer")) ppar->layer = args.at("layer").ToInteger<size_t>(); |
if(!args.contains("depth") && ppar->layer >= NDepths()) return {nullptr, MString("Layer ") + ppar->layer + " is too deep!"}; |
real depth = args.contains("depth") ? args.at("depth").ToReal() : Depth(ppar->layer); |
@ -212,32 +190,32 @@ LayeredData::Data LayeredData::Read(const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const
if(!isOk()) return Data(); |
bool nodepth = false; |
auto p = dynamic_cast<const struct Parameters*>(ip); |
auto [name, id] = VarNameLoc(p->varname); |
auto head = nc[id].Header(); |
auto p = dynamic_cast<const struct Parameters*>(ip); |
auto [name, id, tid] = VarNameLoc(p->varname, times[i]); |
auto head = nc[id]->Header(); |
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) |
if(v.Name() == name) |
{ |
if(v.Dimensions().size() == 3) nodepth = true; |
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_SHORT) return ReadVarRaw<int2>(nc[id], name, i, nodepth, p); |
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_FLOAT) return ReadVarRaw<float>(nc[id], name, i, nodepth, p); |
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_SHORT) return ReadVarRaw<int2>(nc[id], name, tid, nodepth, p); |
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_FLOAT) return ReadVarRaw<float>(nc[id], name, tid, nodepth, p); |
} |
return Data(); |
} |
template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA& f, const MString& name, size_t i, bool nodepth, const struct LayeredData::Parameters* p) const |
template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NC& f, const MString& name, size_t i, bool nodepth, const struct LayeredData::Parameters* p) const |
{ |
real unitmul = 1.0; |
DataType fill; |
real offset = 0.0, scale = 1.0; |
{ |
auto a_fill = f.A<DataType>(name, "_FillValue"); |
auto a_offset_d = f.A<double>(name, "add_offset"); |
auto a_scale_d = f.A<double>(name, "scale_factor"); |
auto a_offset_f = f.A<float>(name, "add_offset"); |
auto a_scale_f = f.A<float>(name, "scale_factor"); |
auto a_fill = f->A<DataType>(name, "_FillValue"); |
auto a_offset_d = f->A<double>(name, "add_offset"); |
auto a_scale_d = f->A<double>(name, "scale_factor"); |
auto a_offset_f = f->A<float>(name, "add_offset"); |
auto a_scale_f = f->A<float>(name, "scale_factor"); |
if(!a_fill) return Data(); |
fill = a_fill; |
if(a_offset_d) offset = a_offset_d; |
@ -246,15 +224,15 @@ template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA
if(a_scale_f) scale = a_scale_f; |
} |
auto unit = f.A<MString>(name, "units"); |
auto unit = f->A<MString>(name, "units"); |
if(unit && (unit.Get() == "m s-1" || unit.Get() == "m/s")) unitmul = 100.0; |
Data data((p->xb < p->xe) ? (p->xe - p->xb + 1) : (nx + p->xe - p->xb + 1), p->ye - p->yb + 1, Lon(p->xb), Lat(p->yb), lonstep, latstep); |
if(p->xb < p->xe) |
{ |
auto var = nodepth ? f.V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}) |
: f.V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1}); |
auto var = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}) |
: f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1}); |
if(!var) return Data(); |
if(var.DimLen(0) != data.Nx() || var.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data(); |
@ -267,10 +245,10 @@ template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA
} |
else |
{ |
auto var1 = nodepth ? f.V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}) |
: f.V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1}); |
auto var2 = nodepth ? f.V<DataType>(name, {lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}) |
: f.V<DataType>(name, {lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1}); |
auto var1 = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}) |
: f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1}); |
auto var2 = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}) |
: f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1}); |
if(!(var1 && var2)) return Data(); |
if((var1.DimLen(0) + var2.DimLen(0)) != data.Nx() || var1.DimLen(1) != data.Ny() || var2.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data(); |
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var1.DimLen(0); ix++) |