Compare commits


6 Commits

  1. 8
  2. 64
  3. 44
  4. 1
  5. 17
  6. 246
  7. 54
  8. 95
  9. 81
  10. 17
  11. 83
  12. 39
  13. 179
  14. 3
  15. 74
  16. 252
  17. 2
  18. 240
  19. 97
  20. 2
  21. 19
  22. 113
  23. 1
  24. 46
  25. 151
  26. 148
  27. 50


@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ if(${srcdir} STREQUAL ${bindir})
" Please remove them.")
set(STATIC_ANALYZER OFF CACHE BOOL "Using GCC static analyzer if available")
project(odm C CXX)
# GCC static analyzer support check
add_library(teos STATIC GSW-C/gsw_oceanographic_toolbox.c GSW-C/gsw_saar.c)
set_target_properties(teos PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C)


@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#pragma once
#include "mregex.h"
#include "ncfuncs.h"
#include "simple2ddata.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <utility>
using michlib::Ceil;
using michlib::DetGeoDomain;
using michlib::Floor;
using michlib::GPL;
using michlib::int2;
using michlib::int4;
using michlib::RegExp;
class AVISOLOCALData: public NCFuncs
std::vector<MDateTime> times;
MString datapath;
struct Parameters: public BaseParameters
real lonb, latb, lone, late;
virtual ~Parameters() override = default;
static MString Title() { return "AVISO local mirror"; }
using Data = Simple2DData;
AVISOLOCALData() = default;
MString Info() const;
// TODO: RetVal
MString Open(const CLArgs& args);
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> Parameters(michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) const;
bool isOk() const { return times.size() > 0; }
size_t NTimes() const { return times.size(); }
MDateTime Time(size_t i) const
if(!isOk() || i >= times.size()) return MDateTime();
return times[i];
time_t Timestep() const { return isOk() ? (times[1] - times[0]) : 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return times.size() > 0; }
bool CheckVar(const MString& vname) const
NCFileA nc;
nc.Reset(datapath + "/uv-" + times[0].ToString() + ".nc");
return NCFuncs::CheckVar(vname, [&nc = std::as_const(nc)](const MString& vn) { return HaveVar(nc, vn); });
Data Read(const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const;
template<class DataType> Data ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& name, const struct Parameters* p) const;


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#pragma once
#include "DataAdapters/datafile.cpp"
#include "DataAdapters/findfilebyid.cpp"
#include "ParameterList.h"
#include "mregex.h"
#include "simple2ddata.h"
using michlib::GPL;
using michlib::MDateTime;
using michlib::RegExp;
class BINFILEData
std::vector<MDateTime> times;
MString datapath;
std::unique_ptr<michlib::IntData> data;
using Data = Simple2DData;
BINFILEData() = default;
MString Info() const;
// TODO: RetVal
MString Open(const CLArgs& args);
bool isOk() const { return times.size() > 0; }
size_t NTimes() const { return times.size(); }
MDateTime Time(size_t i) const
if(!isOk() || i >= times.size()) return MDateTime();
return times[i];
time_t Timestep() const { return isOk() ? (times[1] - times[0]) : 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return times.size() > 0; }
bool CheckVar(const MString& vname) const { return vname == "u" || vname == "v" || vname == "U" || vname == "U2"; }
Data Read(const MString& vname, size_t i) const;


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "GPL.h"
using michlib::MString;
using michlib::SList;
using CLArgs = std::map<MString, MString>;
CLArgs ParseArgs(int argc, char** argv);


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include "actions.h"
using michlib::message;
template<class D> struct DoAction_<D, ActionID::INFO>
static MString DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& data);
template<class D> MString DoAction_<D, ActionID::INFO>::DoAction([[maybe_unused]] const CLArgs& args, D& data)
auto info = data.Info();
if(!info.Exist()) return "No info";
return "";


@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
#pragma once
#include "basedata.h"
#include "mdatetime.h"
#include "mregex.h"
#include "uvdata.h"
#include <variant>
using michlib::BFileW;
using michlib::MDateTime;
using TIndex = std::vector<size_t>;
enum class ActionID
template<ActionID id> struct ActionCarrier
constexpr static ActionID action = id;
template<class T, ActionID id> struct IsActionSupportedTest
static constexpr bool ans = false;
template<class T> struct IsActionSupportedTest<T, ActionID::INFO>
static constexpr bool ans = InfoSupported<T>;
template<class T> struct IsActionSupportedTest<T, ActionID::TSC>
static constexpr bool ans = ReadPSupported<T> || ReadSupported<T>;
template<class T> struct IsActionSupportedTest<T, ActionID::UV>
static constexpr bool ans = ReadPSupported<T> || ReadSupported<T>;
template<class T, ActionID id> constexpr bool IsActionSupported = IsActionSupportedTest<T, id>::ans;
using ActionVariants = std::variant<ActionCarrier<ActionID::INFO>, ActionCarrier<ActionID::TSC>, ActionCarrier<ActionID::UV>>;
class Action: public ActionVariants
Action() = default;
Action(ActionVariants&& d): ActionVariants(std::move(d)) {}
MString Init(const CLArgs& args)
MString act = args.contains("action") ?"action") : "info";
if(act == "info")
*this = ActionVariants(ActionCarrier<ActionID::INFO>());
else if(act == "tsc")
*this = ActionVariants(ActionCarrier<ActionID::TSC>());
else if(act == "uv")
*this = ActionVariants(ActionCarrier<ActionID::UV>());
return "Unknown action: " + act;
return "";
template<class D, ActionID id> struct DoAction_
static MString DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& data) { return "Internal error"; }
template<ActionID id, class D> MString DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& data) { return DoAction_<D, id>::DoAction(args, data); }
template<class D> size_t GetTIndex(const D& data, const MDateTime& t)
size_t nt = data.NTimes();
if(t <= data.Time(0)) return 0;
if(t >= data.Time(nt - 1)) return nt - 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nt - 1; i++)
if(t >= data.Time(i) && t <= data.Time(i + 1)) return (t - data.Time(i) <= data.Time(i + 1) - t) ? i : (i + 1);
return 0;
template<class D> std::pair<TIndex, MString> GetTIndexes(const D& data, const CLArgs& args, michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars)
TIndex tindexes;
if(args.contains("time") && (args.contains("timeb") || args.contains("timee")))
return {tindexes, "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter but not via both"};
if(!(args.contains("time") || (args.contains("timeb") && args.contains("timee")))) return {tindexes, "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter"};
MString regex ="time");
MDateTime time;
if(time.FromString(regex)) return {TIndex(1, GetTIndex(data, time)), ""}; // Time, not regex
if(regex == "BEGIN" || regex == "BEG" || regex == "FIRST") return {TIndex(1, 0), ""}; // First time
if(regex == "END" || regex == "LAST") return {TIndex(1, data.NTimes() - 1), ""}; // Last time
michlib::RegExpSimple reg(regex.Buf());
if(reg.Compile() != 0) return {tindexes, "Bad regular expression: " + regex};
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.NTimes(); i++)
MString date = data.Time(i).ToString();
if(reg.Match(date.Buf())) tindexes.push_back(i);
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return {tindexes, "There are no times matching the regular expression: " + regex};
if(tindexes.size() == 1)
pars.SetParameter("time", data.Time(tindexes[0]).ToString());
MString tb ="timeb");
MString te ="timee");
MDateTime b(tb), e(te);
auto nt = data.NTimes();
if(tb == "BEGIN" || tb == "BEG") b = data.Time(0);
if(te == "LAST" || te == "END") e = data.Time(nt - 1);
const MDateTime& beg = (b < e) ? b : e;
const MDateTime& end = (b > e) ? b : e;
if(beg > data.Time(nt - 1)) return {tindexes, "Begin time " + b.ToTString() + " is greater then end time in the dataset " + data.Time(nt - 1).ToTString()};
if(end < data.Time(0)) return {tindexes, "End time " + e.ToTString() + " is lesser then begin time in the dataset " + data.Time(0).ToTString()};
size_t ib = 0, ie = nt - 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nt; i++)
if(data.Time(i) >= beg)
ib = i;
for(size_t i = nt; i != 0; i--)
if(data.Time(i - 1) <= end)
ie = i - 1;
tindexes.resize(ie - ib + 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < ie - ib + 1; i++) tindexes[i] = i + ib;
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return {tindexes, "There are no times between " + b.ToString() + " and " + e.ToString()};
pars.SetParameter("timeb", b.ToString());
pars.SetParameter("timee", e.ToString());
return {tindexes, ""};
template<class D> BaseData Read(const D& data, const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* p, const TIndex& tindex)
using RT = ReadType<D>;
size_t ind;
if(tindex.size() == 1)
ind = tindex[0];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
return data.Read(vname, p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
return data.Read(vname, ind);
Averager<RT> out;
bool ok = true;
for(size_t i = 0; i < tindex.size(); i++)
if(!ok) break;
ind = tindex[i];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
RT dat;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
dat = data.Read(vname, p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
dat = data.Read(vname, ind);
ok = false;
if(ok) return out.Div();
return BaseData();
template<class D> UVData<ReadType<D>> ReadUV(const D& data, const BaseParameters* p, const TIndex& tindex)
using RT = ReadType<D>;
using UV = UVData<RT>;
size_t ind;
if(tindex.size() == 1)
ind = tindex[0];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
RT u, v;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
u = data.Read("u", p, ind);
v = data.Read("v", p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
u = data.Read("u", ind);
v = data.Read("v", ind);
return UV(u, v);
Averager<UV> out;
bool ok = true;
for(size_t i = 0; i < tindex.size(); i++)
if(!ok) break;
ind = tindex[i];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
RT u, v;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
u = data.Read("u", p, ind);
v = data.Read("v", p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
u = data.Read("u", ind);
v = data.Read("v", ind);
UV dat(u, v);
ok = false;
if(ok) return out.Div();
return UV();


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#pragma once
#include "actions.h"
template<class D> struct DoAction_<D, ActionID::TSC>
static MString DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& data);
template<class D> MString DoAction_<D, ActionID::TSC>::DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& ds)
michlib_internal::ParameterListEx pars;
auto [tindexes, err] = GetTIndexes(ds, args, pars);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
if(!args.contains("var")) return "Variable not specified";
MString vname ="var");
if(!ds.CheckVar(vname)) return "Variable " + vname + " not exists in this dataset";
pars.SetParameter("variable", vname);
std::unique_ptr<const BaseParameters> sourcepars;
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<D>)
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
auto p = sourcepars.get();
auto data = Read(ds, vname, p, tindexes);
if(!data) return "Can't read data";
BFileW fw;
MString name = args.contains("out") ?"out") : "";
if(!name.Exist()) name = "out.bin";
fw.Create(name, 3);
fw.SetColumnName(1, "Longitude");
fw.SetColumnName(2, "Latitude");
fw.SetColumnName(3, vname);
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.N(); i++)
fw.Write(data(i) == data.Fillval() ? NAN : data(i));
return "";

src/actionuv.cpp → include/actionuv.h

@ -1,87 +1,30 @@
#include "GPL.h"
#include "odm.h"
#pragma once
#include "actions.h"
MString Data::ActionUV(const CLArgs& args)
template<class D> struct DoAction_<D, ActionID::UV>
if(args.contains("time") && (args.contains("timeb") || args.contains("timee"))) return "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter but not via both";
if(!(args.contains("time") || (args.contains("timeb") && args.contains("timee")))) return "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter";
static MString DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& data);
template<class D> MString DoAction_<D, ActionID::UV>::DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& ds)
michlib_internal::ParameterListEx pars;
TIndex tindexes;
tindexes = GetTIndexes("time")); // Regular expression or single date
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return "There are no times matching the regular expression";
if(tindexes.size() == 1)
pars.SetParameter("time", Time(tindexes[0]).ToString());
MDateTime tb("timeb")), te("timee"));
tindexes = GetTIndexes(tb, te);
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return "There are no times between " + tb.ToString() + " and " + te.ToString();
pars.SetParameter("timeb", tb.ToString());
pars.SetParameter("timee", te.ToString());
auto [tindexes, err] = GetTIndexes(ds, args, pars);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
std::unique_ptr<const BaseParameters> sourcepars;
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<D>)
auto ppar = std::visit(
[&pars = pars, &args = args](const auto& arg) -> std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString>
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<T>)
return arg.Parameters(pars, args);
return {nullptr, ""};
if(ppar.second.Exist()) return ppar.second;
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
auto p = sourcepars.get();
auto p = sourcepars.get();
size_t ind;
auto read = [p = p, &ind = ind](const auto& arg) -> UVData
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr(ReadUVPSupported<T>)
return arg.ReadUV(p, ind);
return UVData();
UVData data;
if(tindexes.size() == 1)
ind = tindexes[0];
michlib::message("Time: " + Time(ind).ToTString());
data = std::visit(read, *this);
Averager<UVData> out;
bool ok = true;
for(size_t i = 0; i < tindexes.size(); i++)
if(!ok) break;
ind = tindexes[i];
michlib::message("Time: " + Time(ind).ToTString());
auto dat = std::visit(read, *this);
ok = false;
if(ok) data = out.Div();
auto data = ReadUV(ds, p, tindexes);
if(!data) return "Can't read data";
// Main file
@ -89,7 +32,7 @@ MString Data::ActionUV(const CLArgs& args)
BFileW fw;
fw.Create(name, 7);
fw.Create(name, 9);
fw.SetColumnName(1, "Longitude");
fw.SetColumnName(2, "Latitude");
fw.SetColumnName(3, "u, cm/s");
@ -97,6 +40,8 @@ MString Data::ActionUV(const CLArgs& args)
fw.SetColumnName(5, "Div, (cm/s)/km");
fw.SetColumnName(6, "Rot, (cm/s)/km");
fw.SetColumnName(7, "Okubo-Weiss parameter, (cm^2/s^2)/km^2");
fw.SetColumnName(8, "Kinetic energy, cm^2/s^2");
fw.SetColumnName(9, "Eddy kinetic energy, cm^2/s^2");
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.N(); i++)
@ -107,6 +52,8 @@ MString Data::ActionUV(const CLArgs& args)
fw.Write(data.Div(i) == data.Fillval() ? NAN : data.Div(i));
fw.Write(data.Rot(i) == data.Fillval() ? NAN : data.Rot(i));
fw.Write(data.OW(i) == data.Fillval() ? NAN : data.OW(i));
fw.Write(data.U2(i) == data.Fillval() ? NAN : data.U2(i));
fw.Write((data.U(i) == data.Fillval() || data.V(i) == data.Fillval()) ? NAN : (data.U2(i) - (data.U(i) * data.U(i) + data.V(i) * data.V(i))));
@ -166,4 +113,4 @@ MString Data::ActionUV(const CLArgs& args)
return "";


@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "comdefs.h"
#include "traits.h"
#include <vector>
using michlib::real;
class BaseParameters
@ -49,33 +47,17 @@ class BaseData
explicit operator bool() const { return N() != 0; }
template<class T>
concept HaveU = requires(T t) {
t.template U(0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class T>
concept HaveV = requires(T t) {
t.template V(0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class Data> class Averager: public Data
template<class Data> class DefaultAverager: public Data
static constexpr bool isuv = IsUVData<Data>;
std::vector<size_t> count;
static constexpr bool haveu = HaveU<Data>;
static constexpr bool havev = HaveV<Data>;
static bool DataOk(const Data* d, size_t i)
bool uok = true;
bool vok = true;
if constexpr(haveu) uok = d->U(i) != Data::Fillval();
if constexpr(havev) uok = d->V(i) != Data::Fillval();
return uok && vok;
if constexpr(isuv)
return d->U(i) != Data::Fillval() && d->V(i) != Data::Fillval();
return d->V(i) != Data::Fillval();
@ -96,33 +78,54 @@ template<class Data> class Averager: public Data
if(DataOk(this, i))
if constexpr(haveu) Data::U(i) += d.U(i);
if constexpr(havev) Data::V(i) += d.V(i);
if constexpr(isuv)
Data::U(i) += d.U(i);
Data::U2(i) += d.U2(i);
Data::V(i) += d.V(i);
if constexpr(haveu) Data::U(i) = d.U(i);
if constexpr(havev) Data::V(i) = d.V(i);
count[i] = 1;
if constexpr(isuv)
Data::U(i) = d.U(i);
Data::U2(i) = d.U2(i);
Data::V(i) = d.V(i);
count[i] = 1;
Averager& Div()
DefaultAverager& Div()
if(!*this) return *this;
for(size_t i = 0; i < Data::N(); i++)
if constexpr(haveu)
if(count[i] != 0) Data::U(i) /= count[i];
if constexpr(havev)
if(count[i] != 0)
if(count[i] != 0) Data::V(i) /= count[i];
if constexpr(isuv)
Data::U(i) /= count[i];
Data::U2(i) /= count[i];
Data::V(i) /= count[i];
return *this;
namespace internal
template<class Data, class Dummy = void> struct GetAverager_
using type = DefaultAverager<Data>;
template<class Data> struct GetAverager_<Data, void_<typename Data::Averager>>
using type = typename Data::Averager;
} // namespace internal
template<class Data> using Averager = internal::GetAverager_<Data>::type;


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include "AVISO.h"
#include "AVISOLOCAL.h"
#include "BINFILE.h"
#include "HYCOM.h"
#include "NEMO.h"
#include <variant>
using DataVariants = std::variant<NEMOData, HYCOMData, AVISOData, AVISOLOCALData, BINFILEData>;
class Data: public DataVariants
Data() = default;
Data(DataVariants&& v): DataVariants(std::move(v)) {}
MString Init(const CLArgs& args);


@ -1,25 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include "DataAdapters/ncfilealt.h"
#include "ParseArgs.h"
#include "gsw.h"
#include "mdatetime.h"
#include "ncfuncs.h"
#include "simple2ddata.h"
#include "uvdata.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
using michlib::Ceil;
using michlib::DetGeoDomain;
using michlib::Floor;
using michlib::GPL;
using michlib::int2;
using michlib::MDateTime;
using michlib::MString;
using michlib::NCFileA;
using michlib::ToGeoDomain;
class LayeredData
class LayeredData: public NCFuncs
using Data = Simple2DData;
@ -34,32 +25,22 @@ class LayeredData
NC(MString&& newurl): url(std::move(newurl)) { nc.Reset(url + "#cache&noprefetch"); }
MString ReadTimes()
MString ReadTimes(const MString& tname)
if(!nc) return "File not open";
auto time = nc.VR("time");
auto time = nc.VR(tname);
if(!time) return "Can't read times";
MDateTime refdate;
time_t step = 0;
auto units = nc.Attribute<MString>("time", "units");
auto units = nc.Attribute<MString>(tname, "units");
if(!units) return "Can't read refdate";
MString rstr;
auto words = michlib::Split_on_words(units);
auto ci = words.begin();
if(ci != words.end())
if(*ci == "hours") step = 3600;
if(*ci == "days") step = 3600 * 24;
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "since"
if(ci != words.end()) rstr = *ci; // Day
if(ci != words.end()) ci++;
if(ci != words.end()) rstr += " " + *ci; // Hours
if(!refdate.FromString(rstr)) return "Can't parse " + rstr + " to refdate";
auto [rd, st, suc] = Refdate(units);
if(!suc) return "Can't parse " + units.Get() + " to refdate";
if(st == 0) return "Can't get timestep from string " + units.Get();
refdate = rd;
step = st;
@ -72,6 +53,8 @@ class LayeredData
MDateTime Begin() const { return times.front(); }
MDateTime End() const { return times.back(); }
const NCFileA& Get() const { return nc; }
const std::vector<MDateTime>& Times() const { return times; }
size_t Index(MDateTime tm) const
@ -94,8 +77,7 @@ class LayeredData
std::vector<NC> nc;
std::vector<real> depths;
std::vector<MDateTime> times;
MString lonname, latname;
size_t nx, ny;
struct CoordNames dname;
real lonb, latb, lone, late;
real lonstep, latstep;
MString title;
@ -155,8 +137,6 @@ class LayeredData
Data Read(const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const;
UVData ReadUV(const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const;
bool isOk() const { return nc.size() > 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return nc.size() > 0; }
@ -194,16 +174,7 @@ class LayeredData
bool CheckVar(const MString& vname) const
bool varexist = false;
if(vname == "temp" && HaveVar("ptemp") && HaveVar("sal")) varexist = true;
if(vname == "ptemp" && HaveVar("temp") && HaveVar("sal")) varexist = true;
if(vname == "pdens" && (HaveVar("ptemp") || HaveVar("temp")) && HaveVar("sal")) varexist = true;
if((vname == "U" || vname == "U2") && HaveVar("u") && HaveVar("v")) varexist = true;
if(!varexist) return false;
return true;
return NCFuncs::CheckVar(vname, [this](const MString& vn) { return HaveVar(vn); });
@ -212,15 +183,7 @@ class LayeredData
bool HaveVar(const MString& vname) const
for(size_t i = 0; i < nc.size(); i++)
auto head = nc[i]->Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
auto stname = nc[i]->A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
if(!stname) continue;
if(StName2Name(stname) == vname) return true;
if(NCFuncs::HaveVar(nc[i].Get(), vname)) return true;
return false;
@ -240,20 +203,4 @@ class LayeredData
return {"", 0, 0};
static MString StName2Name(const MString& stname)
if(stname == "sea_water_potential_temperature") return "ptemp";
if(stname == "sea_water_temperature") return "temp";
if(stname == "sea_water_salinity") return "sal";
if(stname == "ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta") return "mld";
if(stname == "sea_surface_height_above_geoid") return "ssh";
if(stname == "sea_surface_elevation") return "ssh";
if(stname == "eastward_sea_water_velocity") return "u";
if(stname == "northward_sea_water_velocity") return "v";
if(stname == "surface_geostrophic_eastward_sea_water_velocity") return "u";
if(stname == "surface_geostrophic_northward_sea_water_velocity") return "v";
if(stname == "upward_sea_water_velocity") return "w";
return "";


@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#pragma once
#include "DataAdapters/ncfilealt.h"
#include "mdatetime.h"
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
using michlib::MDateTime;
using michlib::MString;
using michlib::NCFileA;
class NCFuncs
struct CoordNames
MString lonname, latname, depthname, timename;
size_t nx, ny, nz, nt;
static MString StName2Name(const MString& stname);
static std::tuple<MDateTime, time_t, bool> Refdate(const MString& refdate);
static void GetVars(const NCFileA& nc, std::set<MString>& vars);
static CoordNames GetCNames(const NCFileA& nc);
static CoordNames GetDNames(const NCFileA& nc);
static bool HaveVar(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& vname);
template<class HV> static bool CheckVar(const MString& vname, HV hv)
bool varexist = false;
if(vname == "temp" && hv("ptemp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true;
if(vname == "ptemp" && hv("temp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true;
if(vname == "pdens" && (hv("ptemp") || hv("temp")) && hv("sal")) varexist = true;
if((vname == "U" || vname == "U2") && hv("u") && hv("v")) varexist = true;
if(!varexist) return false;
return true;


@ -1,172 +1,19 @@
#pragma once
#include "AVISO.h"
#include "BFileW.h"
#include "HYCOM.h"
#include "NEMO.h"
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "actioninfo.h"
#include "actiontsc.h"
#include "actionuv.h"
#include "data.h"
using michlib::BFileW;
using michlib::errmessage;
using michlib::GPL;
using michlib::message;
using DataVariants = std::variant<NEMOData, HYCOMData, AVISOData>;
template<class T>
concept InfoSupported = requires(T t) {
t.template Info()
} -> std::convertible_to<MString>;
template<class T>
concept ParametersSupported = requires(T t, michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) {
t.template Parameters(pars, args).first
} -> std::convertible_to<const BaseParameters*>;
template<class T>
concept ReadPSupported = requires(T t, const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) {
t.template Read(vname, ip, i)(0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class T>
concept ReadSupported = requires(T t, const MString& vname, size_t i) {
t.template Read(vname, i)(0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class T>
concept ReadUVPSupported = requires(T t, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) {
t.template ReadUV(ip, i).U(0, 0) + t.template ReadUV(ip, i).V(0, 0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
class Data: public DataVariants
template<class T, ActionID id> consteval bool MustSupported()
using TIndex = std::vector<size_t>;
TIndex GetTIndexes(const MDateTime& b, const MDateTime& e) const
TIndex out;
auto nt = NTimes();
const MDateTime& beg = (b < e) ? b : e;
const MDateTime& end = (b > e) ? b : e;
if(beg > Time(nt - 1) || end < Time(0)) return out;
size_t ib = 0, ie = nt - 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nt; i++)
if(Time(i) >= beg)
ib = i;
for(size_t i = nt; i != 0; i--)
if(Time(i - 1) <= end)
ie = i - 1;
out.resize(ie - ib + 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < ie - ib + 1; i++) out[i] = i + ib;
return out;
TIndex GetTIndexes(const MString& regex)
MDateTime time;
if(time.FromString(regex)) return TIndex(1, GetTIndex(time)); // Time, not regex
if(regex == "BEGIN" || regex == "BEG" || regex == "FIRST") return TIndex(1, 0); // First time
if(regex == "END" || regex == "LAST") return TIndex(1, NTimes() - 1); // Last time
TIndex out;
std::unique_ptr<regex_t> regbuf(new regex_t);
if(0 != regcomp(regbuf.get(), regex.Buf(), REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) return out;
for(size_t i = 0; i < NTimes(); i++)
MString date = Time(i).ToString();
if(0 != regexec(regbuf.get(), date.Buf(), 0, 0, 0)) continue;
return out;
size_t GetTIndex(const MDateTime& t)
size_t nt = NTimes();
if(t <= Time(0)) return 0;
if(t >= Time(nt - 1)) return nt - 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nt - 1; i++)
if(t >= Time(i) && t <= Time(i + 1)) return (t - Time(i) <= Time(i + 1) - t) ? i : (i + 1);
return 0;
Data() = default;
Data(DataVariants&& d): DataVariants(std::move(d)) {}
MDateTime Time(size_t it) const
return std::visit([it = it](const auto& arg) -> auto { return arg.Time(it); }, *this);
size_t NTimes() const
return std::visit([](const auto& arg) -> auto { return arg.NTimes(); }, *this);
auto CheckVar(const MString& vname) const
return std::visit([&vname = std::as_const(vname)](const auto& arg) -> auto { return arg.CheckVar(vname); }, *this);
MString Init(const CLArgs& args)
MString src = args.contains("source") ?"source") : "";
if(!src.Exist()) return "No source specified";
if(src == "NEMO")
NEMOData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
else if(src == "AVISO")
AVISOData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
else if(src == "HYCOM")
HYCOMData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
return "Unknown source: " + src;
return "";
MString ActionInfo(const CLArgs& args);
MString ActionTsc(const CLArgs& args);
MString ActionUV(const CLArgs& args);
static_assert(IsActionSupported<T, id>);
return true;
constexpr bool supported = MustSupported<NEMOData, ActionID::INFO>() && MustSupported<NEMOData, ActionID::TSC>() && MustSupported<NEMOData, ActionID::UV>() &&
MustSupported<HYCOMData, ActionID::INFO>() && MustSupported<HYCOMData, ActionID::TSC>() && MustSupported<HYCOMData, ActionID::UV>() &&
MustSupported<AVISOData, ActionID::INFO>() && MustSupported<AVISOData, ActionID::TSC>() && MustSupported<AVISOData, ActionID::UV>() &&
MustSupported<AVISOLOCALData, ActionID::INFO>() && MustSupported<AVISOLOCALData, ActionID::TSC>() && MustSupported<AVISOLOCALData, ActionID::UV>() &&
MustSupported<BINFILEData, ActionID::INFO>() && MustSupported<BINFILEData, ActionID::TSC>() && MustSupported<BINFILEData, ActionID::UV>();


@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ class Simple2DData: public BaseData
real Lon(size_t i) const { return Lon(i % nx, i / nx); }
real Lat(size_t i) const { return Lat(i % nx, i / nx); }
real XStep() const { return xstep; }
real YStep() const { return ystep; }


@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#pragma once
#include "ParseArgs.h"
#include <concepts>
class BaseParameters;
using michlib::real;
template<class T>
concept InfoSupported = requires(T t) {
} -> std::convertible_to<MString>;
template<class T>
concept ParametersSupported = requires(T t, michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) {
t.Parameters(pars, args).first
} -> std::convertible_to<const BaseParameters*>;
template<class T>
concept ReadPSupported = requires(T t, const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) {
t.Read(vname, ip, i)(0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class T>
concept ReadSupported = requires(T t, const MString& vname, size_t i) {
t.Read(vname, i)(0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class T>
concept ReadUVPSupported = requires(T t, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) {
t.ReadUV(ip, i).U(0, 0) + t.template ReadUV(ip, i).V(0, 0)
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
template<class T>
concept IsUVData = requires(T t) {
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
namespace internal
template<typename...> using void_ = void;
template<class D, bool RP, bool R> struct GetReadType_;
template<class D, bool R> struct GetReadType_<D, true, R>
using p = BaseParameters*;
using type = decltype(D().Read(MString(), p(), 0));
template<class D> struct GetReadType_<D, false, true>
using type = decltype(D().Read(MString(), 0));
} // namespace internal
template<class D> using ReadType = internal::GetReadType_<D, ReadPSupported<D>, ReadSupported<D>>::type;


@ -6,22 +6,35 @@ using michlib::M_PI;
using michlib::real;
using michlib::Sqrt;
namespace internal
template<class T>
concept HaveXYStep = requires(T t) {
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
} -> std::convertible_to<real>;
enum class Metric
class UVData
class UVDataStorage
static constexpr real fillval = 1.0e10;
real x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0;
size_t nx = 0, ny = 0;
real xstep = 0.0, ystep = 0.0;
std::vector<real> u, v;
std::vector<real> u, v, u2;
size_t nx = 0, ny = 0;
Metric metric;
UVDataStorage() = default;
real D(real lon1, real lat1, real lon2, real lat2) const
@ -37,43 +50,6 @@ class UVData
real Ud(size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return IsCoast(ix, iy) ? 0.0 : U(ix, iy); }
real Vd(size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return IsCoast(ix, iy) ? 0.0 : V(ix, iy); }
real dUdX(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return fillval;
if(ix == 0) return (Ud(1, iy) - Ud(0, iy)) / D(Lon(0, iy), Lat(0, iy), Lon(1, iy), Lat(1, iy));
if(ix == nx - 1) return (Ud(nx - 1, iy) - Ud(nx - 2, iy)) / D(Lon(nx - 2, iy), Lat(nx - 2, iy), Lon(nx - 1, iy), Lat(nx - 1, iy));
return 0.5 * ((Ud(ix + 1, iy) - Ud(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix + 1, iy), Lat(ix + 1, iy)) +
(Ud(ix, iy) - Ud(ix - 1, iy)) / D(Lon(ix - 1, iy), Lat(ix - 1, iy), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
real dVdX(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return fillval;
if(ix == 0) return (Vd(1, iy) - Vd(0, iy)) / D(Lon(0, iy), Lat(0, iy), Lon(1, iy), Lat(1, iy));
if(ix == nx - 1) return (Vd(nx - 1, iy) - Vd(nx - 2, iy)) / D(Lon(nx - 2, iy), Lat(nx - 2, iy), Lon(nx - 1, iy), Lat(nx - 1, iy));
return 0.5 * ((Vd(ix + 1, iy) - Vd(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix + 1, iy), Lat(ix + 1, iy)) +
(Vd(ix, iy) - Vd(ix - 1, iy)) / D(Lon(ix - 1, iy), Lat(ix - 1, iy), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
real dUdY(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return fillval;
if(iy == 0) return (Ud(ix, 1) - Ud(ix, 0)) / D(Lon(ix, 0), Lat(ix, 0), Lon(ix, 1), Lat(ix, 1));
if(iy == ny - 1) return (Ud(ix, ny - 1) - Ud(ix, ny - 2)) / D(Lon(ix, ny - 2), Lat(ix, ny - 2), Lon(ix, ny - 1), Lat(ix, ny - 1));
return 0.5 * ((Ud(ix, iy + 1) - Ud(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix, iy + 1), Lat(ix, iy + 1)) +
(Ud(ix, iy) - Ud(ix, iy - 1)) / D(Lon(ix, iy - 1), Lat(ix, iy - 1), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
real dVdY(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return fillval;
if(iy == 0) return (Vd(ix, 1) - Vd(ix, 0)) / D(Lon(ix, 0), Lat(ix, 0), Lon(ix, 1), Lat(ix, 1));
if(iy == ny - 1) return (Vd(ix, ny - 1) - Vd(ix, ny - 2)) / D(Lon(ix, ny - 2), Lat(ix, ny - 2), Lon(ix, ny - 1), Lat(ix, ny - 1));
return 0.5 * ((Vd(ix, iy + 1) - Vd(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix, iy + 1), Lat(ix, iy + 1)) +
(Vd(ix, iy) - Vd(ix, iy - 1)) / D(Lon(ix, iy - 1), Lat(ix, iy - 1), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
// For stationary points
real LonR(real x, [[maybe_unused]] real y) const { return x0 + x * xstep; }
real LatR([[maybe_unused]] real x, real y) const { return y0 + y * ystep; }
@ -93,12 +69,6 @@ class UVData
UVData() = default;
UVData(size_t nx_, size_t ny_, real x0_, real y0_, real xs_, real ys_, Metric m_ = Metric::SPHERIC):
x0(x0_), y0(y0_), nx(nx_), ny(ny_), xstep(xs_), ystep(ys_), u(nx_ * ny_), v(nx_ * ny_), metric(m_)
const real& U(size_t i) const { return u[i]; }
const real& V(size_t i) const { return v[i]; }
const real& U(size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return U(iy * nx + ix); }
@ -109,38 +79,188 @@ class UVData
real& U(size_t ix, size_t iy) { return U(iy * nx + ix); }
real& V(size_t ix, size_t iy) { return V(iy * nx + ix); }
const real& U2(size_t i) const { return u2[i]; }
const real& U2(size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return U2(iy * nx + ix); }
real& U2(size_t i) { return u2[i]; }
real& U2(size_t ix, size_t iy) { return U2(iy * nx + ix); }
size_t N() const { return u.size(); }
size_t Nx() const { return nx; }
size_t Ny() const { return ny; }
explicit operator bool() const { return N() != 0; }
bool IsCoast(size_t i) const { return U(i) == fillval || V(i) == fillval; }
bool IsCoast(size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return U(ix, iy) == fillval || V(ix, iy) == fillval; }
static real Fillval() { return fillval; }
template<class OneVarData, bool isgrid> class UVDataDims;
template<class OneVarData> class UVDataDims<OneVarData, true>: public UVDataStorage
real x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0;
real xstep = 0.0, ystep = 0.0;
void Resize(size_t sz)
UVDataDims() = default;
UVDataDims(const OneVarData& u, const OneVarData& v, Metric m = Metric::SPHERIC)
if(!(u && v))
*this = UVDataDims();
x0 = u.Lon(0);
y0 = u.Lat(0);
xstep = u.XStep();
ystep = u.YStep();
metric = m;
nx = u.Nx();
ny = u.Ny();
for(size_t i = 0; i < u.N(); i++)
if(u(i) == u.Fillval() || v(i) == v.Fillval())
U(i) = V(i) = U2(i) = Fillval();
U(i) = u(i);
V(i) = v(i);
U2(i) = u(i) * u(i) + v(i) * v(i);
real Lon(size_t ix, [[maybe_unused]] size_t iy) const { return x0 + ix * xstep; }
real Lat([[maybe_unused]] size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return y0 + iy * ystep; }
real Lon(size_t i) const { return Lon(i % nx, i / nx); }
real Lat(size_t i) const { return Lat(i % nx, i / nx); }
explicit operator bool() const { return N() != 0; }
template<class OneVarData> class UVDataDims<OneVarData, false>: public UVDataStorage
std::vector<real> lon, lat;
bool IsCoast(size_t i) const { return U(i) == fillval || V(i) == fillval; }
bool IsCoast(size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return U(ix, iy) == fillval || V(ix, iy) == fillval; }
void Resize(size_t sz)
static real Fillval() { return fillval; }
UVDataDims() = default;
UVDataDims(const OneVarData& u, const OneVarData& v, Metric m = Metric::SPHERIC)
if(!(u && v))
*this = UVDataDims();
metric = m;
nx = u.Nx();
ny = u.Ny();
for(size_t i = 0; i < u.N(); i++)
lon[i] = u.Lon(i);
lat[i] = u.Lat(i);
if(u(i) == u.Fillval() || v(i) == v.Fillval())
U(i) = V(i) = U2(i) = Fillval();
U(i) = u(i);
V(i) = v(i);
U2(i) = u(i) * u(i) + v(i) * v(i);
real Lon(size_t ix, [[maybe_unused]] size_t iy) const { return Lon(nx * iy + ix); }
real Lat([[maybe_unused]] size_t ix, size_t iy) const { return Lat(nx * iy + ix); }
real Lon(size_t i) const { return lon[i]; }
real Lat(size_t i) const { return lat[i]; }
template<class OneVarData> class UVData: public UVDataDims<OneVarData, internal::HaveXYStep<OneVarData>>
using B = UVDataDims<OneVarData, internal::HaveXYStep<OneVarData>>;
using B::Ud, B::Vd, B::nx, B::ny, B::D;
// For stationary points. Works only for meridian-parallel grids.
real LonR(size_t i, size_t j, real x, [[maybe_unused]] real y) const { return B::Lon(i, j) + x * (B::Lon(i + 1, j) - B::Lon(i, j)); }
real LatR(size_t i, size_t j, [[maybe_unused]] real x, real y) const { return B::Lat(i, j) + y * (B::Lat(i, j + 1) - B::Lat(i, j)); }
real dUdX(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return Fillval();
if(ix == 0) return (Ud(1, iy) - Ud(0, iy)) / D(Lon(0, iy), Lat(0, iy), Lon(1, iy), Lat(1, iy));
if(ix == nx - 1) return (Ud(nx - 1, iy) - Ud(nx - 2, iy)) / D(Lon(nx - 2, iy), Lat(nx - 2, iy), Lon(nx - 1, iy), Lat(nx - 1, iy));
return 0.5 * ((Ud(ix + 1, iy) - Ud(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix + 1, iy), Lat(ix + 1, iy)) +
(Ud(ix, iy) - Ud(ix - 1, iy)) / D(Lon(ix - 1, iy), Lat(ix - 1, iy), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
real dVdX(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return Fillval();
if(ix == 0) return (Vd(1, iy) - Vd(0, iy)) / D(Lon(0, iy), Lat(0, iy), Lon(1, iy), Lat(1, iy));
if(ix == nx - 1) return (Vd(nx - 1, iy) - Vd(nx - 2, iy)) / D(Lon(nx - 2, iy), Lat(nx - 2, iy), Lon(nx - 1, iy), Lat(nx - 1, iy));
return 0.5 * ((Vd(ix + 1, iy) - Vd(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix + 1, iy), Lat(ix + 1, iy)) +
(Vd(ix, iy) - Vd(ix - 1, iy)) / D(Lon(ix - 1, iy), Lat(ix - 1, iy), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
real dUdY(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return Fillval();
if(iy == 0) return (Ud(ix, 1) - Ud(ix, 0)) / D(Lon(ix, 0), Lat(ix, 0), Lon(ix, 1), Lat(ix, 1));
if(iy == ny - 1) return (Ud(ix, ny - 1) - Ud(ix, ny - 2)) / D(Lon(ix, ny - 2), Lat(ix, ny - 2), Lon(ix, ny - 1), Lat(ix, ny - 1));
return 0.5 * ((Ud(ix, iy + 1) - Ud(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix, iy + 1), Lat(ix, iy + 1)) +
(Ud(ix, iy) - Ud(ix, iy - 1)) / D(Lon(ix, iy - 1), Lat(ix, iy - 1), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
real dVdY(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(IsCoast(ix, iy)) return Fillval();
if(iy == 0) return (Vd(ix, 1) - Vd(ix, 0)) / D(Lon(ix, 0), Lat(ix, 0), Lon(ix, 1), Lat(ix, 1));
if(iy == ny - 1) return (Vd(ix, ny - 1) - Vd(ix, ny - 2)) / D(Lon(ix, ny - 2), Lat(ix, ny - 2), Lon(ix, ny - 1), Lat(ix, ny - 1));
return 0.5 * ((Vd(ix, iy + 1) - Vd(ix, iy)) / D(Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy), Lon(ix, iy + 1), Lat(ix, iy + 1)) +
(Vd(ix, iy) - Vd(ix, iy - 1)) / D(Lon(ix, iy - 1), Lat(ix, iy - 1), Lon(ix, iy), Lat(ix, iy)));
using B::Fillval, B::IsCoast, B::Lon, B::Lat, B::U, B::V, B::Nx, B::Ny;
UVData() = default;
UVData(const OneVarData& u, const OneVarData& v, Metric m = Metric::SPHERIC): B(u, v, m) {}
real Div(size_t i) const { return Div(i % nx, i / nx); }
real Rot(size_t i) const { return Rot(i % nx, i / nx); }
real Div(size_t i) const { return Div(i % nx, i / B::nx); }
real Rot(size_t i) const { return Rot(i % nx, i / B::nx); }
real Div(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(!*this) return 0.0;
real ux = dUdX(ix, iy);
real vy = dVdY(ix, iy);
return (ux == fillval || vy == fillval) ? fillval : (ux + vy);
return (ux == Fillval() || vy == Fillval()) ? Fillval() : (ux + vy);
real Rot(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
if(!*this) return 0.0;
real vx = dVdX(ix, iy);
real uy = dUdY(ix, iy);
return (vx == fillval || uy == fillval) ? fillval : (vx - uy);
return (vx == Fillval() || uy == Fillval()) ? Fillval() : (vx - uy);
// Okubo-Weiss parameter
real OW(size_t i) const { return OW(i % nx, i / nx); }
@ -152,7 +272,7 @@ class UVData
real vx = dVdX(ix, iy);
real vy = dVdY(ix, iy);
if(ux == fillval || uy == fillval || vx == fillval || vy == fillval) return fillval;
if(ux == Fillval() || uy == Fillval() || vx == Fillval() || vy == Fillval()) return Fillval();
real sn = ux - vy;
real ss = vx + uy;
@ -162,7 +282,7 @@ class UVData
auto StablePoints(size_t ix, size_t iy) const
std::vector<struct StPoint> points;
std::vector<struct B::StPoint> points;
if(!*this) return points;
if(ix >= Nx() - 1 || iy >= Ny() - 1) return points;
if(IsCoast(ix, iy) || IsCoast(ix + 1, iy) || IsCoast(ix, iy + 1) || IsCoast(ix + 1, iy + 1)) return points;
@ -202,24 +322,24 @@ class UVData
if(des > 0.0)
if(std::max(-b + Sqrt(des), -b - Sqrt(des)) > 0.0 && c > 0.0)
return UKNOT;
return UVDataStorage::UKNOT;
else if(std::max(-b + Sqrt(des), -b - Sqrt(des)) > 0.0)
return SADDLE;
return UVDataStorage::SADDLE;
return SKNOT;
return UVDataStorage::SKNOT;
bool acyclcrit = (av * y + cv > 0.0);
if(b < 0.0)
return acyclcrit ? SACICFOCUS : SCICFOCUS;
return acyclcrit ? UVDataStorage::SACICFOCUS : UVDataStorage::SCICFOCUS;
return acyclcrit ? UACICFOCUS : UCICFOCUS;
return acyclcrit ? UVDataStorage::UACICFOCUS : UVDataStorage::UCICFOCUS;
if(x1 >= 0.0 && x1 < 1.0 && y1 >= 0.0 && y1 < 1.0) points.emplace_back(LonR(x1 + ix, y1 + iy), LatR(x1 + ix, y1 + iy), PointType(x1, y1));
if(x2 >= 0.0 && x2 < 1.0 && y2 >= 0.0 && y2 < 1.0) points.emplace_back(LonR(x2 + ix, y2 + iy), LatR(x2 + ix, y2 + iy), PointType(x2, y2));
if(x1 >= 0.0 && x1 < 1.0 && y1 >= 0.0 && y1 < 1.0) points.emplace_back(LonR(ix, iy, x1, y1), LatR(ix, iy, x1, y1), PointType(x1, y1));
if(x2 >= 0.0 && x2 < 1.0 && y2 >= 0.0 && y2 < 1.0) points.emplace_back(LonR(ix, iy, x2, y2), LatR(ix, iy, x2, y2), PointType(x2, y2));
return points;


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 4294181cfe0dae07f8c46bc3c3c1ea86f377eae8
Subproject commit a2105413f8a10e8695c85706487d4db5d2f54a61


@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
#include "AVISOLOCAL.h"
MString AVISOLOCALData::Info() const
if(!isOk()) return "";
NCFileA nc;
struct CoordNames cn, dn;
std::set<MString> vars;
nc.Reset(datapath + "/uv-" + times[0].ToString() + ".nc");
if(!nc) return "Can't open file " + datapath + "/uv-" + times[0].ToString() + ".nc";
GetVars(nc, vars);
dn = GetDNames(nc);
cn = GetCNames(nc);
MString svars;
bool first = true;
for(const auto& v: vars)
svars += (first ? "" : ", ") + v;
first = false;
auto lons = nc.VR(cn.lonname);
auto lats = nc.VR(cn.latname);
if(!(lons && lats)) return "Can't get longitudes/latitudes";
real lonb = lons(0);
real latb = lats(0);
real lone = lons(dn.nx - 1);
real late = lats(dn.ny - 1);
real lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (dn.nx - 1);
real latstep = (late - latb) / (dn.ny - 1);
// clang-format off
"Dataset: " + Title() + "\n" +
" Begin date: " + Time(0).ToString() + "\n" +
" End date: " + Time(NTimes()-1).ToString() + "\n" +
" Time step: " + Timestep() + " seconds\n" +
" Time moments: " + NTimes() + "\n" +
" Region: (" + lonb + " : " + lone + ") x (" + latb + " : " + late + ")\n" +
" Grid: " + dn.nx + "x" + dn.ny + " (" + lonstep + " x " + latstep + ")\n" +
" Supported variables: " + svars;
// clang-format on
MString AVISOLOCALData::Open(const CLArgs& args)
datapath = GPL.ParameterSValue("Datapath", "");
RegExp regex("uv-([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).nc");
DIR* dir = opendir(datapath.Buf());
struct dirent* de;
if(nullptr == dir) return "Can't open directory " + datapath;
while((de = readdir(dir)))
if(!regex.Match(de->d_name)) continue;
times.emplace_back(MString(de->d_name + regex.Off(1), regex.Len(1)));
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end());
return "";
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> AVISOLOCALData::Parameters(michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) const
std::unique_ptr<struct Parameters> ppar{new struct Parameters};
if(!(args.contains("lonb") && args.contains("lone") && args.contains("latb") && args.contains("late"))) return {nullptr, "Region not specified (lonb, lone, latb, late)"};
ppar->lonb ="lonb").ToReal();
ppar->lone ="lone").ToReal();
ppar->latb ="latb").ToReal();
ppar->late ="late").ToReal();
pars.SetParameter("lonb", ppar->lonb);
pars.SetParameter("latb", ppar->latb);
pars.SetParameter("lone", ppar->lone);
pars.SetParameter("late", ppar->late);
return {ppar.release(), ""};
AVISOLOCALData::Data AVISOLOCALData::Read(const MString& vname, const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const
if(!isOk()) return Data();
auto p = dynamic_cast<const struct Parameters*>(ip);
NCFileA nc;
MString name = "";
bool isfloat = false, isint2 = false, isint4 = false;
nc.Reset(datapath + "/uv-" + times[i].ToString() + ".nc");
if(!nc) return Data();
auto head = nc.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
auto stname = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
if(!stname) continue;
if(StName2Name(stname) == vname)
name = v.Name();
isint2 = v.Type().Id() == NC_SHORT;
isint4 = v.Type().Id() == NC_INT;
isfloat = v.Type().Id() == NC_FLOAT;
if(!name.Exist()) // Conversion read
// U and U2 from u and v
if(vname == "U" || vname == "U2")
bool square = vname == "U2";
auto u = Read("u", ip, i);
auto v = Read("v", ip, i);
if(!(u && v)) return Data();
auto out = u;
for(size_t ind = 0; ind < out.N(); ind++)
if(u.IsFill(ind) || v.IsFill(ind))
out.V(ind) = out.Fillval();
out.V(ind) = square ? (u(ind) * u(ind) + v(ind) * v(ind)) : michlib::Hypot(u(ind), v(ind));
return out;
return Data();
// Direct read
if(isint2) return ReadVarRaw<int2>(nc, name, p);
if(isint4) return ReadVarRaw<int4>(nc, name, p);
if(isfloat) return ReadVarRaw<float>(nc, name, p);
return Data();
template<class DataType> AVISOLOCALData::Data AVISOLOCALData::ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& name, const struct AVISOLOCALData::Parameters* p) const
real unitmul = 1.0;
DataType fill;
real offset = 0.0, scale = 1.0;
auto a_fill = nc.A<DataType>(name, "_FillValue");
auto a_offset_d = nc.A<double>(name, "add_offset");
auto a_scale_d = nc.A<double>(name, "scale_factor");
auto a_offset_f = nc.A<float>(name, "add_offset");
auto a_scale_f = nc.A<float>(name, "scale_factor");
if(!a_fill) return Data();
fill = a_fill;
if(a_offset_d) offset = a_offset_d;
if(a_scale_d) scale = a_scale_d;
if(a_offset_f) offset = a_offset_f;
if(a_scale_f) scale = a_scale_f;
auto cn = GetCNames(nc);
auto dn = GetDNames(nc);
auto lons = nc.VR(cn.lonname);
auto lats = nc.VR(cn.latname);
if(!(lons && lats)) return Data();
auto lonb = lons(0);
auto latb = lats(0);
auto lone = lons(dn.nx - 1);
auto late = lats(dn.ny - 1);
auto lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (dn.nx - 1);
auto latstep = (late - latb) / (dn.ny - 1);
auto dom = DetGeoDomain(lonb, lone);
real lon1 = ToGeoDomain(p->lonb, dom);
real lon2 = ToGeoDomain(p->lone, dom);
real lat1 = p->latb;
real lat2 = p->late;
// Special case when the longitude lies in a small sector between the end and the start
if(lon1 < lonb) lon1 = lone;
if(lon2 > lone) lon2 = lonb;
auto yb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lat1 - latb) / latstep));
auto ye = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lat2 - latb) / latstep));
if(ye > dn.ny - 1) ye = dn.ny - 1;
if(yb >= ye) return Data();
auto xb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lon1 - lonb) / lonstep));
auto xe = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lon2 - lonb) / lonstep));
if(xb == xe) return Data();
auto unit = nc.A<MString>(name, "units");
if(unit && (unit.Get() == "m s-1" || unit.Get() == "m/s")) unitmul = 100.0;
Data data((xb < xe) ? (xe - xb + 1) : (dn.nx + xe - xb + 1), ye - yb + 1, lons(xb), lats(yb), lonstep, latstep);
if(xb < xe)
auto var = nc.V<DataType>(name, {dn.lonname, xb, xe - xb + 1}, {dn.latname, yb, ye - yb + 1});
if(!var) return Data();
if(var.DimLen(0) != data.Nx() || var.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data();
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var(ix, iy);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
auto var1 = nc.V<DataType>(name, {dn.lonname, xb}, {dn.latname, yb, ye - yb + 1});
auto var2 = nc.V<DataType>(name, {dn.lonname, 0, xe + 1}, {dn.latname, yb, ye - yb + 1});
if(!(var1 && var2)) return Data();
if((var1.DimLen(0) + var2.DimLen(0)) != data.Nx() || var1.DimLen(1) != data.Ny() || var2.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data();
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var1.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var1.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var1(ix, iy);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var2.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var2.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var2(ix, iy);
data(ix + var1.DimLen(0), iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
return data;


@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#include "BINFILE.h"
MString BINFILEData::Info() const
if(!isOk()) return "";
michlib_internal::ParameterListEx pars;
MString title = pars.ParameterSValue("DataSource", "no information");
MString lonb = pars.ParameterSValue("lonb", "");
MString lone = pars.ParameterSValue("lone", "");
MString latb = pars.ParameterSValue("latb", "");
MString late = pars.ParameterSValue("late", "");
MString dataid = pars.ParameterSValue("DataID", "no information");
// clang-format off
"Dataset: " + title + "\n" +
" DataId: " + dataid + "\n" +
" Begin date: " + Time(0).ToString() + "\n" +
" End date: " + Time(NTimes()-1).ToString() + "\n" +
" Time step: " + Timestep() + " seconds\n" +
" Time moments: " + NTimes() + "\n" +
" Region: (" + lonb + " : " + lone + ") x (" + latb + " : " + late + ")\n" +
" Grid: " + data->Nx() + "x" + data->Ny() + "\n" +
" Supported variables: u, v, U2";
// clang-format on
MString BINFILEData::Open(const CLArgs& args)
datapath = GPL.ParameterSValue("Datapath", "");
MString dataset = args.contains("dataset") ?"dataset") : "";
if(!dataset.Exist()) return "No data file";
MString file;
RegExp regex("^[0-9a-f]{64}$");
file = michlib::FindFileByID(datapath, dataset);
file = (dataset[0] != '/') ? (datapath + "/" + dataset) : dataset;
data.reset(new michlib::IntData);
if(!data->Open(file)) return "Can't open file " + file;
for(size_t it = 0; it < data->Nt(); it++) times.push_back(data->Date(it));
return "";
BINFILEData::Data BINFILEData::Read(const MString& vname, size_t i) const
if(!isOk()) return Data();
// Only rectangular grids are supported
real xs = (data->Lon(data->Nx() - 1, data->Ny() - 1) - data->Lon(0, 0)) / (data->Nx() - 1);
real ys = (data->Lat(data->Nx() - 1, data->Ny() - 1) - data->Lat(0, 0)) / (data->Ny() - 1);
Data out(data->Nx(), data->Ny(), data->Lon(0, 0), data->Lat(0, 0), xs, ys);
// U and U2 from u and v
if(vname == "U" || vname == "U2")
bool square = vname == "U2";
auto u = Read("u", i);
auto v = Read("v", i);
if(!(u && v)) return Data();
auto out = u;
for(size_t ind = 0; ind < out.N(); ind++)
if(u.IsFill(ind) || v.IsFill(ind))
out.V(ind) = out.Fillval();
out.V(ind) = square ? (u(ind) * u(ind) + v(ind) * v(ind)) : michlib::Hypot(u(ind), v(ind));
return out;
if(vname == "u" || vname == "v")
bool isu = vname == "u";
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < data->Nx(); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < data->Ny(); iy++)
if(data->IsOk(ix, iy, i))
out.V(ix, iy) = isu ? data->Ur(ix, iy, i) : data->Vr(ix, iy, i);
out.V(ix, iy) = out.Fillval();
return out;


@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "ParseArgs.h"
using michlib::SList;
CLArgs ParseArgs(int argc, char** argv)
CLArgs out;


@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#include "odm.h"
MString Data::ActionInfo(const CLArgs& args)
MString info = std::visit(
[](const auto& arg) -> auto
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr(InfoSupported<T>)
return arg.Info();
return MString();
if(!info.Exist()) return "Unsupported combination of action and source";
return "";


@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
#include "GPL.h"
#include "odm.h"
MString Data::ActionTsc(const CLArgs& args)
if(args.contains("time") && (args.contains("timeb") || args.contains("timee"))) return "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter but not via both";
if(!(args.contains("time") || (args.contains("timeb") && args.contains("timee")))) return "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter";
michlib_internal::ParameterListEx pars;
TIndex tindexes;
tindexes = GetTIndexes("time")); // Regular expression or single date
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return "There are no times matching the regular expression";
if(tindexes.size() == 1)
pars.SetParameter("time", Time(tindexes[0]).ToString());
MDateTime tb("timeb")), te("timee"));
tindexes = GetTIndexes(tb, te);
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return "There are no times between " + tb.ToString() + " and " + te.ToString();
pars.SetParameter("timeb", tb.ToString());
pars.SetParameter("timee", te.ToString());
if(!args.contains("var")) return "Variable not specified";
MString vname ="var");
if(!CheckVar(vname)) return "Variable " + vname + " not exists in this dataset";
pars.SetParameter("variable", vname);
std::unique_ptr<const BaseParameters> sourcepars;
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> ppar = std::visit(
[&pars = pars, &args = args](const auto& arg) -> std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString>
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<T>)
return arg.Parameters(pars, args);
return {nullptr, ""};
if(ppar.second.Exist()) return ppar.second;
auto p = sourcepars.get();
size_t ind;
auto read = [&vname = std::as_const(vname), p = p, &ind = ind](const auto& arg) -> BaseData
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<T> && ReadPSupported<T>)
return arg.Read(vname, p, ind);
else if constexpr(!ParametersSupported<T> && ReadSupported<T>)
return arg.Read(vname, ind);
return BaseData();
BaseData data;
if(tindexes.size() == 1)
ind = tindexes[0];
michlib::message("Time: " + Time(ind).ToTString());
data = std::visit(read, *this);
Averager<BaseData> out;
bool ok = true;
for(size_t i = 0; i < tindexes.size(); i++)
if(!ok) break;
ind = tindexes[i];
michlib::message("Time: " + Time(ind).ToTString());
auto dat = std::visit(read, *this);
ok = false;
if(ok) data = out.Div();
if(!data) return "Can't read data";
BFileW fw;
MString name = args.contains("out") ?"out") : "";
if(!name.Exist()) name = "out.bin";
fw.Create(name, 3);
fw.SetColumnName(1, "Longitude");
fw.SetColumnName(2, "Latitude");
fw.SetColumnName(3, vname);
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.N(); i++)
fw.Write(data(i) == data.Fillval() ? NAN : data(i));
return "";


@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#include "basedata.h"
BaseParameters::~BaseParameters() {}


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#include "data.h"
MString Data::Init(const CLArgs& args)
MString src = args.contains("source") ?"source") : "";
if(!src.Exist()) return "No source specified";
if(src == "NEMO")
NEMOData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
else if(src == "AVISO")
AVISOData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
else if(src == "AVISOLOCAL")
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
else if(src == "HYCOM")
HYCOMData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
else if(src == "BINFILE")
BINFILEData data;
auto res = data.Open(args);
if(res.Exist()) return "Can't open source " + src + ":\n" + res;
*this = Data(std::move(data));
return "Unknown source: " + src;
return "";


@ -8,22 +8,7 @@ MString LayeredData::Info() const
for(size_t i = 0; i < NDepths(); i++) d += MString(" ") + "(" + i + " " + Depth(i) + ")";
std::set<MString> vars;
for(const auto& f: nc)
auto head = f->Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
auto ret = f->A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
if(!ret) continue;
if(StName2Name(ret).Exist()) vars.emplace(StName2Name(ret));
if((vars.contains("ptemp") || vars.contains("temp")) && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("pdens");
if(vars.contains("ptemp") && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("temp");
if(vars.contains("temp") && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("ptemp");
if(vars.contains("u") && vars.contains("v")) vars.emplace("U");
if(vars.contains("u") && vars.contains("v")) vars.emplace("U2");
for(const auto& f: nc) GetVars(f.Get(), vars);
MString svars;
@ -43,7 +28,7 @@ MString LayeredData::Info() const
" Time step: " + Timestep() + " seconds\n" +
" Time moments: " + NTimes() + "\n" +
" Region: (" + lonb + " : " + lone + ") x (" + latb + " : " + late + ")\n" +
" Grid: " + nx + "x" + ny + " (" + lonstep + " x " + latstep + ")\n" +
" Grid: " + dname.nx + "x" + dname.ny + " (" + lonstep + " x " + latstep + ")\n" +
" Depths:" + d + "\n" +
" Supported variables: " + svars;
// clang-format on
@ -69,12 +54,6 @@ MString LayeredData::Open(const MString& dataset)
return "Can't connect to url " + url;
MString ret = nc.back().ReadTimes();
return "Can't connect to url " + url + ": " + ret;
@ -82,60 +61,66 @@ MString LayeredData::Open(const MString& dataset)
if(nc.size() == 0) return "No urls for dataset " + dataset + " specified in config";
auto head = nc[0]->Header();
lonname = latname = "";
for(const auto& dim: head.Dimensions())
dname = GetDNames(nc[0].Get());
if(!(dname.lonname.Exist() && dname.latname.Exist()))
if(dim.Name() == "lon" || dim.Name() == "longitude")
lonname = dim.Name();
nx = dim.Len();
if(dim.Name() == "lat" || dim.Name() == "latitude")
latname = dim.Name();
ny = dim.Len();
return "Can't find longitude/latitude";
if(!(lonname.Exist() && latname.Exist()))
return "Can't find longitude/latitude";
return "Can't find time";
auto cn = GetCNames(nc[0].Get());
// Read times
for(auto& f: nc)
for(const auto& f: nc) times.insert(times.end(), f.Times().begin(), f.Times().end());
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end());
auto last = std::unique(times.begin(), times.end());
times.erase(last, times.end());
MString ret = f.ReadTimes(cn.timename);
return ret;
times.insert(times.end(), f.Times().begin(), f.Times().end());
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end());
auto last = std::unique(times.begin(), times.end());
times.erase(last, times.end());
auto rdepths = nc[0]->VR("depth");
auto rdepths = nc[0]->VR(cn.depthname);
return "Can't read depths";
for(size_t i = 0; i < depths.size(); i++) depths[i] = rdepths(i);
else // Surface only data
depths[0] = 0;
auto lons = nc[0]->VR(lonname);
auto lats = nc[0]->VR(latname);
auto lons = nc[0]->VR(cn.lonname);
auto lats = nc[0]->VR(cn.latname);
if(!(lons && lats))
return "Can't get longitudes/latitudes";
lonb = lons(0);
latb = lats(0);
lone = lons(nx - 1);
late = lats(ny - 1);
lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (nx - 1);
latstep = (late - latb) / (ny - 1);
lone = lons(dname.nx - 1);
late = lats(dname.ny - 1);
lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (dname.nx - 1);
latstep = (late - latb) / (dname.ny - 1);
return "";
@ -144,7 +129,7 @@ std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> LayeredData::Parameters(michlib_intern
std::unique_ptr<struct Parameters> ppar{new struct Parameters};
if(args.contains("layer")) ppar->layer ="layer").ToInteger<size_t>();
ppar->layer = args.contains("layer") ?"layer").ToInteger<size_t>() : 0;
if(!args.contains("depth") && ppar->layer >= NDepths()) return {nullptr, MString("Layer ") + ppar->layer + " is too deep!"};
real depth = args.contains("depth") ?"depth").ToReal() : Depth(ppar->layer);
@ -157,9 +142,13 @@ std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> LayeredData::Parameters(michlib_intern
real lat1 ="latb").ToReal();
real lat2 ="late").ToReal();
// Special case when the longitude lies in a small sector between the end and the start
if(lon1 < lonb) lon1 = lone;
if(lon2 > lone) lon2 = lonb;
ppar->yb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lat1 - latb) / latstep));
ppar->ye = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lat2 - latb) / latstep));
if(ppar->ye > ny - 1) ppar->ye = ny - 1;
if(ppar->ye > dname.ny - 1) ppar->ye = dname.ny - 1;
if(ppar->yb >= ppar->ye) return {nullptr, "Latb must be lesser then late"};
ppar->xb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lon1 - lonb) / lonstep));
@ -277,34 +266,14 @@ LayeredData::Data LayeredData::Read(const MString& vname, const BaseParameters*
if(v.Dimensions().size() == 3) nodepth = true;
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_SHORT) return ReadVarRaw<int2>(nc[id], name, tid, nodepth, p);
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_INT) return ReadVarRaw<int>(nc[id], name, tid, nodepth, p);
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_FLOAT) return ReadVarRaw<float>(nc[id], name, tid, nodepth, p);
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_DOUBLE) return ReadVarRaw<double>(nc[id], name, tid, nodepth, p);
return Data();
UVData LayeredData::ReadUV(const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const
if(!isOk()) return UVData();
auto u = Read("u", ip, i);
auto v = Read("v", ip, i);
if(!(u && v)) return UVData();
UVData out{u.Nx(), u.Ny(), u.Lon(0, 0), u.Lat(0, 0), lonstep, latstep};
for(size_t i = 0; i < out.N(); i++)
if(u(i) == Data::Fillval() || v(i) == Data::Fillval())
out.U(i) = out.V(i) = UVData::Fillval();
out.U(i) = u(i);
out.V(i) = v(i);
return out;
template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NC& f, const MString& name, size_t i, bool nodepth, const struct LayeredData::Parameters* p) const
real unitmul = 1.0;
@ -317,8 +286,15 @@ template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NC& f,
auto a_scale_d = f->A<double>(name, "scale_factor");
auto a_offset_f = f->A<float>(name, "add_offset");
auto a_scale_f = f->A<float>(name, "scale_factor");
if(!a_fill) return Data();
fill = a_fill;
fill = a_fill;
if constexpr(std::is_floating_point_v<DataType>)
fill = NAN;
fill = -1;
if(a_offset_d) offset = a_offset_d;
if(a_scale_d) scale = a_scale_d;
if(a_offset_f) offset = a_offset_f;
@ -328,12 +304,13 @@ template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NC& f,
auto unit = f->A<MString>(name, "units");
if(unit && (unit.Get() == "m s-1" || unit.Get() == "m/s")) unitmul = 100.0;
Data data((p->xb < p->xe) ? (p->xe - p->xb + 1) : (nx + p->xe - p->xb + 1), p->ye - p->yb + 1, Lon(p->xb), Lat(p->yb), lonstep, latstep);
Data data((p->xb < p->xe) ? (p->xe - p->xb + 1) : (dname.nx + p->xe - p->xb + 1), p->ye - p->yb + 1, Lon(p->xb), Lat(p->yb), lonstep, latstep);
if(p->xb < p->xe)
auto var = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1})
: f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1});
auto var =
nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {dname.lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {dname.latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {dname.timename, i, 1})
: f->V<DataType>(name, {dname.lonname, p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {dname.latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {dname.timename, i, 1}, {dname.depthname, p->layer, 1});
if(!var) return Data();
if(var.DimLen(0) != data.Nx() || var.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data();
@ -341,28 +318,28 @@ template<class DataType> LayeredData::Data LayeredData::ReadVarRaw(const NC& f,
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var(ix, iy);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill || isnan(v)) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
auto var1 = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1})
: f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, p->xb}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1});
auto var2 = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1})
: f->V<DataType>(name, {lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1});
auto var1 = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {dname.lonname, p->xb}, {dname.latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {dname.timename, i, 1})
: f->V<DataType>(name, {dname.lonname, p->xb}, {dname.latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {dname.timename, i, 1}, {dname.depthname, p->layer, 1});
auto var2 = nodepth ? f->V<DataType>(name, {dname.lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {dname.latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {dname.timename, i, 1})
: f->V<DataType>(name, {dname.lonname, 0, p->xe + 1}, {dname.latname, p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {dname.timename, i, 1}, {dname.depthname, p->layer, 1});
if(!(var1 && var2)) return Data();
if((var1.DimLen(0) + var2.DimLen(0)) != data.Nx() || var1.DimLen(1) != data.Ny() || var2.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data();
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var1.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var1.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var1(ix, iy);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill || isnan(v)) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var2.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var2.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var2(ix, iy);
data(ix + var1.DimLen(0), iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
data(ix + var1.DimLen(0), iy) = (v == fill || isnan(v)) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
return data;


@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#include "ncfuncs.h"
NCFuncs::CoordNames NCFuncs::GetDNames(const NCFileA& nc)
CoordNames out;
auto head = nc.Header();
for(const auto& dim: head.Dimensions())
if(dim.Name() == "lon" || dim.Name() == "longitude")
out.lonname = dim.Name();
out.nx = dim.Len();
if(dim.Name() == "lat" || dim.Name() == "latitude")
out.latname = dim.Name();
out.ny = dim.Len();
if(dim.Name() == "depth")
out.depthname = dim.Name(); = dim.Len();
if(dim.Name() == "time")
out.timename = dim.Name();
out.nt = dim.Len();
return out;
NCFuncs::CoordNames NCFuncs::GetCNames(const NCFileA& nc)
CoordNames out;
auto head = nc.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables()) // Try to define coordinates by attribute standard_name or attribute axis
auto stname = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
auto axis = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "axis");
bool islon = false, islat = false, isdepth = false, istime = false;
if(!(stname || axis)) continue;
if(stname && stname.Get() == "longitude") islon = true;
if(stname && stname.Get() == "latitude") islat = true;
if(stname && stname.Get() == "depth") isdepth = true;
if(stname && stname.Get() == "time") istime = true;
if(!out.lonname.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "X") islon = true;
if(!out.latname.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "Y") islat = true;
if(!out.depthname.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "Z") isdepth = true;
if(!out.timename.Exist() && axis && axis.Get() == "T") istime = true;
if(islon) out.lonname = v.Name();
if(islat) out.latname = v.Name();
if(isdepth) out.depthname = v.Name();
if(istime) out.timename = v.Name();
if(islon) out.nx = v.Dimensions().size();
if(islat) out.ny = v.Dimensions().size();
if(isdepth) = v.Dimensions().size();
if(istime) out.nt = v.Dimensions().size();
return out;
void NCFuncs::GetVars(const NCFileA& nc, std::set<MString>& vars)
auto head = nc.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
auto ret = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
if(!ret) continue;
if(StName2Name(ret).Exist()) vars.emplace(StName2Name(ret));
if((vars.contains("ptemp") || vars.contains("temp")) && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("pdens");
if(vars.contains("ptemp") && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("temp");
if(vars.contains("temp") && vars.contains("sal")) vars.emplace("ptemp");
if(vars.contains("u") && vars.contains("v")) vars.emplace("U");
if(vars.contains("u") && vars.contains("v")) vars.emplace("U2");
std::tuple<MDateTime, time_t, bool> NCFuncs::Refdate(const MString& refdate)
MDateTime out;
time_t step = 0;
MString rstr;
auto words = michlib::Split_on_words(refdate);
auto ci = words.begin();
if(ci != words.end())
if(*ci == "hours") step = 3600;
if(*ci == "days") step = 3600 * 24;
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "since"
if(ci != words.end()) rstr = *ci; // Day
if(ci != words.end()) ci++;
if(ci != words.end()) rstr += " " + *ci; // Hours
bool success = out.FromString(rstr);
return {out, step, success};
MString NCFuncs::StName2Name(const MString& stname)
if(stname == "sea_water_potential_temperature") return "ptemp";
if(stname == "sea_water_temperature") return "temp";
if(stname == "sea_water_salinity") return "sal";
if(stname == "ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta") return "mld";
if(stname == "sea_surface_height_above_geoid") return "ssh";
if(stname == "sea_surface_elevation") return "ssh";
if(stname == "eastward_sea_water_velocity") return "u";
if(stname == "northward_sea_water_velocity") return "v";
if(stname == "surface_geostrophic_eastward_sea_water_velocity") return "u";
if(stname == "surface_geostrophic_northward_sea_water_velocity") return "v";
if(stname == "upward_sea_water_velocity") return "w";
return "";
bool NCFuncs::HaveVar(const NCFileA& nc, const MString& vname)
auto head = nc.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
auto stname = nc.A<MString>(v.Name(), "standard_name");
if(!stname) continue;
if(StName2Name(stname) == vname) return true;
return false;
template<class HV> bool NCFuncs::CheckVar(const MString& vname, HV hv)
bool varexist = false;
if(vname == "temp" && hv("ptemp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true;
if(vname == "ptemp" && hv("temp") && hv("sal")) varexist = true;
if(vname == "pdens" && (hv("ptemp") || hv("temp")) && hv("sal")) varexist = true;
if((vname == "U" || vname == "U2") && hv("u") && hv("v")) varexist = true;
if(!varexist) return false;
return true;


@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ inline void Usage(const MString& arg0)
message(arg0 + " (<key>=<value>...)");
message("Keys are:");
message(" action. What the program should do. May be: info, tsc, uv. Default: tsc.");
message(" action. What the program should do. May be: info, tsc, uv. Default: info.");
message(" Keys for action=info. Print some information about dataset.");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO, HYCOM, AVISO");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO, HYCOM, AVISO, AVISOLOCAL, BINFILE");
message(" Keys for source=NEMO");
message(" dataset. Can be DT, NRT or NRT6. Default: DT");
message(" Keys for source=HYCOM");
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ inline void Usage(const MString& arg0)
message(" Keys for source=AVISO");
message(" dataset. Can be DT, NRT, EckmanDT or EckmanNRT. Default: DT");
message(" Keys for action=tsc. Get temperature, salinity, chlorofill from dataset.");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO, HYCOM, AVISO");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO, HYCOM, AVISO, AVISOLOCAL, BINFILE");
message(" var. Required. May be: U, U2, u, v, temp, ptemp, pdens, sal, chl, mld, ssh or w.");
message(" time. Time moment or regular expression. If present, timeb and timee must be absent");
message(" timeb, timee. Time interval. If present, time must be absent");
@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ inline void Usage(const MString& arg0)
message(" Keys for source=AVISO");
message(" dataset. Can be DT, NRT, EckmanDT or EckmanNRT. Default: DT");
message(" layer and/or depth. Layer or depth of AVISO dataset. If depth is specified, layer is ignored. Both ignored for datasets DT and NRT. Default: layer=0");
message(" Keys for source=BINFILE");
message(" dataset. Path or DataID of interpolation file");
message(" Keys for action=uv. Get velocity field and its derivatives.");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO, HYCOM, AVISO");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO, HYCOM, AVISO, AVISOLOCAL, BINFILE");
message(" time. Time moment or regular expression. If present, timeb and timee must be absent");
message(" timeb, timee. Time interval. If present, time must be absent");
message(" out. Output file for components of velocity field, divergency, rotor and Okubo-Weiss parameter. If absent, this data not calculated.");
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto args = ParseArgs(argc, argv);
MString action = args.contains("action") ? args["action"] : "tsc";
MString action = args.contains("action") ? args["action"] : "info";
Data data;
@ -61,22 +63,32 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 1;
MString ret;
if(action == "info")
ret = data.ActionInfo(args);
else if(action == "tsc")
ret = data.ActionTsc(args);
else if(action == "uv")
args["var"] = "U";
ret = data.ActionUV(args);
Action act;
errmessage("Unknown action " + action);
return 1;
auto ret = act.Init(args);
return 1;
auto ret = std::visit(
[&act = std::as_const(act), &args = std::as_const(args)](auto& arg)
using DT = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
return std::visit(
[&data = arg, &args = std::as_const(args)](const auto& arg)
using AT = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr(IsActionSupported<DT, AT::action>)
return DoAction<AT::action>(args, data);
return MString("Unsupported combination of action and source");
