5 changed files with 216 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include "actioninterpolate2d.h" |
InterpolateMethods::Mode InterpolateMethods::GetMode(const CLArgs& args) |
{ |
MString mode = args.contains("mode") ? args.at("mode") : "vylet_start"; |
if(mode == "vylet_start") return Mode::VYLETSTART; |
if(mode == "vylet_end") return Mode::VYLETEND; |
return Mode::INVALID; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#pragma once |
#include "BFileR.h" |
#include "actiondep.h" |
//using michlib::message;
class InterpolateMethods |
{ |
protected: |
enum class Mode |
{ |
}; |
struct DataPoint |
{ |
real lon, lat; |
MDateTime t; |
}; |
class VyletFile |
{ |
michlib::BFileR fr; |
bool invtime; |
bool usestart; |
MDateTime beg, end, t0; |
michlib::CompiledParser xy2lon, xy2lat; |
real x, y; |
public: |
MString Open(const MString& name, Mode mode); |
}; |
static Mode GetMode(const CLArgs& args); |
}; |
ADD_ACTION(Interpolate, interpolate, CanInterpolate2D<Source>, InterpolateMethods); |
template<class D> MString ActionInterpolate::DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& ds) |
{ |
Mode mode = GetMode(args); |
if(mode == Mode::INVALID) return "Unknown mode"; |
if(!args.contains("in")) return "No vylet data file specified"; |
MString in = args.at("in"); |
if(!args.contains("out")) return "No output file specified"; |
MString out = args.at("out"); |
michlib::BFileR fr; |
if(fr.Open(in) != ERR_NOERR) return "Can't open file " + in; |
std::vector<struct DataPoint> datapoints; |
{ |
bool invtime; |
{ |
fr.UsePrefix(""); |
MString method = fr.ParameterSValue("Method", ""); |
if(method == "Bicubic" || method == "BicubicL") |
invtime = false; |
else if(method == "BicubicI" || method == "BicubicIL") |
invtime = true; |
else |
return "Unknown method in the file " + in; |
} |
MDateTime beg, end; |
{ |
fr.UsePrefix("Datafile_Info"); |
MString s; |
s = fr.ParameterSValue("BeginDate", ""); |
beg.FromString(s); |
s = fr.ParameterSValue("EndDate", ""); |
end.FromString(s); |
} |
MDateTime t0; |
{ |
fr.UsePrefix(""); |
auto tbeg = static_cast<time_t>(fr.ParameterRValue("tbeg", 0.0) * 86400); |
if(invtime) |
{ |
t0 = end; |
t0.AddSeconds(-tbeg); |
} |
else |
{ |
t0 = beg; |
t0.AddSeconds(tbeg); |
} |
} |
michlib::CompiledParser xy2lon, xy2lat; |
real x, y; |
michlib::ParserVars pv; |
pv["x"] = &x; |
pv["y"] = &y; |
fr.UsePrefix("Datafile_Info"); |
if(!ArifmeticCompiler(fr.ParameterSValue("xy2lon", ""), xy2lon, &pv)) return "Can't find xy2lon in the file " + in; |
if(!ArifmeticCompiler(fr.ParameterSValue("xy2lat", ""), xy2lat, &pv)) return "Can't find xy2lat in the file " + in; |
auto resop = ds.Open(args); |
if(resop.Exist()) return "Can't open source: " + resop; |
for(size_t i = 0; i < fr.Rows(); i++) |
{ |
if(mode == Mode::VYLETSTART) |
{ |
x = fr[0][i]; |
y = fr[1][i]; |
real lon, lat; |
xy2lon.Run(lon); |
xy2lat.Run(lat); |
datapoints.emplace_back(lon, lat, t0); |
} |
if(mode == Mode::VYLETEND) |
{ |
x = fr[2][i]; |
y = fr[3][i]; |
real lon, lat; |
xy2lon.Run(lon); |
xy2lat.Run(lat); |
time_t t = static_cast<time_t>(fr[4][i] * 86400); |
MDateTime time = invtime ? end : beg; |
time.AddSeconds((invtime ? -1 : 1) * t); |
datapoints.emplace_back(lon, lat, time); |
} |
} |
} |
if(datapoints.size() == 0) return "No data readed from file " + in; |
struct Region reg; |
reg.lonb = datapoints[0].lon; |
reg.lone = datapoints[0].lon; |
reg.latb = datapoints[0].lat; |
reg.late = datapoints[0].lat; |
for(const auto& p: datapoints) |
{ |
if(p.lon < reg.lonb) reg.lonb = p.lon; |
if(p.lat < reg.latb) reg.latb = p.lat; |
if(p.lon > reg.lone) reg.lone = p.lon; |
if(p.lat > reg.late) reg.late = p.lat; |
} |
return ""; |
if(!args.contains("var")) return "Variable not specified"; |
MString vname = args.at("var"); |
if(!ds.CheckVar(vname)) return "Variable " + vname + " not exists in this dataset"; |
pars.SetParameter("variable", vname); |
std::unique_ptr<const BaseParameters> sourcepars; |
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<D>) |
{ |
if constexpr(ParametersRequiredRegion<D>) |
{ |
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args, reg); |
if(err.Exist()) return err; |
sourcepars.reset(p); |
} |
else |
{ |
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args); |
if(err.Exist()) return err; |
sourcepars.reset(p); |
} |
} |
auto p = sourcepars.get(); |
auto data = Read(ds, vname, p, tindexes); |
if(!data) return "Can't read data"; |
return ""; |
*/ |
}; |
Reference in new issue