You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
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#include "odm.h"
inline void Usage(const MString& arg0)
message(arg0 + " (<key>=<value>...)");
message("Keys are:");
message(" action. What the program should do. May be: info, tsc. Default: tsc.");
message(" Keys for action=info. Print some information about dataset.");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO");
message(" Keys for source=NEMO");
message(" dataset. Can be DT, NRT or NRT6. Default: DT");
message(" Keys for action=tsc. Get temperature, salinity, chlorofill from dataset.");
message(" source. Required. May be: NEMO");
message(" var. Required. May be: temp, sal, chl, mld, ssh or w.");
message(" time. Time moment or regular expression. If present, timeb and timee must be absent");
message(" timeb, timee. Time interval. If present, time must be absent");
message(" out. Output file. Default: out.bin");
message(" Keys for source=NEMO");
message(" var can be temp, sal, mld, ssh or w. Mld is not available for dataset=NRT6.");
message(" dataset. Can be DT, NRT or NRT6. Default: DT");
message(" layer and/or depth. Layer or depth of NEMO dataset. If depth is specified, layer is ignored. Both ignored, if var=mld. Default: layer=0");
message(" lonb, lone, latb, late. Required. Region of interest");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc == 1)
return 2;
auto args = ParseArgs(argc, argv);
MString action = args.contains("action") ? args["action"] : "tsc";
int ret = 1;
if(action == "info")
ret = actioninfo(args);
else if(action == "tsc")
ret = actiontsc(args);
errmessage("Unknown action " + action);
return 1;
return ret;