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#pragma once
#include "DataAdapters/ncfilealt.h"
#include "ParseArgs.h"
#include "mdatetime.h"
#include "simple2ddata.h"
#include "specfunc.h"
#include <memory>
#include <regex.h>
#include <set>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
using michlib::Ceil;
using michlib::errmessage;
using michlib::Floor;
using michlib::GPL;
using michlib::int2;
using michlib::MDateTime;
using michlib::NCFileA;
using michlib::ToGeoDomainPos;
class HYCOMData
enum Type
struct Parameters: public BaseParameters
size_t xb, yb, xe, ye, layer;
MString varname;
virtual ~Parameters() override = default;
std::vector<NCFileA> nc;
std::vector<MString> urls;
std::vector<real> depths;
std::vector<MDateTime> times;
size_t nx, ny;
real lonb, latb, lone, late;
real lonstep, latstep;
Type type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
using Data = Simple2DData;
template<class DataType> Data ReadVarRaw(const NCFileA& f, const MString& name, size_t i, bool nodepth, const Parameters* p) const
real unitmul = 1.0;
DataType fill;
real offset = 0.0, scale = 1.0;
auto a_fill = f.A<DataType>(name, "_FillValue");
auto a_offset_d = f.A<double>(name, "add_offset");
auto a_scale_d = f.A<double>(name, "scale_factor");
auto a_offset_f = f.A<float>(name, "add_offset");
auto a_scale_f = f.A<float>(name, "scale_factor");
if(!a_fill) return Data();
fill = a_fill;
if(a_offset_d) offset = a_offset_d;
if(a_scale_d) scale = a_scale_d;
if(a_offset_f) offset = a_offset_f;
if(a_scale_f) scale = a_scale_f;
auto unit = f.A<MString>(name, "units");
if(unit && (unit.Get() == "m s-1" || unit.Get() == "m/s")) unitmul = 100.0;
Data data((p->xb < p->xe) ? (p->xe - p->xb + 1) : (nx + p->xe - p->xb + 1), p->ye - p->yb + 1, Lon(p->xb), Lat(p->yb), lonstep, latstep);
if(p->xb < p->xe)
auto var = nodepth ? f.V<DataType>(name, {"lon", p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {"lat", p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1})
: f.V<DataType>(name, {"lon", p->xb, p->xe - p->xb + 1}, {"lat", p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1});
if(!var) return Data();
if(var.DimLen(0) != data.Nx() || var.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data();
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var(ix, iy);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
auto var1 = nodepth ? f.V<DataType>(name, {"lon", p->xb}, {"lat", p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1})
: f.V<DataType>(name, {"lon", p->xb}, {"lat", p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1});
auto var2 = nodepth ? f.V<DataType>(name, {"lon", 0, p->xe + 1}, {"lat", p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1})
: f.V<DataType>(name, {"lon", 0, p->xe + 1}, {"lat", p->yb, p->ye - p->yb + 1}, {"time", i, 1}, {"depth", p->layer, 1});
if(!(var1 && var2)) return Data();
if((var1.DimLen(0) + var2.DimLen(0)) != data.Nx() || var1.DimLen(1) != data.Ny() || var2.DimLen(1) != data.Ny()) return Data();
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var1.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var1.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var1(ix, iy);
data(ix, iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
for(size_t ix = 0; ix < var2.DimLen(0); ix++)
for(size_t iy = 0; iy < var2.DimLen(1); iy++)
DataType v = var2(ix, iy);
data(ix + var1.DimLen(0), iy) = (v == fill) ? Data::Fillval() : ((v * scale + offset) * unitmul);
return data;
static MString VName2IName(const MString& vname)
if(vname == "temp") return "water_temp";
if(vname == "sal") return "salinity";
if(vname == "ssh") return "surf_el";
return "";
Data Read(const BaseParameters* ip, size_t i) const
if(!isOk()) return Data();
bool nodepth = false;
auto p = dynamic_cast<const struct Parameters*>(ip);
MString name = VName2IName(p->varname);
for(const auto& f: nc)
auto head = f.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
if(v.Name() == name)
if(v.Dimensions().size() == 3) nodepth = true;
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_SHORT) return ReadVarRaw<int2>(f, name, i, nodepth, p);
if(v.Type().Id() == NC_FLOAT) return ReadVarRaw<float>(f, name, i, nodepth, p);
return Data();
bool HasVar(const MString vname) const
MString name = VName2IName(vname);
if(name == "") return false;
for(const auto& f: nc)
auto head = f.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
if(v.Name() == name) return true;
return false;
HYCOMData() = default;
// TODO: RetVal
MString Open(const CLArgs& args)
MString dataset = args.contains("dataset") ?"dataset") : "Forecast";
if(dataset == "Forecast")
urls = {""};
else if(dataset == "Hindcast")
urls = {""};
else if(dataset == "Reanalysis")
for(size_t i = 1994; i <= 2015; i++) urls.push_back("" + MString(i));
return "Unknown dataset: " + dataset;
for(size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++)
return "Can't connect to database";
auto rdepths = nc[0].V<double>("depth");
return "Can't read depths";
for(size_t i = 0; i < depths.size(); i++) depths[i] = rdepths(i);
auto timeD = nc[0].V<double>("time");
auto timeF = nc[0].V<float>("time");
if(!(timeD || timeF))
return "Can't read times";
MDateTime refdate;
auto units = nc[0].Attribute<MString>("time", "units");
return "Can't read refdate";
MString rstr;
auto words = michlib::Split_on_words(units);
auto ci = words.begin();
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "hours"
if(ci != words.end()) ci++; // skip "since"
if(ci != words.end()) rstr = *ci; // Day
if(ci != words.end()) ci++;
if(ci != words.end()) rstr += " " + *ci; // Hours
return "Can't parse " + rstr + " to refdate";
timeD ? times.resize(timeD.DimLen(0)) : times.resize(timeF.DimLen(0));
for(size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) times[i] = refdate + static_cast<time_t>(timeD ? timeD(i) : timeF(i)) * 3600;
auto nlon = nc[0].D("lon");
auto nlat = nc[0].D("lat");
if(!(nlon && nlat))
return "Can't get number of longitudes/latitudes";
nx = nlon;
ny = nlat;
auto lons = nc[0].V<double>("lon");
auto lats = nc[0].V<double>("lat");
if(!(lons && lats))
return "Can't get longitudes/latitudes";
lonb = lons(0);
latb = lats(0);
lone = lons(nx - 1);
late = lats(ny - 1);
lonstep = (lone - lonb) / (nx - 1);
latstep = (late - latb) / (ny - 1);
return "";
MString Info() const
if(!isOk()) return "";
MString d;
for(size_t i = 0; i < NDepths(); i++) d += MString(" ") + "(" + i + " " + Depth(i) + ")";
std::set<MString> vars;
for(const auto& f: nc)
auto head = f.Header();
for(const auto& v: head.Variables())
if(v.Name() == "water_temp") vars.emplace("temp");
if(v.Name() == "salinity") vars.emplace("sal");
if(v.Name() == "surf_el") vars.emplace("ssh");
MString svars;
bool first = true;
for(const auto& v: vars)
svars += (first ? "" : ", ") + v;
first = false;
// clang-format off
"Dataset: " + Title() + "\n" +
" Begin date: " + Time(0).ToString() + "\n" +
" End date: " + Time(NTimes()-1).ToString() + "\n" +
" Time step: " + Timestep() + " seconds\n" +
" Time moments: " + NTimes() + "\n" +
" Region: (" + lonb + " : " + lone + ") x (" + latb + " : " + late + ")\n" +
" Grid: " + nx + "x" + ny + " (" + lonstep + " x " + latstep + ")\n" +
" Depths:" + d + "\n" +
" Supported variables: " + svars;
// clang-format on
std::pair<const BaseParameters*, MString> Parameters(michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars, const CLArgs& args) const
std::unique_ptr<struct Parameters> ppar{new struct Parameters};
if(!args.contains("var")) return {nullptr, "Variable not specified"};
ppar->varname ="var");
if(!HasVar(ppar->varname)) return {nullptr, "Variable " + ppar->varname + " not exists in this dataset"};
if(args.contains("layer")) ppar->layer ="layer").ToInteger<size_t>();
if(!args.contains("depth") && ppar->layer >= NDepths()) return {nullptr, MString("Layer ") + ppar->layer + " is too deep!"};
real depth = args.contains("depth") ?"depth").ToReal() : Depth(ppar->layer);
if(!(args.contains("lonb") && args.contains("lone") && args.contains("latb") && args.contains("late"))) return {nullptr, "Region not specified (lonb, lone, latb, late)"};
real lon1 = ToGeoDomainPos("lonb").ToReal());
real lon2 = ToGeoDomainPos("lone").ToReal());
real lat1 ="latb").ToReal();
real lat2 ="late").ToReal();
ppar->yb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lat1 - latb) / latstep));
ppar->ye = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lat2 - latb) / latstep));
if(ppar->ye > ny - 1) ppar->ye = ny - 1;
if(ppar->yb >= ppar->ye) return {nullptr, "Latb must be lesser then late"};
ppar->xb = static_cast<size_t>(Floor((lon1 - lonb) / lonstep));
ppar->xe = static_cast<size_t>(Ceil((lon2 - lonb) / lonstep));
if(ppar->xb == ppar->xe) return {nullptr, "Lonb must be not equal late"};
if(depth < 0.0 || depth > depths.back())
ppar->layer = (depth < 0.0) ? 0 : (depths.size() - 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < depths.size() - 1; i++)
if(depth >= depths[i] && depth <= depths[i + 1])
ppar->layer = (depth - depths[i] <= depths[i + 1] - depth) ? i : (i + 1);
pars.SetParameter("variable", ppar->varname);
pars.SetParameter("depth", Depth(ppar->layer));
pars.SetParameter("layer", ppar->layer);
pars.SetParameter("dataset", Title());
pars.SetParameter("lonb", Lon(ppar->xb));
pars.SetParameter("latb", Lat(ppar->yb));
pars.SetParameter("lone", Lon(ppar->xe));
pars.SetParameter("late", Lat(ppar->ye));
return {ppar.release(), ""};
MString Dump(const struct Parameters* ppar) const
// clang-format off
"Current settings:\n" + MString() +
" Longitudes: from " + Lon(ppar->xb) + " (" + ppar->xb + ") to "+ Lon(ppar->xe) + " (" + ppar->xe + ")\n" +
" Latitudes: from " + Lat(ppar->yb) + " (" + ppar->yb + ") to "+ Lat(ppar->ye) + " (" + ppar->ye + ")\n" +
" Depth: layer " + ppar->layer + ", depth " + Depth(ppar->layer) + " m\n";
// clang-format on
real Lon(size_t ix) const { return isOk() ? (lonb + ix * lonstep) : -1000.0; }
real Lat(size_t iy) const { return isOk() ? (latb + iy * latstep) : -1000.0; }
real Depth(size_t l) const { return isOk() ? depths[l] : -1000.0; }
time_t Timestep() const { return isOk() ? (times[1] - times[0]) : 0; }
MDateTime Time(size_t i) const
if(!isOk() || i >= times.size()) return MDateTime();
return times[i];
bool isOk() const { return nc.size() > 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return nc.size() > 0; }
size_t NDepths() const { return depths.size(); }
size_t NTimes() const { return times.size(); }
MString Title() const
case(TYPE_REANALYSIS): return "GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 Reanalysis";
case(TYPE_HINDCAST): return "GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 Analysis Hindcast";
case(TYPE_FORECAST): return "GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 Analysis Forecast";
default: return "No title";
static real Fillval() { return Data::Fillval(); }