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219 lines
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#pragma once
#include "ParseArgs.h"
#include "basedata.h"
#include "mdatetime.h"
#include "mregex.h"
#include "traits.h"
#include "uvdata.h"
using michlib::MDateTime;
#define ADD_ACTION(actclass, actname, suptest, ...) ADD ACTION CLASS: actclass
#define ADD_ACTION(actclass, actname, suptest, ...) \
class Action##actclass __VA_OPT__( : public) __VA_ARGS__ \
{ \
public: \
static constexpr const char* name = #actname; \
template<class Source> static constexpr bool IsSupported = (suptest); \
template<class Source> static MString DoAction(const CLArgs& args, Source& data); \
template<class D> size_t GetTIndex(const D& data, const MDateTime& t)
size_t nt = data.NTimes();
if(t <= data.Time(0)) return 0;
if(t >= data.Time(nt - 1)) return nt - 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nt - 1; i++)
if(t >= data.Time(i) && t <= data.Time(i + 1)) return (t - data.Time(i) <= data.Time(i + 1) - t) ? i : (i + 1);
return 0;
template<class D> std::pair<TIndex, MString> GetTIndexes(const D& data, const CLArgs& args, michlib_internal::ParameterListEx& pars)
TIndex tindexes;
if(args.contains("time") && (args.contains("timeb") || args.contains("timee")))
return {tindexes, "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter but not via both"};
if(!(args.contains("time") || (args.contains("timeb") && args.contains("timee")))) return {tindexes, "Time must be set via time parameter or timeb and timee parameter"};
MString regex ="time");
MDateTime time;
if(time.FromString(regex)) return {TIndex(1, GetTIndex(data, time)), ""}; // Time, not regex
if(regex == "BEGIN" || regex == "BEG" || regex == "FIRST") return {TIndex(1, 0), ""}; // First time
if(regex == "END" || regex == "LAST") return {TIndex(1, data.NTimes() - 1), ""}; // Last time
michlib::RegExpSimple reg(regex.Buf());
if(reg.Compile() != 0) return {tindexes, "Bad regular expression: " + regex};
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.NTimes(); i++)
MString date = data.Time(i).ToString();
if(reg.Match(date.Buf())) tindexes.push_back(i);
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return {tindexes, "There are no times matching the regular expression: " + regex};
if(tindexes.size() == 1)
pars.SetParameter("time", data.Time(tindexes[0]).ToString());
MString tb ="timeb");
MString te ="timee");
MDateTime b(tb), e(te);
auto nt = data.NTimes();
if(tb == "BEGIN" || tb == "BEG") b = data.Time(0);
if(te == "LAST" || te == "END") e = data.Time(nt - 1);
const MDateTime& beg = (b < e) ? b : e;
const MDateTime& end = (b > e) ? b : e;
if(beg > data.Time(nt - 1)) return {tindexes, "Begin time " + b.ToTString() + " is greater then end time in the dataset " + data.Time(nt - 1).ToTString()};
if(end < data.Time(0)) return {tindexes, "End time " + e.ToTString() + " is lesser then begin time in the dataset " + data.Time(0).ToTString()};
size_t ib = 0, ie = nt - 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nt; i++)
if(data.Time(i) >= beg)
ib = i;
for(size_t i = nt; i != 0; i--)
if(data.Time(i - 1) <= end)
ie = i - 1;
tindexes.resize(ie - ib + 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < ie - ib + 1; i++) tindexes[i] = i + ib;
if(tindexes.size() == 0) return {tindexes, "There are no times between " + b.ToString() + " and " + e.ToString()};
pars.SetParameter("timeb", b.ToString());
pars.SetParameter("timee", e.ToString());
return {tindexes, ""};
template<class D> std::vector<ReadType<D>> Read(const D& data, const std::vector<MString>& vnames, const BaseParameters* p, const TIndex& tindex)
using RT = ReadType<D>;
size_t ind;
std::vector<RT> out;
if(tindex.size() == 1)
ind = tindex[0];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
std::map<MString, RT> cache;
for(const auto& vname: vnames)
bool res;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
res = data.Read(vname, cache, p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
res = data.Read(vname, cache, ind);
if(!res) return out;
for(size_t i = 0; i < vnames.size(); i++) out.emplace_back(std::move(cache[vnames[i]]));
std::vector<Averager<RT>> aver(vnames.size());
for(size_t i = 0; i < tindex.size(); i++)
ind = tindex[i];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
std::map<MString, RT> cache;
for(const auto& vname: vnames)
bool res;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
res = data.Read(vname, cache, p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
res = data.Read(vname, cache, ind);
if(!res) return out;
for(size_t i = 0; i < vnames.size(); i++) aver[i].Add(std::move(cache[vnames[i]]));
for(size_t i = 0; i < vnames.size(); i++) out.emplace_back(std::move(aver[i].Div()));
return out;
return out;
template<class D> UVData<ReadType<D>> ReadUV(const D& data, const BaseParameters* p, size_t ind)
using RT = ReadType<D>;
using UV = UVData<RT>;
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
std::map<MString, RT> cache;
bool res = false;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
res = data.Read("u", cache, p, ind) && data.Read("v", cache, p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
res = data.Read("u", cache, ind) && data.Read("v", cache, ind);
if(!res) return UV();
return UV("u"),"v"));
template<class D> UVData<ReadType<D>> ReadUV(const D& data, const BaseParameters* p, const TIndex& tindex)
using RT = ReadType<D>;
using UV = UVData<RT>;
if(tindex.size() == 1)
return ReadUV(data, p, tindex[0]);
Averager<UV> out;
bool ok = true;
size_t ind;
for(size_t i = 0; i < tindex.size(); i++)
if(!ok) break;
ind = tindex[i];
michlib::message("Time: " + data.Time(ind).ToTString());
std::map<MString, RT> cache;
bool res = false;
if constexpr(ReadPSupported<D>)
res = data.Read("u", cache, p, ind) && data.Read("v", cache, p, ind);
else if constexpr(ReadSupported<D>)
res = data.Read("u", cache, ind) && data.Read("v", cache, ind);
if(!res) return UV();
UV dat("u"),"v"));
ok = false;
if(ok) return out.Div();
return UV();
template<class D> std::pair<struct Region, MString> GetRegion(const CLArgs& args)
struct Region reg;
if constexpr(!ParametersRequiredRegion<D>) return {reg, ""};
if(!(args.contains("lonb") && args.contains("lone") && args.contains("latb") && args.contains("late"))) return {reg, "Region not specified (lonb, lone, latb, late)"};
reg.lonb ="lonb").ToReal();
reg.lone ="lone").ToReal();
real latb ="latb").ToReal();
real late ="late").ToReal();
reg.latb = std::min(latb, late);
reg.late = std::max(latb, late);
return {reg, ""};