2 changed files with 135 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#include "GRIDVEL.h" |
MString GRIDVELData::Info() const |
{ |
if(!isOk()) return ""; |
// clang-format off
return MString() + |
" Region: (" + u.Xb() + " : " + u.Xe() + ") x (" + u.Yb() + " : " + u.Ye() + ")\n" + |
" Grid: " + u.Nx() + "x" + u.Ny() + "\n" + |
" Supported variables: u, v, U2"; |
// clang-format on
} |
MString GRIDVELData::Open(const CLArgs& args) |
{ |
MString uname = args.contains("u") ? args.at("u") : ""; |
MString vname = args.contains("v") ? args.at("v") : ""; |
if(!uname.Exist()) return "File with u component not specified"; |
if(!vname.Exist()) return "File with v component not specified"; |
unit = args.contains("unit") ? args.at("unit") : "cm/s"; |
fill = args.contains("fill") ? args.at("fill").ToReal() : 1e10; |
u.Open(uname); |
if(!u.Opened()) return "Can't open file: " + uname; |
v.Open(vname); |
if(!v.Opened()) return "Can't open file: " + vname; |
if(u != v) return "Files " + uname + " and " + vname + " have different grids"; |
return ""; |
} |
bool GRIDVELData::Read(const MString& vname, std::map<MString, GRIDVELData::Data>& cache, size_t i) const |
{ |
if(cache.contains(vname)) return true; |
if(!isOk()) return false; |
// Only rectangular grids are supported
real xs = (u.Xe() - u.Xb()) / (u.Nx() - 1); |
real ys = (u.Ye() - u.Yb()) / (u.Ny() - 1); |
Data out(u.Nx(), u.Ny(), u.Xb(), u.Yb(), xs, ys, MString(unit)); |
// U and U2 from u and v
if(vname == "U" || vname == "U2") |
{ |
bool square = vname == "U2"; |
if(!(Read("u", cache, i) && Read("v", cache, i))) return false; |
cache[vname] = cache.at("u").CopyGrid(); |
auto& U = cache.at(vname); |
const auto& udata = cache.at("u"); |
const auto& vdata = cache.at("v"); |
if(udata.Unit().Exist()) U.SetUnit(square ? ("(" + udata.Unit() + ")2") : udata.Unit()); |
for(size_t ind = 0; ind < U.N(); ind++) |
{ |
if(udata.IsFill(ind) || vdata.IsFill(ind)) |
U.V(ind) = U.Fillval(); |
else |
U.V(ind) = square ? (udata(ind) * udata(ind) + vdata(ind) * vdata(ind)) : michlib::Hypot(udata(ind), vdata(ind)); |
} |
return true; |
} |
if(vname == "u" || vname == "v") |
{ |
bool isu = vname == "u"; |
for(IType ix = 0; ix < u.Nx(); ix++) |
for(IType iy = 0; iy < u.Ny(); iy++) |
{ |
if(isu ? (u(ix, iy) == NAN || u(ix, iy) >= 1e10) : (v(ix, iy) == NAN || v(ix, iy) >= 1e10)) |
out.V(ix, iy) = out.Fillval(); |
else |
out.V(ix, iy) = isu ? u(ix, iy) : v(ix, iy); |
} |
if(out) |
{ |
cache[vname] = std::move(out); |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include "DataAdapters/gridfile.h" |
#include "mdatetime.h" |
#include "simple2ddata.h" |
using michlib::MDateTime; |
class GRIDVELData |
{ |
michlib::GridFile u,v; |
MString unit; |
real fill; |
using IType=decltype(u.Nx()); |
public: |
static constexpr const char* name = "GRIDVEL"; |
static constexpr const char* disabledactions = "genintfile"; |
using Data = Simple2DData; |
GRIDVELData() = default; |
MString Info() const; |
// TODO: RetVal
MString Open(const CLArgs& args); |
bool isOk() const { return u.Opened() &&v.Opened(); } |
size_t NTimes() const { return 1; } |
MDateTime Time(size_t i) const |
{ |
return MDateTime(); |
} |
//time_t Timestep() const { return isOk() ? (times[1] - times[0]) : 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return u.Opened() &&v.Opened(); } |
VarPresence CheckVar(const MString& vname) const |
{ |
if(vname == "u" || vname == "v") return VarPresence::INTERNAL; |
if(vname == "U" || vname == "U2") return VarPresence::DERIVED; |
return VarPresence::NONE; |
} |
bool Read(const MString& vname, std::map<MString, Data>& cache, size_t i) const; |
}; |
Reference in new issue