4 changed files with 291 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
#pragma once |
#include "BFileR.h" |
#include "BFileW.h" |
#include "actiondep.h" |
#include "interpolation.h" |
#include "ncfilew.h" |
#include "ncfuncs.h" |
#include <memory> |
template<class T> |
concept ReadIsInterpolable = requires { |
{ |
std::declval<ReadType<T>>().GridPos(0.0, 0.0) |
} -> std::convertible_to<struct GridPoint>; |
}; |
ADD_ACTION(INT, int, (ReadPSupported<Source> || ReadSupported<Source>)&&ReadIsInterpolable<Source>); |
template<class D> MString ActionINT::DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& ds) |
{ |
struct TPoint |
{ |
struct Point2D p; |
MDateTime t; |
real lon0, lat0, dtime; |
}; |
MDateTime refdate("1980-01-01"); |
if(!args.contains("input")) return "No input file given"; |
michlib::BFileR in; |
if(in.Open(args.at("input")) != ERR_NOERR) return "Can't open input file " + args.at("input"); |
std::vector<TPoint> points; |
struct Region reg; |
{ |
michlib::uint loncol = in.Columns(), latcol = in.Columns(), timecol = in.Columns(); |
michlib::uint lon0col = in.Columns(), lat0col = in.Columns(), dtimecol = in.Columns(); |
for(uint i = 0; i < in.Columns(); i++) |
{ |
if(in.ColumnName(i + 1) == "lon") loncol = i; |
if(in.ColumnName(i + 1) == "lat") latcol = i; |
if(in.ColumnName(i + 1) == "rtime") timecol = i; |
if(in.ColumnName(i + 1) == "lon0") lon0col = i; |
if(in.ColumnName(i + 1) == "lat0") lat0col = i; |
if(in.ColumnName(i + 1) == "time") dtimecol = i; |
} |
if(loncol >= in.Columns()) return "Lon column not found in input file " + args.at("input"); |
if(latcol >= in.Columns()) return "Lat column not found in input file " + args.at("input"); |
if(timecol >= in.Columns()) return "Time column not found in input file " + args.at("input"); |
if(lon0col >= in.Columns()) return "Lon0 column not found in input file " + args.at("input"); |
if(lat0col >= in.Columns()) return "Lat0 column not found in input file " + args.at("input"); |
if(dtimecol >= in.Columns()) return "Age column not found in input file " + args.at("input"); |
points.resize(in.Rows()); |
reg.lonb = reg.lone = in[loncol][0]; |
reg.latb = reg.late = in[latcol][0]; |
for(uint i = 0; i < in.Rows(); i++) |
{ |
points[i].p.x = in[loncol][i]; |
points[i].p.y = in[latcol][i]; |
points[i].t = refdate + static_cast<time_t>(michlib::Round(in[timecol][i] * 86400)); |
points[i].lon0 = in[lon0col][i]; |
points[i].lat0 = in[lat0col][i]; |
points[i].dtime = in[dtimecol][i]; |
reg.lonb = std::min(reg.lonb, points[i].p.x); |
reg.lone = std::max(reg.lone, points[i].p.x); |
reg.latb = std::min(reg.latb, points[i].p.y); |
reg.late = std::max(reg.late, points[i].p.y); |
} |
std::ranges::sort(points, {}, &TPoint::t); |
} |
in.Close(); |
auto resop = ds.Open(args); |
if(resop.Exist()) return "Can't open source: " + resop; |
michlib_internal::ParameterListEx pars; |
pars.UsePrefix(""); |
pars.SetParameter("source", args.at("source")); |
pars.SetParameter("history", args.at("_cmdline")); |
MString varstring; |
if(args.contains("var")) |
varstring = args.at("var"); |
else |
{ |
if(args.contains("vars")) |
varstring = args.at("vars"); |
else |
{ |
if constexpr(HasDefVars<D>) |
varstring = ds.DefaultVars(); |
else |
return "Variables not specified"; |
} |
} |
auto vlist = michlib::Split_on_words(varstring, " ,", false); |
std::vector<MString> vnames{std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(vlist)), std::make_move_iterator(std::end(vlist))}; |
{ |
std::set<MString> used; |
for(const auto& vname: vnames) |
{ |
if(used.contains(vname)) return "Duplicate variable " + vname + " in list " + varstring; |
if(ds.CheckVar(vname) == VarPresence::NONE) return "Variable " + vname + " not exists in this dataset"; |
used.insert(vname); |
} |
} |
pars.SetParameter("variables", varstring); |
//int compress = 3;
//if(args.contains("compress")) compress = args.at("compress").ToInt();
std::unique_ptr<const BaseParameters> sourcepars; |
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<D>) |
{ |
if constexpr(ParametersRequiredRegion<D>) |
{ |
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args, reg); |
if(err.Exist()) return err; |
sourcepars.reset(p); |
} |
else |
{ |
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args); |
if(err.Exist()) return err; |
sourcepars.reset(p); |
} |
} |
auto p = sourcepars.get(); |
MString name = args.contains("out") ? args.at("out") : "out.bin"; |
//MString outfmt = args.contains("format") ? args.at("format") : (GetExt(name) == "nc" ? "nc" : "bin");
size_t loind = ds.NTimes(), hiind = ds.NTimes(), curind = 0; |
michlib::BFileW fw; |
const MDateTime first = ds.Time(0), last = ds.Time(ds.NTimes() - 1); |
std::vector<LinearInterpolator<ReadType<D>>> lo, hi; |
{ |
size_t ic = 0; |
fw.Create(name, 6 + vnames.size()); |
fw.SetColumnName(++ic, "lon0"); |
fw.SetColumnName(++ic, "lat0"); |
fw.SetColumnName(++ic, "lon"); |
fw.SetColumnName(++ic, "lat"); |
fw.SetColumnName(++ic, "time"); |
fw.SetColumnName(++ic, "rtime"); |
for(size_t i = 0; i < vnames.size(); i++) fw.SetColumnName(++ic, vnames[i]); |
fw.SetParameters(pars); |
} |
for(size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) |
{ |
if(points[i].t < first || points[i].t > last) continue; |
while(!(points[i].t >= ds.Time(curind) && points[i].t <= ds.Time(curind + 1))) curind++; |
if(curind != loind && curind != hiind) |
{ |
loind = curind; |
hiind = curind + 1; |
{ |
auto temp = Read(ds, vnames, p, loind); |
if(temp.size() != vnames.size()) return "Can't read data"; |
for(size_t j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) lo.emplace_back(std::move(temp[j])); |
} |
{ |
auto temp = Read(ds, vnames, p, hiind); |
if(temp.size() != vnames.size()) return "Can't read data"; |
for(size_t j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) hi.emplace_back(std::move(temp[j])); |
} |
} |
else if(curind == hiind) |
{ |
loind = curind; |
hiind = curind + 1; |
lo = std::move(hi); |
{ |
auto temp = Read(ds, vnames, p, hiind); |
if(temp.size() != vnames.size()) return "Can't read data"; |
for(size_t j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) hi.emplace_back(std::move(temp[j])); |
} |
} |
auto step = ds.Time(hiind) - ds.Time(loind); |
auto delta = points[i].t - ds.Time(loind); |
real trel = static_cast<real>(delta) / static_cast<real>(step); |
fw.Write(points[i].lon0); |
fw.Write(points[i].lat0); |
fw.Write(points[i].p.x); |
fw.Write(points[i].p.y); |
fw.Write(points[i].dtime); |
fw.Write(DeltaDates(refdate, points[i].t)); |
for(size_t iv = 0; iv < lo.size(); iv++) |
{ |
real vlo = lo[iv](points[i].p); |
real vhi = hi[iv](points[i].p); |
fw.Write(vlo + (vhi - vlo) * trel); |
} |
} |
fw.Finalize(); |
fw.Close(); |
return ""; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#pragma once |
#include "basedata.h" |
#include "comdefs.h" |
using michlib::real; |
template<class D> class LinearInterpolator: public D |
{ |
public: |
LinearInterpolator(D&& d): D(std::move(d)) {} |
real operator()(const struct Point2D& in) const |
{ |
const auto gp = D::GridPos(in.x, in.y); |
if(!gp.Valid()) return NAN; |
if(gp.x == 0.0 && gp.y == 0.0) return D::V(gp.ix, gp.iy); |
real v00; |
real v10; |
real v01; |
real v11; |
bool isfill = false; |
size_t fx, fy; |
// Count fills
for(size_t ix = 0; ix <= 1; ix++) |
for(size_t iy = 0; iy <= 1; iy++) |
{ |
if(isfill && D::IsFill(gp.ix + ix, gp.iy + iy)) return NAN; |
if(D::IsFill(gp.ix + ix, gp.iy + iy)) |
{ |
fx = ix; |
fy = iy; |
isfill = true; |
} |
} |
v00 = D::V(gp.ix, gp.iy); |
v10 = D::V(gp.ix + 1, gp.iy); |
v01 = D::V(gp.ix, gp.iy + 1); |
v11 = D::V(gp.ix + 1, gp.iy + 1); |
if(isfill && fx == 0 && fy == 0) v00 = (v10 + v01 + v11) / 3.0; |
if(isfill && fx == 1 && fy == 0) v10 = (v00 + v01 + v11) / 3.0; |
if(isfill && fx == 0 && fy == 1) v01 = (v10 + v00 + v11) / 3.0; |
if(isfill && fx == 1 && fy == 1) v11 = (v10 + v01 + v00) / 3.0; |
return v00 + gp.y * (v01 - v00) + gp.x * ((v10 - v00) + gp.y * (v00 - v01 + v11 - v10)); |
}; |
}; |
Reference in new issue