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200 lines
7.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include "BFileW.h"
#include "actiondep.h"
#include "ncfuncs.h"
#include <memory>
using michlib::BFileW;
ADD_ACTION(TSC, tsc, ReadPSupported<Source> || ReadSupported<Source>);
template<class D> MString ActionTSC::DoAction(const CLArgs& args, D& ds)
auto [reg, regerr] = GetRegion<D>(args);
if(regerr.Exist()) return regerr;
auto resop = ds.Open(args);
if(resop.Exist()) return "Can't open source: " + resop;
michlib_internal::ParameterListEx pars;
auto [tindexes, err] = GetTIndexes(ds, args, pars);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
if(!args.contains("var")) return "Variable not specified";
MString vname ="var");
if(!ds.CheckVar(vname)) return "Variable " + vname + " not exists in this dataset";
pars.SetParameter("variable", vname);
std::unique_ptr<const BaseParameters> sourcepars;
if constexpr(ParametersSupported<D>)
if constexpr(ParametersRequiredRegion<D>)
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args, reg);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
auto [p, err] = ds.Parameters(pars, args);
if(err.Exist()) return err;
auto p = sourcepars.get();
auto data = Read(ds, vname, p, tindexes);
if(!data) return "Can't read data";
if(!data.Unit().Exist()) michlib::errmessage("Unknown measurement unit!");
MString outfmt = args.contains("format") ?"format") : "bin";
if(outfmt == "bin")
BFileW fw;
MString name = args.contains("out") ?"out") : "out.bin";
fw.Create(name, 3);
fw.SetColumnName(1, "Longitude");
fw.SetColumnName(2, "Latitude");
fw.SetColumnName(3, vname + ", " + (data.Unit().Exist() ? data.Unit() : "unknown"));
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.N(); i++)
fw.Write(data.IsFill(i) ? NAN : data(i));
return "";
if(outfmt == "nc" || outfmt == "netcdf")
MString name = args.contains("out") ?"out") : "";
int ret;
int ncid, dimid, dimidxy[2];
int lonid, latid, vid;
MString text;
auto fill = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float fval;
int compress = 3;
if(args.contains("compress")) compress ="compress").ToInt();
ret = nc_create(name.Buf(), NC_CLOBBER | NC_NETCDF4, &ncid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create netcdf file: " + name;
ret = nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "history","_cmdline").Len() + 1,"_cmdline").Buf());
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write history attribute in the netcdf file";
if constexpr(ReadIs2DGeoRectArray<D>)
ret = nc_def_dim(ncid, "longitude", data.Nx(), &dimidxy[0]);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create x-dimension in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_dim(ncid, "latitude", data.Ny(), &dimidxy[1]);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create y-dimension in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var(ncid, "longitude", NC_FLOAT, 1, &dimidxy[0], &lonid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create longitude variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var(ncid, "latitude", NC_FLOAT, 1, &dimidxy[1], &latid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create latitude variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var(ncid, vname.Buf(), NC_FLOAT, 2, dimidxy, &vid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_dim(ncid, "i", data.N(), &dimid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create dimension in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var(ncid, "longitude", NC_FLOAT, 1, &dimid, &lonid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create longitude variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var(ncid, "latitude", NC_FLOAT, 1, &dimid, &latid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create latitude variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var(ncid, vname.Buf(), NC_FLOAT, 1, &dimid, &vid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't create " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, lonid, 1, 1, compress);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't set deflate parameters for longitude variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, latid, 1, 1, compress);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't set deflate parameters for latitude variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, vid, 1, 1, compress);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't set deflate parameters for " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file";
text = "longitude";
ret = nc_put_att_text(ncid, lonid, "standard_name", text.Len() + 1, text.Buf());
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write standard_name attribute of longitude variable in the netcdf file";
text = "latitude";
ret = nc_put_att_text(ncid, latid, "standard_name", text.Len() + 1, text.Buf());
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write standard_name attribute of latitude variable in the netcdf file";
text = NCFuncs::Name2StName(vname);
ret = nc_put_att_text(ncid, vid, "standard_name", text.Len() + 1, text.Buf());
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write standard_name attribute of " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file";
text = NCFuncs::Name2LongName(vname);
ret = nc_put_att_text(ncid, vid, "long_name", text.Len() + 1, text.Buf());
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write long_name attribute of " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_put_att_float(ncid, vid, "_FillValue", NC_FLOAT, 1, &fill);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write _FillValue attribute of " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file";
ret = nc_enddef(ncid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't finish definition of the netcdf file";
if constexpr(ReadIs2DGeoRectArray<D>)
size_t i[2];
for(i[0] = 0; i[0] < data.Nx(); i[0]++)
fval = data.Ix2Lon(i[0]);
ret = nc_put_var1_float(ncid, lonid, &i[0], &fval);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write longitude variable in the netcdf file: " + MString(i[0]);
for(i[1] = 0; i[1] < data.Ny(); i[1]++)
fval = data.Iy2Lat(i[1]);
ret = nc_put_var1_float(ncid, latid, &i[1], &fval);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write latitude variable in the netcdf file: " + MString(i[1]);
for(i[0] = 0; i[0] < data.Nx(); i[0]++)
for(i[1] = 0; i[1] < data.Ny(); i[1]++)
fval = data.IsFill(i[0], i[1]) ? fill : data(i[0], i[1]);
ret = nc_put_var1_float(ncid, vid, i, &fval);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file: " + MString(i[0]) + ", " + i[1];
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.N(); i++)
fval = data.Lon(i);
ret = nc_put_var1_float(ncid, lonid, &i, &fval);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write longitude variable in the netcdf file: " + MString(i);
fval = data.Lat(i);
ret = nc_put_var1_float(ncid, latid, &i, &fval);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write latitude variable in the netcdf file: " + MString(i);
fval = data.IsFill(i) ? fill : data(i);
ret = nc_put_var1_float(ncid, vid, &i, &fval);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't write " + vname + " variable in the netcdf file: " + MString(i);
ret = nc_close(ncid);
if(ret != NC_NOERR) return "Can't close netcdf file";
return "";
return "Unknown format: " + outfmt;