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111 lines
4.1 KiB

#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stack>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common.h"
// Bison location
struct grammatic_location
struct incloc
int line,column;
std::string filename;
int first_line;
int first_column;
int last_line;
int last_column;
std::list<struct incloc> incstack;
std::string filename;
class StackElem
StackElem(const StackElem&)=delete;
StackElem(Type t, const struct grammatic_location& loc, const char* s=nullptr):type(t),obj(nullptr),location(loc)
if(TYPE_BEGINLIST==t || TYPE_ENDLIST==t) return;
if( (TYPE_VARIABLE==t || TYPE_FUNCTION==t || TYPE_MKPAIR==t) && nullptr!=s) name=s;
else type=TYPE_EMPTY;
StackElem(Type t, const struct grammatic_location& loc, const std::string& s):type(t),obj(nullptr),location(loc)
else type=TYPE_EMPTY;
StackElem(ObjectBase* o, const struct grammatic_location& loc):type(TYPE_OBJECT),obj(o),location(loc) {}
~StackElem() {if(TYPE_OBJECT==type) delete obj;}
StackElem(StackElem&& s):type(s.type),name(,location(s.location)
// Simple copy of pointer
// Prevent destruction of ObjectBase in StackElem destructor
const ObjectBase* Object() const {return isObject()?obj:nullptr;}
// Detach object
const ObjectBase* PickObject()
return obj;
else return nullptr;
bool ReplaceByObject(const ObjectBase* ob)
if(isObject()) {delete ob; return false;}
return true;
std::string Name() const {return (isVar() || isFunc() || isMKPair())?name:std::string();}
bool isObject() const {return (TYPE_OBJECT==type);}
bool isVar() const {return (TYPE_VARIABLE==type);}
bool isFunc() const {return (TYPE_FUNCTION==type);}
bool isBList() const {return (TYPE_BEGINLIST==type);}
bool isEList() const {return (TYPE_ENDLIST==type);}
bool isMKPair() const {return (TYPE_MKPAIR==type);}
const struct grammatic_location& Location() const {return location;}
Type T() const {return type;}
Type type;
const ObjectBase* obj;
std::string name;
struct grammatic_location location;
typedef std::list<StackElem> ExecExpr;
inline StackElem SEBList(const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_BEGINLIST,loc);}
inline StackElem SEEList(const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_ENDLIST,loc);}
inline StackElem SEObj(ObjectBase* o, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(o,loc);}
inline StackElem SEMKPair(const std::string& s, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_MKPAIR,loc,s);}
inline StackElem SEVar(const std::string& s, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_VARIABLE,loc,s);}
inline StackElem SEFunc(const std::string& s, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_FUNCTION,loc,s);}
inline StackElem SEMKPair(const std::string* s, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_MKPAIR,loc,*s);}
inline StackElem SEVar(const std::string* s, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_VARIABLE,loc,*s);}
inline StackElem SEFunc(const std::string* s, const struct grammatic_location& loc) {return StackElem(StackElem::TYPE_FUNCTION,loc,*s);}
std::string DumpExprE(const ExecExpr& exp);
std::string DumpExpr(const ExecExpr& exp);
UsedType UsedVars(const ExecExpr& exp);
UsedType UsedFuncs(const ExecExpr& exp);
const ObjectBase* Evaluate(ExecExpr& exp, bool* err);
//inline void ReplaceVar(ExecExpr& exp, const std::string& var, ObjectBase* ob) {for(auto& se: exp) if(se.isVar() && var==se.Name()) se.ReplaceByObject(ob);}
void ReplaceVar(ExecExpr& exp, const std::string& var, const ObjectBase* ob);// {for(auto& se: exp) if(se.isVar() && var==se.Name()) se.ReplaceByObject(ob);}