#include "modgmt_func.h" static double AutoStep(double b, double e) { double n=pow(10.0,ceil(log10(e-b)-1.0)); double steps[]={0.5,1,2,5,10,0}; double div=0.0; uint i=0; do if((e-b)*steps[i]/n<10.0) div=n/steps[i]; while(0.0!=steps[++i]); return div; } const ObjectBase* GMT_Header(const ObjectList* input) { return new ObjectString(header); } const ObjectBase* GMT_Footer(const ObjectList* input) { return new ObjectString(footer); } const ObjectBase* GMT_Datadir(const ObjectList* input) { return new ObjectString(datadir); } const ObjectBase* GMT_ColorGray(const ObjectList* input) { struct gmt_color c; RPosPar g("gray"); OPosPar t("transparency",0.0); ParsePositionalParameters params(input,g,t); if(!params) return new ObjectError("ColorGray",params.Error()); c.model=gmt_color::GRAY; c.gray=g; c.transparency=t; return new ObjectGMTColor(c); } const ObjectBase* GMT_ColorRGB(const ObjectList* input) { struct gmt_color c; RPosPar r("red"),g("green"),b("blue"); OPosPar t("transparency",0.0); ParsePositionalParameters params(input,r,g,b,t); if(!params) return new ObjectError("ColorRGB",params.Error()); c.model=gmt_color::RGB; c.r=r; c.g=g; c.b=b; c.transparency=t; return new ObjectGMTColor(c); } const ObjectBase* GMT_ColorHSV(const ObjectList* input) { struct gmt_color c; RPosPar h("hue"); RPosPar s("saturation"), v("value"); OPosPar t("transparency",0.0); ParsePositionalParameters params(input,h,s,v,t); if(!params) return new ObjectError("ColorHSV",params.Error()); c.model=gmt_color::HSV; c.hue=h; c.saturation=s; c.value=v; c.transparency=t; return new ObjectGMTColor(c); } const ObjectBase* GMT_ColorCMYK(const ObjectList* input) { struct gmt_color C; RPosPar c("cyan"),m("magenta"),y("yellow"),k("black"); OPosPar t("transparency",0.0); ParsePositionalParameters params(input,c,m,y,k,t); if(!params) return new ObjectError("ColorCMYK",params.Error()); C.model=gmt_color::CMYK; C.cyan=c; C.magenta=m; C.yellow=y; C.black=k; C.transparency=t; return new ObjectGMTColor(C); } // Shifting layer /* Input: 1) Three arguments, first is Layer, second and third are double. Interprets as new absolute position in cm. 2) Pairs list. Names are l (layer), x, y, relx (rx), rely (ry). Pair with name l may be absent, in this case search in list and using as layer object with ObjectGMTLayer type. x and y are absolute positions in cm, relx and rely are shift from current position. x (y) and relx (rely) are mutually exlusive, but x (y) and rely (relx) can be used simultaneously. If position for some axis is absent, then this position is unchanged. */ const ObjectBase* GMT_LayerShift(const ObjectList* input) { struct gmt_layer layer; std::string err; // Case 1 { RPosPar l("layer"); OPosPar x("x",0.0), y("y",0.0); {ParsePositionalParameters params(input,l,x,y); if(!params) goto case2;} // Try case 2, if case 1 failed. layer=l; layer.shiftx=x; layer.shifty=y; return new ObjectGMTLayer(layer); } case2: { RNPar l("layer"); ONPar x("x"),y("y"),rx("r[el]x"),ry("r[el]y"); {ParseNamedParameters params(input,l,x,y); if(!params) {err=params.Error(); goto fail;}} // Parsing error // Check duplicate parameters if(x.Exist() && rx.Exist()) {err="Only one of "+x.Name()+" or "+rx.Name()+" can be specified."; goto fail;} if(y.Exist() && ry.Exist()) {err="Only one of "+y.Name()+" or "+ry.Name()+" can be specified."; goto fail;} // Do shift if( x.Exist()) layer.shiftx=x; if( y.Exist()) layer.shifty=y; if(rx.Exist()) layer.shiftx+=rx; if(ry.Exist()) layer.shifty+=ry; } return new ObjectGMTLayer(layer); fail: return new ObjectError("LayerShift",err); } // Draw frame with tics /* Input: pairs list. proj or projection or unnamed GMTProjection parameter - projection. This is mandatory argument. xtics - position of tics for x axis. Can be none, up, down or both. Default is down. ytics - position of tics for y axis. Can be none, left, right or both. Default is left. xint - tics interval for x axis. Numerical value or word auto. Default is auto. yint - tics interval for y axis. Numerical value or word auto. Default is auto. domain - coordinates domain. Can be pos (0:360), neg (-360:0) or center (-180:180) (only for geographic projections). Default is pos. mark - using letters (W, E, S, N) instead of sign for coordinates (only for geographic projections). Can be yes or no. Default is no. font - font using for annotations. Default is 12,Times-Roman,black. offset - distance from end of tick-mark to start of annotation in cm. Default is 0.18. framewidth - width of frame (only for geographic projections) in cm. Default is 0.1. framepen - pen for drawing frame. Default is 0.35,black. ticklen - lenght of tick-marks in cm. Default is 0.18. tickpen - pen for drawing ticks. Default is 0.3,black. trans or transparency - transparency level, double from 0 to 100. Default is 0 (opaque). model - transparency model, string. Choose from Color, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Darken, Difference, Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, Lighten, Luminosity, Multiply, Normal, Overlay, Saturation, SoftLight, and Screen. Default is Normal. rx or relx - shift layer on x cm in horisontal direction. Default is 0. ry or rely - shift layer on y cm in vertical direction. Default is 0. */ template using SConvertor=Convert2Struct; template using DConvertor=Convert2Struct; const ObjectBase* GMT_DrawFrame(const ObjectList* input) { struct XYIntVal // Representing intervals for tics intervals { bool isauto; double val; XYIntVal():isauto(true),val(0.0) {} // Default is auto }; class Base2TInt // Custom convertor class for xy tics intervals { public: using ValueType=struct XYIntVal; ValueType Convert(const ObjectBase* ob, bool* res, std::string& err) { ValueType ret; ret.isauto=false; OBTypeM sp(ob); OBTypeM dp(ob); // Check string "auto" if(sp.Error()==OBTypeErr::OK) { std::string s=sp(res,std::ref(err)); if(!res) {err="Unknown error"; goto fail;} // Impossible case tolower(s); if("auto"==s) {ret.isauto=true; return ret;} } // Check double value switch(dp.Error()) { case(OBTypeErr::OK): { ret.val=dp(res,std::ref(err)); if(ret.val<=0.0) {err="Tics interval must be greater the zero"; break;} return ret; }; case(OBTypeErr::NULLPTR): {err="Can't convert zero ObjectBase pointer to something meaningfull"; break;} case(OBTypeErr::TYPEMISMATCH): {err="Can't convert "+ob->Type()+" to double: type mismatch"; break;} } fail: *res=false; return ret; } }; std::string err,fakerr; std::string opts="-P -O -K "; struct gmt_layer layer; struct gmt_font deffont; struct gmt_pen defframepen,deftickpen; deffont.Convert("12,Times-Roman,black",fakerr); defframepen.Convert("0.35,black",fakerr); deftickpen.Convert("0.3,black",fakerr); RNFPar proj("projection"); ONPar xint("x[ ]interval"), yint("y[ ]interval"); ONPar xtics("x[ ]tics[ ]position","down"), ytics("y[ ]t[ics[ ]position","left"); ONPar domain("domain","pos"); ONPar mark("mark",false); ONPar font("font",deffont); ONPar offset("offset",0.18); ONPar framewidth("f[rame][ ]width",0.1); ONPar framepen("f[rame][ ]pen",defframepen), tickpen("t[icks][ ]pen",deftickpen); ONPar ticklen("t[icks][ ]length",0.18); ONPar transp("transparency",0.0); ONPar transpmodel("model","Normal"); ONPar rx("r[el]x",0.0),ry("r[el]y",0.0); ParseNamedParameters params(input,proj,xint,yint,xtics,ytics,domain,mark,font,offset,framewidth,framepen,tickpen,ticklen,transp,transpmodel,rx,ry); if(!params) {err=params.Error(); goto fail;} // Error parsing parameters layer.proj=proj; // Get projection opts+=layer.proj.Value()+" "; { // Get tics intervals XYIntVal dx=xint,dy=yint; opts+="-Bx"+ToString(dx.isauto?AutoStep(layer.proj.region.xb,layer.proj.region.xe):dx.val)+" -By"+ToString(dy.isauto?AutoStep(layer.proj.region.yb,layer.proj.region.ye):dy.val)+" "; } { // Get xtics and ytics positions std::string xt=xtics, yt=ytics; std::string xaxis, yaxis; TemplateComparator none("none"), both("both"); TemplateComparator up("up"), down("down"); TemplateComparator left("left"), right("right"); tolower(xt); tolower(yt); if(none.Compare(xt)) xaxis="sn"; if(down.Compare(xt)) xaxis="Sn"; if( up.Compare(xt)) xaxis="sN"; if(both.Compare(xt)) xaxis="SN"; if( none.Compare(yt)) yaxis="we"; if( left.Compare(yt)) yaxis="We"; if(right.Compare(yt)) yaxis="wE"; if( both.Compare(yt)) yaxis="WE"; if(xaxis.empty()) {err="Incorrect xtics position "+xtics.Value(); goto fail;} // Unknown value of xtics if(yaxis.empty()) {err="Incorrect xtics position "+ytics.Value(); goto fail;} // Unknown value of ytics opts+="-B"+xaxis+yaxis+" "; } { // Get domain and mark std::string dom=domain; std::string format; TemplateComparator p("positive"),n("negative"),c("centered"); tolower(dom); if(p.Compare(dom)) format="+ddd:mm:ss"; if(n.Compare(dom)) format="-ddd:mm:ss"; if(c.Compare(dom)) format="ddd:mm:ss"; if(format.empty()) {err="Incorrect domain value "+domain.Value(); goto fail;} // Unknown domain if(mark) format+="F"; opts+="--FORMAT_GEO_MAP="+format+" "; } opts+="--FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY="+font.Value().Value()+" "; // Get font opts+="--MAP_ANNOT_OFFSET_PRIMARY="+ToString(offset.Value())+"c "; // Get offset opts+="--MAP_FRAME_WIDTH="+ToString(framewidth.Value())+"c "; // Get framewidth opts+="--MAP_FRAME_PEN="+framepen.Value().Value()+" "; // Get framepen opts+="--MAP_TICK_LENGTH_PRIMARY="+ToString(ticklen.Value())+"c "; // Get ticklen opts+="--MAP_TICK_PEN_PRIMARY="+tickpen.Value().Value()+" "; // Get tickpen if(transp!=0) opts+="-t"+ToString(transp.Value())+" "; // Get transparency opts+="--PS_TRANSPARENCY="+transpmodel.Value()+" "; // Get transparency model // Get shift layer.shiftx=rx; layer.shifty=ry; { // Calling psbasemap void* gmtapi; std::string* draw=new std::string; int ret; gmtapi=GMT_Create_Session("DrawFrame",2,GMTMODE,0); if(0==gmtapi) goto fail; // Can't create GMT GMT_Create_Session ret=callgmtmodule(gmtapi,"psbasemap",opts,draw); GMT_Destroy_Session(gmtapi); if(0!=ret) {delete draw; goto fail;} // Psbasemap error layer.data.reset(draw); } layer.creator="psbasemap "+opts; return new ObjectGMTLayer(layer); fail: return new ObjectError("DrawFrame",err); }