1 changed files with 297 additions and 0 deletions
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#ifndef MODGMT_PARAM_H |
#define MODGMT_PARAM_H |
#include "modgmt_strcomp.h" |
#include "common.h" |
// Common ancestor for all parameters
template<class Converter, bool Optional> |
class Parameter |
{ |
using ValueType=typename Converter::ValueType; |
std::string name; // Used for error reporting
bool initialised; |
Converter conv; |
ValueType val; |
template<bool hasDefault, class Conv=Converter> |
struct Adapter; |
template<class Conv> |
struct Adapter<true,Conv> {static const typename Conv::ValueType& Val(const Conv& cnv) {return cnv.Default();}}; |
template<class Conv> |
struct Adapter<false,Conv> {static typename Conv::ValueType&& Val(const Conv& cnv) {return std::move(typename Conv::ValueType());}}; |
template<class C> |
struct CheckDefault |
{ |
private: |
static void detect(...); |
template<class T> static decltype(std::declval<T>().Default()) detect(T); |
public: |
static constexpr bool value=std::is_same<ValueType, typename std::decay<decltype(detect(std::declval<C>()))>::type>::value; |
}; |
protected: |
Parameter(Parameter&&) = delete; |
Parameter(const Parameter&) = delete; |
Parameter() = delete; |
template<class... Args> |
Parameter(std::string&& str, Args... args): name(std::move(str)), initialised(false), conv(args...) |
{ |
val=Adapter<CheckDefault<Converter>::value>::Val(conv); |
} |
template<class... Args> |
Parameter(const std::string& str, Args... args): name(str), initialised(false), conv(args...) |
{ |
val=Adapter<CheckDefault<Converter>::value>::Val(conv); |
} |
void SetState(bool newini) {initialised=newini;} |
public: |
bool Init(const ObjectBase* p, std::string& err) |
{ |
std::string cerr; |
bool res=true; |
ValueType tval=conv.Convert(p,&res,cerr); |
SetState(res); |
if(res) val=std::move(tval); |
else err=std::move(cerr); |
return res; |
} |
bool Initialised() const {return initialised;} |
bool Exist() const {return initialised;} |
const std::string& Name() const {return name;} |
constexpr bool isOptional() const {return Optional;} |
const ValueType& Value() {return val;} |
const ValueType* operator->() const {return &val;} |
operator const ValueType&() {return val;} |
void Reset() {initialised=false; val=std::move(Adapter<CheckDefault<Converter>::value>::Val(conv));} |
static constexpr bool optional=Optional; |
using ConverterType=Converter; |
}; |
// Class for parameter which must be in named pair
template <class Converter, bool O> |
class NamedParameter: public Parameter<Converter,O>, public TemplateComparator |
{ |
public: |
using AcceptableObject=void; |
template<class... Args> |
NamedParameter(const std::string& t, Args... args):Parameter<Converter,O>(t,args...),TemplateComparator(t) {} |
template<class... Args> |
NamedParameter(std::pair<std::string,std::string>&& t, Args... args):Parameter<Converter,O>(std::move(t.first),args...),TemplateComparator(std::move(t.second)) {} |
}; |
// Class for parameter which can be in named pair or as object of type Object
template <class Converter, bool O, class Object> |
class NamedFreeParameter: public NamedParameter<Converter,O> |
{ |
public: |
using AcceptableObject=Object; |
template<class... Args> |
NamedFreeParameter(Args... args):NamedParameter<Converter,O>(args...) {} |
}; |
// Class for parameter which can be in some positions in list
template <class Converter, bool O> |
class PositionalParameter: public Parameter<Converter,O> |
{ |
public: |
template<class... Args> |
PositionalParameter(Args... args):Parameter<Converter,O>(args...) {} |
}; |
// Base class for ParseNamedParameters and ParsePositionalParameters
class ParseParameters |
{ |
protected: |
std::string err; |
ParseParameters():err() {} |
ParseParameters(const ParseParameters&) = delete; |
ParseParameters(ParseParameters&&) = delete; |
public: |
std::string Error() const {return err;} |
bool Ok() const {return err.empty();} |
operator bool() const {return Ok();} |
}; |
// Parsing positional parameters
class ParsePositionalParameters: public ParseParameters |
{ |
ParsePositionalParameters() = delete; |
ParsePositionalParameters(const ParsePositionalParameters&) = delete; |
ParsePositionalParameters(ParsePositionalParameters&&) = delete; |
// Main parsing function
template <class Par, class... Args> |
void Parse(ObjectList::IndexType i, const ObjectList* ol, Par& param, Args&... args) |
{ |
// Check types of arguments
static_assert(std::is_same<PositionalParameter<typename Par::ConverterType, Par::optional>,Par>::value,"ParsePositionalParameters argument(s) must be PositionalParameter"); |
// Check if parameter already initialised. This is code error.
if(param.Initialised()) |
{ |
err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" already initialised. This is code error."; |
return; |
} |
// List is ended
if(i>=ol->Size()) |
{ |
// Parameter is optional, skip it
if(Par::optional) Parse(i,ol,args...); |
// Parameter is required, this is an error
else err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" is required, but can't be setted because list is ended"; |
} |
// Initialise from some list element
else |
{ |
bool res=param.Init(ol->At(i),err); |
// All Ok, continue to next element in list
if(res) Parse(i+1,ol,args...); |
else |
{ |
// All Ok, optional parameter may be absent, try to initialise next parameter by same list element
if(Par::optional) Parse(i,ol,args...); |
// Error, required parameter not initialised
else err="Can't initialise parameter "+param.Name()+" from list element number "+ToString(i)+": "+err; |
} |
} |
} |
// Bottom of recursion
void Parse(ObjectList::IndexType i, const ObjectList* ol) {if(i<ol->Size()) err="There are excess elements in list";} |
public: |
template <class... Args> |
ParsePositionalParameters(const ObjectList* ol, Args&... args) {Parse(0,ol,args...);} |
}; |
// Parsing named parameters
class ParseNamedParameters: public ParseParameters |
{ |
ParseNamedParameters() = delete; |
ParseNamedParameters(const ParseNamedParameters&) = delete; |
ParseNamedParameters(ParseNamedParameters&&) = delete; |
// Parsing function for elements without names
// ob - object from which we initialise parameter param.
// init - is ob was already used for initialise something.
// args - other parameters
// Function try to initialise parameter param, if param accepted real type of ob for initialisation, else function try to initialise next parameter in args.
// Function return error if initialisation of parameter failed or if two parameters can be initialised from ob.
template <class Par, class... Args> |
bool ParseSingle(const ObjectBase* ob, bool init, Par& param, Args&... args) |
{ |
// Check types of arguments
static_assert(std::is_same<NamedParameter<typename Par::ConverterType, Par::optional>,Par>::value || std::is_same<NamedFreeParameter<typename Par::ConverterType, Par::optional, typename Par::AcceptableObject>,Par>::value,"ParseNamedParameters argument(s) must be NamedParameter or NamedFreeParameter"); |
OBType<typename Par::AcceptableObject> o(ob); |
if(o && init) |
{ |
err="Object of type "+ob->Type()+" used for initialisation of two parameters. This is code error."; |
return false; |
} |
if(!o) return ParseSingle(ob,init,args...); // Type mismatch, goto next parameter
if(param.Initialised()) |
{ |
err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" can't be initialised from object of type "+ob->Type()+" because it already initialised."; |
return false; |
} |
std::string ierr; |
if(!param.Init(ob,ierr)) |
{ |
err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" can't be initialised from object of type "+ob->Type()+": "+ierr; |
return false; |
} |
return ParseSingle(ob,true,args...); |
} |
// Bottom of recursion
bool ParseSingle(const ObjectBase* ob, bool init) const {return true;} |
// Parsing function for elements in pairs
// op - pair from which we initialise parameter param.
// pname - name of parameter already initialised from op (or empty string).
// args - other parameters
// Function try to initialise parameter param, if pair name corresponding to param template, else function try to initialise next parameter in args.
// Function return error if initialisation of parameter failed or if two parameters can be initialised from op.
template <class Par, class... Args> |
bool ParsePair(const ObjectPair* op, std::string& pname, Par& param, Args&... args) |
{ |
// Check types of arguments
static_assert(std::is_same<NamedParameter<typename Par::ConverterType, Par::optional>,Par>::value || std::is_same<NamedFreeParameter<typename Par::ConverterType, Par::optional, typename Par::AcceptableObject>,Par>::value,"ParseNamedParameters argument(s) must be NamedParameter or NamedFreeParameter"); |
bool cmp=param.Compare(op->Name()); |
if(cmp && !pname.empty()) |
{ |
err="Element "+op->Name()+" can be used for initialisation of two parameters: "+pname+" and "+param.Name(); |
return false; |
} |
if(!cmp) return ParsePair(op,pname,args...); // Name mismatch, goto next parameter
pname=param.Name(); |
if(param.Initialised()) |
{ |
err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" can't be initialised from element "+op->Name()+" because it already initialised."; |
return false; |
} |
std::string ierr; |
if(!param.Init(op->Value(),ierr)) |
{ |
err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" can't be initialised from element "+op->Name()+": "+ierr; |
return false; |
} |
return ParsePair(op,pname,args...); |
} |
// Bottom of recursion
bool ParsePair(const ObjectPair* op, std::string& pname) const {return true;} |
template <class Par, class... Args> |
void CheckRequired(const Par& param, Args&... args) |
{ |
if((Par::optional || param.Initialised())) CheckRequired(args...); |
else err="Parameter "+param.Name()+" is required, but not initialised"; |
} |
// Bottom of recursion
void CheckRequired() const {} |
public: |
template <class... Args> |
ParseNamedParameters(const ObjectList* ol, Args&... args) |
{ |
// Initialisation
std::string pname; |
for(ObjectList::const_iterator i=ol->begin();i!=ol->end();++i) |
{ |
pname.erase(); |
OBType<ObjectPair> p(*i); |
if( !(p?ParsePair(p,pname,args...):ParseSingle(*i,false,args...)) ) break; |
} |
if(!Ok()) return; // Error on initialisation phase
// Check if all required parameters are initialised
CheckRequired(args...); |
} |
}; |
template<class Converter> |
using ONPar=NamedParameter<Converter,true>; |
template<class Converter> |
using RNPar=NamedParameter<Converter,false>; |
template<class Converter, class Object> |
using ONFPar=NamedFreeParameter<Converter,true,Object>; |
template<class Converter, class Object> |
using RNFPar=NamedFreeParameter<Converter,false,Object>; |
template<class Converter> |
using OPosPar=PositionalParameter<Converter,true>; |
template<class Converter> |
using RPosPar=PositionalParameter<Converter,false>; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue