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#ifndef BUILTIN_H
#define BUILTIN_H
#include <cmath>
#include "object.h"
template<class O>
struct Valued
double operator ()(const O* q, bool* isok) {return q->Value();}
struct Valued<ObjectString>
double operator ()(const ObjectString* q, bool* isok) {double d=0; if(!str2double(q->Value(),&d)) *isok=false; return d;}
template<class O>
struct Valuei
int64_t operator ()(const O* q, bool* isok) {return q->Value();}
struct Valuei<ObjectString>
int64_t operator ()(const ObjectString* q, bool* isok) {int64_t i=0; if(!str2int(q->Value(),&i)) *isok=false; return i;}
template<class T> class OpAdd {public: static T V(T a1, T a2) {return a1+a2;}};
template<class T> class OpSub {public: static T V(T a1, T a2) {return a1-a2;}};
template<class T> class OpMul {public: static T V(T a1, T a2) {return a1*a2;}};
template<class T> class OpDiv {public: static T V(T a1, T a2) {return a1/a2;}};
template<class T> class OpPow {public: static T V(T a1, T a2) {return pow(a1,a2);}};
template<class T> class OpNeg {public: static T V(T a) {return -a;}};
template<class T> class OpPos {public: static T V(T a) {return +a;}};
template<template<typename> class Op, bool intArifm=true>
const ObjectBase* Arifm2(const ObjectList* input)
if(input->Size()!=2) return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","incorrect number of arguments");
const ObjectBase *arg1=input->At(0),*arg2=input->At(1);
OBTypeM<Valuei,ObjectInt,ObjectString> i1(arg1), i2(arg2);
OBTypeM<Valued,ObjectReal,ObjectInt,ObjectString> r1(arg1), r2(arg2);
bool isok1=true, isok2=true;
// Integer arifmetic
if(i1 && i2 && intArifm)
int64_t v1=i1(&isok1),v2=i2(&isok2);
if(isok1 && isok2) return new ObjectInt(Op<int64_t>::V(v1,v2));
// Real arifmetic
if(r1 && r2)
double v1=r1(&isok1),v2=r2(&isok2);
if(isok1 && isok2) return new ObjectReal(Op<double>::V(v1,v2));
// Analyze error
// Check first argument
case(OBTypeErr::OK): if(!isok1) return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","failed conversion of first argument to double"); else break;
case(OBTypeErr::NULLPTR): return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","first argument is nullptr"); // Impossible case
case(OBTypeErr::TYPEMISMATCH): return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","first argument has incorrect type");
// Firs argument is ok, check second
case(OBTypeErr::OK): if(!isok2) return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","failed conversion of second argument to double"); else break;
case(OBTypeErr::NULLPTR): return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","second argument is nullptr"); // Impossible case
case(OBTypeErr::TYPEMISMATCH): return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","second argument has incorrect type");
return new ObjectError("Arifmetic binary operator","unknown error"); // Impossible case
template<template<typename> class Op, bool intArifm=true>
const ObjectBase* Arifm1(const ObjectList* input)
if(input->Size()!=1) return new ObjectError("Arifmetic unary operator","incorrect number of arguments");
const ObjectBase *arg=input->At(0);
OBTypeM<Valuei,ObjectInt,ObjectString> i(arg);
OBTypeM<Valued,ObjectReal,ObjectString> r(arg);
bool isok;
// Integer arifmetic
if(i && intArifm)
int64_t v=i(&isok);
if(isok) return new ObjectInt(Op<int64_t>::V(v));
// Real arifmetic
double v=r(&isok);
if(isok) return new ObjectReal(Op<double>::V(v));
// Analyze error
case(OBTypeErr::OK): if(!isok) return new ObjectError("Arifmetic unary operator","failed conversion of argument to double"); else break;
case(OBTypeErr::NULLPTR): return new ObjectError("Arifmetic unary operator","argument is nullptr"); // Impossible case
case(OBTypeErr::TYPEMISMATCH): return new ObjectError("Arifmetic unary operator","argument has incorrect type");
return new ObjectError("Arifmetic unary operator","unknown error"); // Impossible case