You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
1.1 KiB

digraph {
s [ shape="box", label="[0] Request" ];
p [ shape="box", label="[A] Pass" ];
b [ shape="box", label="[B] Block" ];
t [ shape="oval", label="[6] Set new token" ];
c [ shape="oval", label="[4] Show captcha" ];
w [ shape="oval", label="[3] Some heavy\noperation" ];
i [ shape="oval", label="[9] Accounting" ];
rl [ shape="diamond", label="[8] Is rate-limit\nexceeded?" ];
ht [ shape="diamond", label="[1] Has token?" ];
vt [ shape="diamond", label="[2] Is token valid?" ];
cv [ shape="diamond", label="[5] Is captcha valid?" ];
ts [ shape="diamond", label="[7] Is token set?" ];
s -> ht [ style="bold", weight=2 ];
ht -> vt [ label="Y", style="bold", weight=2 ];
ht -> w [ label="N", style="dashed" ];
w -> t [ style="dashed" ];
t -> ts [ style="solid" ];
ts -> b [ label="N" ];
ts -> p [ label="Y", style="solid" ];
vt -> rl [ label="Y", style="bold", weight=2 ];
rl -> i [ label="N", style="bold", weight=2 ];
i -> p [ style="bold", weight=2 ];
rl -> b [ label="Y", style="bold" ];
vt -> c [ label="N" ];
c -> cv;
cv -> c [ label="N" ];
cv -> t [ label="Y" ];