package LDV::Zerobin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Mojo::Asset::File;
use Mojo::Util qw(b64_encode b64_decode decode encode);
sub _content_path {
my ($self, $time) = @_;
return $self->app->home->rel_file("public/zerobin/$time.txt");
sub _content_save {
my ($self, $time, $content) = @_;
unless (ref $content) {
my $asset = Mojo::Asset::File->new;
$content = $asset; # wrap plaintext to Mojo::Asset
my $path = $self->_content_path($time);
return 1;
sub _content_load {
my ($self, $time) = @_;
my $path = $self->_content_path($time);
die("paste content not found\n") unless (-f $path);
my $asset = Mojo::Asset::File->new(path => $path);
my $content = $asset->slurp;
return $content;
sub create {
my ($self) = @_;
or return;
my @syntax = qw(auto);
my $syntax = [ @{ $self->app->config->{zerobin}->{syntax} } ];
while (my ($cat, $list) = splice(@{ $syntax }, 0, 2)) {
next unless $cat and ref($list) and ref($list) eq 'ARRAY';
push @syntax, $self->c($cat => $list);
$self->stash({syntax => \@syntax});
sub view {
my ($self) = @_;
my $time = $self->stash('time') || 0;
eval {
my $paste = $self->app->db->select('zerobin', '*', {created => $time})->hash;
die("paste not found\n") unless $paste;
$paste->{data} = $self->_content_load($paste->{created});
$self->stash({paste => $paste}); 1;
} or do {
chomp $@;
$@ = "internal error" if ($@ =~ m|at \S+ line \d+|oi);
$self->flash({'result' => $@});
sub save {
my ($self) = @_;
or return;
eval {
my $source = $self->req->param('source') || '-';
my $expire = $self->req->param('expire') || 30; # 30 days or 1 month
my $syntax = $self->req->param('syntax') || '';
my $paste;
if ($source eq 'form') {
$paste = $self->req->param('paste') || '';
die("empty paste\n") unless $paste;
} elsif ($source eq 'file') {
require File::MimeInfo::Magic;
my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile();
my $maxsize = $self->app->config->{zerobin}->{maxsize};
my $upload = $self->req->upload('file');
die("empty uploaded file\n")
if $upload->size == 0;
die("uploaded file too large\n")
if $upload->size > $maxsize;
if $upload->asset->SUPER::can('cleanup');
my $mime = File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype($tmpfile);
die("uploaded file not looks like text\n")
unless $mime =~ m{^text/};
$paste = $upload->asset;
unlink $tmpfile;
} else {
die("unknown 'source'\n");
$expire = 30 unless ($expire =~ m|^\d+$|o);
$syntax = 'auto' unless ($syntax =~ m|^[a-z0-9]+$|oi);
my $time = time();
$self->app->db->insert('zerobin', {
created => $time, syntax => $syntax,
expire => $time + ($expire * 86400),
$self->_content_save($time, $paste);
$self->redirect_to("/zerobin/$time"); 1;
} or do {
chomp $@;
$@ = "internal error" if ($@ =~ m|at \S+ line \d+|oi);
$self->flash({'result' => $@});
sub prune {
my ($self) = @_;
eval {
my @expired = $self->app->db->select('zerobin', '*', {expire => {'<=' => time()}})->hashes;
foreach my $paste (@expired) {
my $path = $self->_content_path($paste->{created});
$self->app->log->info("Removing expired paste: $path");
unlink $path if -f $path;
$self->app->db->delete('zerobin', {id => $paste->{id}});
my $msg = sprintf '%d records pruned', scalar @expired;
$self->app->log->info($msg); 1;
} or do {
chomp $@;
$@ = "internal error" if ($@ =~ m|at \S+ line \d+|oi);
$self->stash({result => $@});