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33 lines
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% layout 'default';
% title 'Filebin -- View';
% my $file = stash('file') || {};
<h1><%= l('View file') %></h1>
<%= link_to l('Upload') => "/filebin", class => 'btn upload' %>&nbsp;
<%= link_to l('Download') => $file->{path}, class => 'btn download', download => $file->{fname} %>&nbsp;
% if (config->{filebin}->{show_latest}) {
<%= link_to l('Latest files') => "/filebin/latest", class => 'btn latest' %>&nbsp;
% }
<div class="filebin file">
% if ($file->{ftype} eq 'i') {
<%= image $file->{path} %>
% } elsif ($file->{ftype} eq 'a') {
<%= tag audio => (src => $file->{path}, controls => 'controls', preload => 'metadata') => l('HTML5-aware browser required') %>
% } elsif ($file->{ftype} eq 'v') {
<%= tag video => (src => $file->{path}, controls => 'controls', preload => 'metadata') => l('HTML5-aware browser required') %>
% }
<tr><td><%= l('Name') %></td><td>:</td><td><%= $file->{fname} %></td></tr>
<tr><td><%= l('Size') %></td><td>:</td><td><%= sprintf("%.1f kb", $file->{fsize} / 1024) %></td></tr>
<tr><td><%= l('Mime') %></td><td>:</td><td><%= $file->{fmime} %></td></tr>
% if (($file->{ftype} eq 'i' or $file->{ftype} eq 'v') and ($file->{res_w} or $file->{res_h})) {
<tr><td><%= l('Image size') %></td><td>:</td><td><%= sprintf("%dx%d", $file->{res_w}, $file->{res_h}) %></td></tr>
% }