You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
1.3 KiB

5 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Getopt::Std;
use DBIx::Simple;
use SQL::Abstract;
my $opts = { f => undef };
getopts('f:', $opts)
or die "Usage: $0 [-f <qrss.db>]\n";
die "Usage: $0 [-f <qrss.db>]\n"
unless $opts->{f} and -f $opts->{f};
my $dbopts = { sqlite_unicode => 1, AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1 };
my $dsn = sprintf 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=%s', $opts->{f};
my $db = DBIx::Simple->new($dsn, undef, undef, $dbopts);
my $query = 'SELECT, f.title, COUNT(*) AS cnt, '
. ' SUM(LENGTH(n.description)) AS len1, SUM(LENGTH(n.content)) AS len2 FROM feeds f'
. ' JOIN news n ON ( = feedId) GROUP BY ORDER BY cnt DESC';
my $stats = $db->query($query)->hashes;
printf " ID | News | Summary | Content | Title \n";
print "---------------" x 4, "\n";
my $total = { cnt => 0, len1 => 0, len2 => 0 };
foreach my $s (@{ $stats }) {
$s->{len1} //= 0;
$s->{len2} //= 0;
printf " %4d | %6d | %8.1fK | %8.1fK | %s\n", $s->{id}, $s->{cnt},
$s->{len1} / 1024, $s->{len2} / 1024, $s->{title};
$total->{cnt} += $s->{cnt};
$total->{len1} += $s->{len1};
$total->{len2} += $s->{len2};
print "---------------" x 4, "\n";
printf "%5s | %6d | %8.1fK | %8.1fK | %s\n", 'Total', $total->{cnt},
$total->{len1} / 1024, $total->{len2} / 1024, '';
exit 0;