#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Net::MQTT::Simple; use Zabbix::Sender; use Getopt::Std; use YAML; my ($cfg, $mqtt, $opts, $zbx); sub usage { print "Usage: $0 -c [-h] [-v]\n"; exit (shift // 0); } sub msg_handler { my ($topic, $message) = @_; if (my $map = $cfg->{topics}->{$topic}) { $zbx->hostname($map->{host}); my $res = $zbx->send($map->{item}, $message); unless ($res and $res->{response} eq 'success') { printf "can't send data to zabbix server: %s", $res->{message} || 'unknown error'; } } else { print "ignore message [$topic] $message\n"; } return; } getopts('c:hv', $opts) or usage(1); if ($opts->{h}) { usage(0); } unless ($opts->{c} and -f $opts->{c}) { usage(1); } $cfg = YAML::LoadFile($opts->{c}) or do { print "can't load config\n"; usage(1); }; $zbx = Zabbix::Sender->new(server => $cfg->{zabbix}->{server}); $ENV{MQTT_SIMPLE_ALLOW_INSECURE_LOGIN} = 1; $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Simple->new($cfg->{mqtt}->{server}); $mqtt->login($cfg->{mqtt}->{username}, $cfg->{mqtt}->{password}); foreach my $t (keys %{ $cfg->{topics} }) { $mqtt->subscribe($t => \&msg_handler); } while (1) { $mqtt->tick(15); } exit 0;