You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
2.8 KiB

package Text::Dokuwiki::Regexps;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
my $SP = '[\ \t]';
my $EOL = '\r?\n';
our $regexps = {};
$regexps->{header} = qr/
^ # line start
$SP? # maybe one leading space
(?<line> ={2,6} ) # header marks
\s* # leading spaces
(?<header> .+? ) # header text
$SP* # trailing spaces
(?: \g{line}? ) # header mark (exactly same as above)
(?: $EOL | $) # newline or file end
$regexps->{codeblock} = qr%
^ # first line
$SP? # maybe one leading space
< # opening tag start
(?<tag> code | file ) # tag name
(?: # optional block
(?: $SP+ (?<syntax>\S+) )?
(?: $SP+ (?<filename>\S+) )
> # opening tag end
$SP* # maybe any number of trailing spaces
$EOL # end of first line
(?<block> # body of block
^ # line start
.* # contents
$EOL # line end (note: no $)
)*? # don't be greedy, other blocks may follow
) # block body end
^ # last line
$SP? # maybe one leading space
</\g{tag}> # the same tag as in first line
$SP* # maybe any number of trailing spaces
(?: $EOL | $) # end of last line
$regexps->{table} = qr/
^ # line start
$SP? # maybe one leading space
[|^] # at next char is '|' (td) or '^' (th)
.* # rest of line
[|^] # ends with '|' or '^'
$SP* # maybe one or more trailing space(s)
(?: $EOL | $ ) # newline or file end
)+ # one or more such lines
$regexps->{pre} = qr/
^ # line start
$SP {2} # at least two spaces
.* # rest of line
(?: $EOL | $ ) # newline or file end
)+ # one or more lines
$regexps->{blockquote} = qr/
^ # line start
$SP? # maybe one leading space
[>]{1,} # quote marker(s)
.* # rest of line
(?: $EOL | $ ) # newline or file end
)+ # one or more lines
$regexps->{list} = qr/
^ # line start
$SP {2,} # two or more spaces
[*-] # start marker of the list item
.+ # rest of line
(?: $EOL | $ ) # newline or file end
)+ # one or more lines
$regexps->{paragraph} = qr/
^ # line start
$SP? # optional leading space
\S.* # at least one printable symbol
(?: $EOL | $ ) # newline or file end
)+ # one or more lines
$regexps->{emptyline} = qr{
^ # line start
(?: $SP* ) # zero or more spaces
(?: $EOL | $ ) # newline or file end