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package Subtitle::SSA::Style;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use overload => (
'""' => \&to_string,
my @FIELDS_SSA = qw(name fontname fontsize primarycolour secondarycolour tertiarycolour backcolour bold italic borderstyle outline shadow alignment marginl marginr marginv alphalevel encoding);
my @FIELDS_ASS = qw(name fontname fontsize primarycolour secondarycolour outlinecolour backcolour bold italic underline strikeout scalex scaley spacing angle borderstyle outline shadow alignment marginl marginr marginv encoding);
# formats:
# s - string, use as is
# d - decimal, no-zero pad
# b - boolean, 0 as false, -1 as true
# f - float, 6.01 or 6 if no fractional part
# x - hex-number, &H00AABBCC for ASS or decimal number for SSA
my %FIELDS = (
name => { type => 's', value => 'Default', name => 'Name' },
fontname => { type => 's', value => 'Arial' , name => 'Fontname' },
primarycolour => { type => 'x', value => 0x00FFFFFF, name => 'PrimaryColour' },
secondarycolour => { type => 'x', value => 0x00000000, name => 'SecondaryColour' },
outlinecolour => { type => 'x', value => 0x004E3873, name => 'OutlineColour' },
tertiarycolour => { type => 'x', value => 0x004E3873, name => 'TertiaryColour' },
backcolour => { type => 'x', value => 0x96000000, name => 'BackColour' },
fontsize => { type => 'd', value => 24, name => 'Fontsize' },
bold => { type => 'b', value => 0, name => 'Bold' },
italic => { type => 'b', value => 0, name => 'Italic' },
underline => { type => 'b', value => 0, name => 'Underline' },
strikeout => { type => 'b', value => 0, name => 'StrikeOut' },
scalex => { type => 'd', value => 100, name => 'ScaleX' },
scaley => { type => 'd', value => 100, name => 'ScaleY' },
spacing => { type => 'f', value => 0, name => 'Spacing' },
angle => { type => 'f', value => 0, name => 'Angle' },
borderstyle => { type => 'd', value => 1, name => 'BorderStyle' },
outline => { type => 'f', value => 2, name => 'Outline' },
shadow => { type => 'f', value => 0, name => 'Shadow' },
alignment => { type => 'd', value => 2, name => 'Alignment' },
marginl => { type => 'd', value => 10, name => 'MarginL' },
marginr => { type => 'd', value => 10, name => 'MarginR' },
marginv => { type => 'd', value => 10, name => 'MarginV' },
alphalevel => { type => 'd', value => 0, name => 'AlphaLevel' },
encoding => { type => 'd', value => 204, name => 'Encoding' },
sub new {
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class);
if ($opts{version} and $opts{version} =~ m{^(ass|ssa)$}oi) {
$self->{_vers} = lc($opts{version});
} else {
$self->{_vers} = 'ass';
my @fields = $self->fields();
foreach my $field (@fields) {
$self->{$field} = ($opts{defaults})
? $FIELDS{$field}->{value}
: undef;
return $self;
sub fields {
my ($self) = @_;
return ($self->{_vers} eq 'ssa')
sub set {
my ($self, $opt, $value) = @_;
return unless $opt;
$opt = lc($opt);
return unless exists $self->{$opt};
$self->{$opt} = $value;
return 1;
sub parse {
my ($self, $fields, $line) = @_;
return unless $fields and ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY';
return unless $line and $line =~ m{^Style:}oi;
chomp $line;
$line =~ s{^style:\s+}{}oi;
my @values = split /,\s*/o, $line;
# check that values count match fields count
return unless scalar @{ $fields } != scalar @values;
foreach my $field (@{ $fields }) {
my $value = shift @values;
$self->set($field => $value);
return 1;
sub to_string {
my ($self) = @_;
my @fields = $self->fields();
my $string = "Style: ";
my @values = ();
foreach my $field (@fields) {
my $d = $FIELD{$field};
my $v = $self->{$f} // $d->{value};
if ($d->{type} eq 'x') {
$fmt = ($self->{_vers} eq 'ass') ? '&H%08X' : '%d';
$v = sprintf $fmt, $v;
} elsif ($d->{type} eq 'f') {
$v = sprintf "%.2f", $v;
# hack: make decimal from float if fractional part is zero after round up
$v =~ s{\.00$}{}oi;
} else {
# use as is
push @values, $v;
$string .= join(',', @values);
return $string;