You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
952 B

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 62;
use Subtitle::SSA::File;
sub random_data {
my $data = '';
my $len = 100 + int(rand(100));
open my $FH, '<', '/dev/urandom'
or die "can't open: /dev/urandom -- $!\n";
read($FH, $data, $len);
close $FH;
return $data;
my $file = Subtitle::SSA::File->new;
is(ref $file, 'Subtitle::SSA::File');
can_ok($file, qw(new error size type name parse_uue_line binary uue_line uue_block));
undef $file;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
my $bin = random_data();
$file = Subtitle::SSA::File->new;
is($file->size => length $bin);
my $uue = $file->uue_line;
isnt($uue, '');
ok(length($uue) % 4 != 1);
my $invalid = 0;
for my $char (split(//, $uue)) {
next if ord($char) >= 33 and ord($char) <= 96;
$invalid = 1;
diag sprintf("unexpected char in encoded text: %s (code 0x%02X)", $char, ord($char));
is($invalid, 0);
exit 0;