package Subtitle::Format::SSA; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Subtitle::Format::SSA::Header; use Subtitle::Format::SSA::Style; use Subtitle::Format::SSA::Event; use Subtitle::Format::SSA::File; use Subtitle::Utils qw(:string); use base 'Subtitle::Format'; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $self = { debug => 0, eol => "\n", type => undef, %args, h_order => [], # headers order headers => {}, styles => [], events => [], fonts => [], log => [], }; return bless($self, $class); } sub new_event { ... } sub parse { my ($self, $lines) = @_; my $linenum = 0; my ($section, $font); foreach my $line (@$lines) { $linenum++; chomp_all($line); trim($line); next unless $line; study $line; # check section switch if (index($line, '[') >= 0 and $line =~ m/^\[([a-zA-Z0-9+ ]+)\]\s*$/o) { my $name = lc($1); if ($name =~ m{script \s+ info}oix) { $section = 'header'; } elsif ($name eq 'events') { $section = 'events'; } elsif ($name eq 'fonts') { $section = 'fonts'; } elsif ($name =~ m{v4(\+)? \s+ styles}oix) { $section = 'styles'; unless ($self->{type}) { $self->{type} = ($1) ? 'ass' : 'ssa'; $self->log(warn => "Set type to $self->{type} because of line $linenum (fallback mode)"); } } else { $section = 'unknown'; $self->log(warn => "Unknown section at line $linenum: $line"); } $self->log(debug => "section changed to [$section] at line $linenum"); next; } # parse fonts data if ($section eq 'fonts') { if (index($line, 'fontname:') == 0) { $line =~ m/^fontname:\s*(.*)/o; $font = Subtitle::Format::SSA::File->new; $font->type('font'); $font->name($1); push @{ $self->{fonts} }, $font; next; } elsif ($font) { $font->add_uue_line($line); } # else: missing 'fontname' line, skip next; } # TODO: graphics section unless ($section) { $self->log(warn => "Line $linenum outside any section, skip"); next; } # skip comments next if $line =~ m{^ \s* ;}xo; if ($section eq 'header') { my $header = Subtitle::Format::SSA::Header->new; unless ($header->parse($line)) { $self->log(error => "Can't parse header at line $linenum: $line"); next; } my $key = $header->hash_key(); if (exists $self->{headers}->{$key}) { $self->log(warn => "Duplicate header at line $linenum: $header->{name}, replacing"); } else { push @{ $self->{h_order} }, $key; } $self->{headers}->{$key} = $header; if ($key eq 'scripttype') { my $type = index($header->{value}, "+") >= 0 ? 'ass' : 'ssa'; $self->log(debug => "File recognized as '$type' type from header at line $linenum"); $self->{type} = $type; } next; } if ($section eq 'styles') { if ($line =~ m/^\s*Format:/oi) { $self->log(debug => "Set style format from line $linenum"); next; } my $style = Subtitle::Format::SSA::Style->new(type => $self->{type}); if ($style->parse($line)) { push @{ $self->{styles} }, $style; } else { my $error = $style->error(); $self->log(error => "Can't parse style at line $linenum: $error"); } next; } if ($section eq 'events') { if ($line =~ m/^\s*Format:/oi) { $self->log(debug => "Set event format from line $linenum"); next; } my $event = Subtitle::Format::SSA::Event->new(type => $self->{type}); if ($event->parse($line)) { push @{ $self->{events} }, $event; } else { my $error = $event->error(); $self->log(error => "Can't parse event at line $linenum: $error"); } next; } $self->log(warn => "unrecognized line at line $linenum: $line"); } return scalar @{ $self->{events} }; } sub build { my ($self) = @_; my (@lines, $out); # headers push @lines, "[Script Info]"; push @lines, "; generated with Subtitle::Format::SSA"; foreach my $key (@{ $self->{h_order} }) { my $h = $self->{headers}->{$key}; push @lines, $h->to_string(); } push @lines, ""; # styles if ($self->{type} eq 'ass') { push @lines, "[V4+ Styles]"; } else { push @lines, "[V4 Styles]"; } push @lines, Subtitle::Format::SSA::Style->new(type => $self->{type})->get_format_line(); foreach my $s (@{ $self->{styles} }) { push @lines, $s->to_string(); } push @lines, ""; # events push @lines, "[Events]"; push @lines, Subtitle::Format::SSA::Event->new(type => $self->{type})->get_format_line(); foreach my $e (@{ $self->{events} }) { push @lines, $e->to_string(); } push @lines, ""; if (scalar @{ $self->{fonts} } > 0) { push @lines, "[Fonts]"; foreach my $font (@{ $self->{fonts} }) { push @lines, $font->uue_block; } } # TODO: graphics return join($self->{eol}, @lines); } sub style_usage { my ($self) = @_; my $styles = {}; foreach my $s (@{ $self->{styles} }) { $styles->{ $s->{name} } = 0; } my $stats = {}; foreach my $e (@{ $self->{events} }) { my $sn = $e->{style} || 'Default'; if ($sn eq '*Default') { # even libass author not knows what really '*' means $sn = 'Default'; } $stats->{$sn} //= 0; $stats->{$sn}++; next if exists $styles->{$sn}; my $msg = sprintf "Event uses style named '%s' but it's not defined", $sn; $self->log(warn => $msg); } my @unused = grep { $stats->{$_} == 0 } keys %{ $stats }; foreach my $u (@unused) { $self->log(warn => "Style '$u' not used by any event"); } return $stats; } sub fonts_usage { my ($self) = @_; my $stats = {}; foreach my $s (@{ $self->{styles} }) { my $fn = $s->{fontname}; $stats->{$fn} //= 0; $stats->{$fn}++; } foreach my $e (@{ $self->{events} }) { next unless index($e->{text}, '\fn') > 0; my ($fn) = ($e->{text} =~ m<\\fn([^\\}]+)>); next unless $fn; $stats->{$fn} //= 0; $stats->{$fn}++; } return $stats; } 1;