use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 30; use Subtitle::SSA::Event; my ($fields, @fields, $format, $sample, $event, $output); # SSA format line $format = 'Format: Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text'; @fields = qw(marked start end style name marginl marginr marginv effect text); $event = Subtitle::SSA::Event->new(type => 'ssa'); $fields = $event->parse_format_line($format); is(ref $fields, 'ARRAY'); is_deeply($fields, \@fields); # ASS format line $format = 'Format:Layer,Start,End,Style,Name,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Effect,Text'; @fields = qw(layer start end style name marginl marginr marginv effect text); $event = Subtitle::SSA::Event->new(type => 'ass'); $fields = $event->parse_format_line($format); is(ref $fields, 'ARRAY'); is_deeply($fields, \@fields); $sample = 'Dialogue: Marked=0,0:01:50.15,0:01:54.15,Main,,0000,0000,0050,,Наступило новое утро'; $event = Subtitle::SSA::Event->new(type => 'ssa'); ok($event->parse($sample), "SSA event parsing test"); is($event->{marked} => 'Marked=0'); is($event->{start} => 110.15); is($event->{end} => 114.15); is($event->{style} => 'Main'); is($event->{name} => ''); is($event->{marginl} => 0); is($event->{marginr} => 0); is($event->{marginv} => 50); is($event->{effect} => ''); is($event->{text} => 'Наступило новое утро'); ok($output = $event->to_string(), 'converting SSA event to string'); is($output => $sample); $sample = 'Dialogue: 1,0:01:06.68,0:01:07.49,text three,,0000,0000,0000,,Я счастлив.'; $event = Subtitle::SSA::Event->new(type => 'ass'); ok($event->parse($sample), "ASS event parsing test"); is($event->{layer} => 1); is($event->{start} => 66.68); is($event->{end} => 67.49); is($event->{style} => 'text three'); is($event->{name} => ''); is($event->{marginl} => 0); is($event->{marginr} => 0); is($event->{marginv} => 0); is($event->{effect} => ''); is($event->{text} => 'Я счастлив.'); ok($output = $event->to_string(), 'converting ASS event to string'); is($output => $sample); exit 0;