You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';
use utf8;
use Getopt::Long;
use Subtitle::SSA;
sub usage {
my ($msg) = @_;
print $msg, "\n" if $msg;
print <<USAGE;
Usage: ssa-retime <mode> [<options>] -i <file> [ -o <file>]
Modes are:
* framerate Retime whole file from one fps to another.
* points Retime file specifying point(s) & time shift for it.
* shift Shift whole file or it's part for given time.
Common options:
-h This help.
-i <file> Input file. (mandatory).
-o <file> Output file. Default: write to stdout.
-v Be verbose.
Specific options for 'shift' mode:
-S <string> Retime only events with specified style.
This option may be given more than once.
-s <time> Start time of period, that will be changed.
Default: first event.
-e <time> End time of period, that will be changed.
Default: the latest time found in file.
-l <time> Duration of period above. This option require '-s'
You may select either '-o' or '-e' at the same time.
-t <time> Change time for this value.
Specific options for 'framerate' mode:
-f <float> Source framerate. Default: 25.0 fps.
-F <float> Target framerate.
Specific options for 'points' mode:
-p <time>/<time> Point of fixup & time shift in it. Option can be
specified more than once. (see man for details)
Both args must be in form of [-][[h:]m:]s[.ms].
exit 1;
########### init ###################
$| = 1;
my $mode = shift @ARGV;
my @points;
my %opts = ( loglevel => 0, inrate => 25.0 );
#GetOptions("qvhi:o:S:f:F:p:t:s:e:l:", \%opts)
'h|help' => \&usage,
'v|verbose+' => \$opts{loglevel},
'i|infile=s' => \$opts{infile},
'o|outfile=s' => \$opts{outfile},
'S|style=s' => \$opts{style},
's|shiftstart=s'=> \$opts{shiftstart},
'e|shiftend=s' => \$opts{shiftend},
'l|shiftlen=f' => \$opts{shiftlen},
't|shifttime=f' => \$opts{shifttime},
'f|inrate=f' => \$opts{inrate},
'F|outrate=f' => \$opts{outrate},
'p|point' => \@points,
($opts{infile} and -f $opts{infile})
or usage("Input file not exists");
if ($mode eq 'framerate') {
or usage("You should set at least '-F' option in this mode");
($opts{inrate} != 0.0 and $opts{outrate} != 0.0)
or usage("Framerate can't be zero");
} elsif ($mode eq 'shift') {
or usage("You should set '-t' option in this mode");
(not $opts{shiftstart} or $opts{shiftstart} > 0.0)
or usage("Shift start must be positive time");
(not $opts{shiftend} or $opts{shiftend} > 0.0)
or usage("Shift end must be positive time");
(not $opts{shiftlen} or $opts{shiftlen} > 0.0)
or usage("Shift length must be positive time");
} elsif ($mode eq 'points') {
or usage("You should specify at least one shift point");
foreach my $point (@points) {
} else {
usage("Incorrect mode: $mode (see help below)");
my $ssa = Subtitle::SSA->new(debug => !!$opts{loglevel});
unless ($ssa->from_file($opts{infile})) {
foreach my $line (@{ $ssa->{log} }) {
print $line, "\n";
exit 1;
if ($mode eq 'framerate') {
my $mod = $opts{inrate} / $opts{outrate};
foreach my $event (@{ $ssa->{events} }) {
$event->{start} *= $mod;
$event->{end} *= $mod;
} elsif ($mode eq 'shift') {
my $style = $opts{style};
my $start = $opts{shiftstart} // 0.0;
my $end = $opts{shiftend} // (($opts{shiftlen}) ? $start + $opts{shiftend} : undef);
my $mod = $opts{shifttime};
foreach my $event (@{ $ssa->{events} }) {
next if ($style and $event->{style} ne $style);
next if ($start and $event->{start} < $start);
next if ($end and $event->{end} > $end);
$event->{start} += $mod;
$event->{end} += $mod;
} elsif ($mode eq 'points') {
exit 0;