You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
828 B

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 19;
use Subtitle::TimePoint;
my $p = Subtitle::TimePoint->new;
is(ref $p, 'Subtitle::TimePoint');
can_ok($p, qw(new parse time shift));
# valid timespec
is($p->parse('0/0'), undef);
is($p->time, 0.0), is($p->shift, 0.0);
is($p->parse('0.3/0'), undef);
is($p->time, 0.3), is($p->shift, 0.0);
is($p->parse('1:17/-4.1'), undef);
is($p->time, 77), is($p->shift, -4.1);
is($p->parse('2:15:03.515/+3:02.7'), undef);
is($p->time, 8103.515), is($p->shift, 182.7);
# invalid timespec
is($p->parse('0.3/-'), "wrong timespec, expected <time>/[+-]<time>, abort");
is($p->parse('1:17/-4.'), "can't parse time: -4.");
is($p->parse(':47/-5.4'), "can't parse time: :47");
is($p->parse('1:1.2/-5'), "can't parse time: 1:1.2");
is($p->parse('5:31./7'), "can't parse time: 5:31.");