#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IMDB_REC_LEN 48 #define BLK_SIZE 1000 void usage(const char *message) { if (message) printf("error: %s\n", message); printf("Usage: imdb_convert_1to2 \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int in, out; long unsigned int imdb_rec_total, rec_first, rec_last, records; unsigned char in_buf[IMDB_REC_LEN * BLK_SIZE]; unsigned char out_buf[IMDB_REC_LEN * BLK_SIZE]; unsigned char header[IMDB_REC_LEN]; unsigned char *src, *dst; struct stat st; ssize_t bytes; memset(header, 0x0, IMDB_REC_LEN); snprintf((char *) header, IMDB_REC_LEN, "IMDB v%02u, CAPS: %s;", 2, "M-R"); if (argc < 2) usage(NULL); errno = 0; if ((in = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0) usage(strerror(errno)); if ((out = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644)) < 0) usage(strerror(errno)); if (fstat(in, &st) != 0) usage(strerror(errno)); if ((st.st_size % IMDB_REC_LEN) != 0) usage("database size expected to be multiples to 48"); if (lseek(in, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) usage(strerror(errno)); if (read(in, in_buf, IMDB_REC_LEN) != IMDB_REC_LEN) usage("can't read header of database"); if (memcmp(in_buf, "DB of image fingerprints (ver 1)", 32) != 0) usage("wrong database header / version mismatch"); imdb_rec_total = (st.st_size / IMDB_REC_LEN); printf("Processing %lu records\n", imdb_rec_total - 1); if (lseek(in, IMDB_REC_LEN, SEEK_SET) < 0) usage(strerror(errno)); if (lseek(out, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) usage(strerror(errno)); if (write(out, header, IMDB_REC_LEN) != IMDB_REC_LEN) usage(strerror(errno)); for (unsigned int block = 0; block <= (imdb_rec_total / BLK_SIZE); block++) { rec_first = rec_last = (block * BLK_SIZE) + 1; records = ((rec_first + BLK_SIZE) > imdb_rec_total) ? imdb_rec_total - rec_first : BLK_SIZE; rec_last = rec_first + records; printf("* block %u, %4lu records [%lu, %lu]\n", block + 1, records, rec_first, rec_last - 1); lseek(in, rec_first * IMDB_REC_LEN, SEEK_SET); lseek(out, rec_first * IMDB_REC_LEN, SEEK_SET); bytes = read(in, in_buf, IMDB_REC_LEN * records); if (bytes != (ssize_t) records * IMDB_REC_LEN) { printf("Read size mismatch, expected %lu, got: %zi\n", IMDB_REC_LEN * records, bytes); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(out_buf, 0x0, records * IMDB_REC_LEN); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < records; i++) { src = &in_buf[i * IMDB_REC_LEN]; dst = &out_buf[i * IMDB_REC_LEN]; memcpy(dst + 0, src + 0, sizeof(char) * 1); // usage flag memcpy(dst + 16, src + 2, sizeof(char) * 32); // image bitmap } bytes = write(out, out_buf, IMDB_REC_LEN * records); if (bytes != (ssize_t) records * IMDB_REC_LEN) { printf("Write size mismatch, expected %lu, got: %zi\n", IMDB_REC_LEN * records, bytes); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }