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Build notes
General build flow as simple as this three commands:
sudo checkinstall -- make install
Now, cmake options explained:
* `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` -- is root of place where to install the library
* `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` -- tunes build options for warious presets (Release, Debug, ...)
Project-specific options explained:
* `SIMDB_SAMPLER` -- selects a library for use for making image samples. Now available:
* magick -- for this time is only production-ready sampler (both ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick supported)
* random -- backend for testing, generates sample with random data
* dummy -- empty backend, always fails (use only if you don't need to add new image samples)
* `WITH_TOOLS` -- build some usefull tools
* simdb-tool -- manual manipulation of samples database
* simdb-upgrade -- upgrades database format to latest known version
* `WITH_HARDENING` -- enable some additional compiler sanity checks
`checkinstall` on last step is optional, but recommended tool, unless you don't care garbage in your system.