package Text::Playlist::M3U; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Text::Playlist'; our $VERSION = '0.02'; sub new { my ($class) = @_; return bless({ attrs => {}, }, $class); } sub parse { my ($self, $text) = @_; my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $text; my @items = (); # safeguard return "Not looks like playlist" unless grep { $_ =~ m/^#EXTM3U/o } @lines; my $item = undef; foreach my $line (@lines) { # header if ($line =~ m/#EXTM3U(\s+\S+?=\S+)*/oi) { return "Multiple EXTM3U lines found" if (scalar keys($self->{attrs})); $self->{attrs} = $self->_parse_attrs($1); } # standart tags if ($line =~ m/^\s*#EXTINF:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(\s+\S+?=\S+)*,\s*(.*)/oi) { $item //= { duration => $1, attrs => $self->_parse_attrs($2), title => $3, }; } # extended tags if ($line =~ m/^\s*#EXT-X-\S+?:(\s*\S+?=\S+)/oi) { # ignore } # comments if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/) { next; } # path / url if ($line) { $item->{file} = $line; push @items, $item; undef $item; } } return wantarray ? @items : [ @items ]; } sub _parse_attrs { my ($self, $str) = @_; return {} unless $str; my %attrs = (); $str =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//oi; foreach my $token (split /\s+/, $str) { my ($key, $value) = split("=", $token, 2); $attrs{$key} = $value; } return \%attrs; } sub _dump_attrs { my ($self, $attrs) = @_; my @parts = (''); while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$attrs}) { push @parts, sprintf("%s=%s", $key, $value); } return @parts ? join(" ", @parts) : ""; } sub dump { my ($self, @items) = @_; my @lines = (); push @lines, sprintf('#EXTM3U%s', $self->_dump_attrs($self->{attrs})); foreach my $item (@items) { push @lines, sprintf("#EXTINF:%s%s,%s", $item->{duration}, $self->_dump_attrs($item->{attrs}), $item->{title}); push @lines, $item->{file}; } push @lines, ''; return join("\n", @lines); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Text::Playlist::M3U - parser for 'm3u' format =head1 SYNOPSIS my $m3u = Text::Playlist::M3U->new; my @items = $m3u->load('/path/to/playlist.m3u'); foreach my $item (@items) { # } $m3u->save('/path/to/new-playlist.m3u', @items); =head1 DESCRIPTION Lightweight parser and generator for m3u playlists. Will be usefull if you're just want to read playlist, or convert playlist to another format, or change playlist items by some way. =head1 Methods =head2 C =head2 C =head2 C =head2 C For description of these methods see description in base class L =head1 Item format Each parsed item has the following keys in hashref: * file -- path or url, required * title -- title for given item, required * duration -- item duration in seconds, or -1 if not unknown * attrs -- hashref with attributes for given item, optional =head1 SEE ALSO L -- full-featured parser =head1 AUTHORS * Alex 'AdUser' Z =cut