You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
3.4 KiB

/* Copyright 2016 Alex 'AdUser' Z (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "common.h"
#include "matches.h"
#include "ipaddr.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
f2b_ipaddr_t *
f2b_ipaddr_create(const char *addr) {
f2b_ipaddr_t *a = NULL;
assert(addr != NULL);
if ((a = calloc(1, sizeof(f2b_ipaddr_t))) != NULL) {
strlcpy(a->text, addr, sizeof(a->text));
if (strchr(addr, ':') == NULL) {
a->type = AF_INET;
if (inet_pton(a->type, addr, &a->binary) < 1)
goto cleanup;
} else {
a->type = AF_INET6;
if (inet_pton(a->type, addr, &a->binary) < 1)
goto cleanup;
return a;
return NULL;
f2b_ipaddr_destroy(f2b_ipaddr_t *ipaddr) {
assert(ipaddr != NULL);
f2b_ipaddr_status(f2b_ipaddr_t *addr, char *res, size_t ressize) {
struct tm t;
char buf[2048], stime[32] = "", btime1[32] = "", btime2[32] = "";
assert(addr != NULL);
assert(res != NULL);
const char *fmt_dt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
const char *fmt_status =
"ipaddr: %s\n"
"lastseen: %s\n"
"bancount: %u\n";
const char *fmt_ban =
"banned: yes\n"
" from: %s\n"
" to: %s\n";
const char *fmt_match =
" - time: %s, score: %d, stag: %08X, ftag: %08X\n";
strftime(stime, sizeof(stime), fmt_dt, localtime(&addr->lastseen));
snprintf(res, ressize, fmt_status, addr->text, stime, addr->bancount);
if (addr->banned) {
strftime(btime1, sizeof(btime1), fmt_dt, localtime_r(&addr->banned_at, &t));
strftime(btime2, sizeof(btime2), fmt_dt, localtime_r(&addr->release_at, &t));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt_ban, btime1, btime2);
strlcat(res, buf, ressize);
} else {
strlcat(res, "banned: no\n", ressize);
if (addr->matches.count) {
strlcat(res, "matches:\n", ressize);
for (f2b_match_t *m = addr->matches.list; m != NULL; m = m->next) {
strftime(stime, sizeof(stime), fmt_dt, localtime_r(&m->time, &t));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt_match, stime, m->score, m->stag, m->ftag);
strlcat(res, buf, ressize);
f2b_ipaddr_t *
f2b_addrlist_append(f2b_ipaddr_t *list, f2b_ipaddr_t *ipaddr) {
assert(ipaddr != NULL);
ipaddr->next = list;
return ipaddr;
f2b_ipaddr_t *
f2b_addrlist_lookup(f2b_ipaddr_t *list, const char *addr) {
assert(addr != NULL);
if (list == NULL)
return NULL;
for (f2b_ipaddr_t *a = list; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
if (strncmp(a->text, addr, sizeof(a->text)) == 0)
return a;
return NULL;
f2b_ipaddr_t *
f2b_addrlist_remove(f2b_ipaddr_t *list, const char *addr) {
f2b_ipaddr_t *a = NULL, *prev = NULL;
assert(addr != NULL);
for (a = list; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
if (strncmp(a->text, addr, sizeof(a->text)) == 0) {
if (prev == NULL) {
/* first elem in list */
list = a->next;
} else {
/* somewhere in list */
prev->next = a->next;
return list;
prev = a;
return list;
f2b_ipaddr_t *
f2b_addrlist_destroy(f2b_ipaddr_t *list) {
f2b_ipaddr_t *next = NULL;
for (; list != NULL; list = next) {
next = list->next;
return NULL;