/* Copyright 2016 Alex 'AdUser' Z (ad_user@runbox.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include "common.h" #include "commands.h" struct f2b_cmd_t { const short int argc; const short int tokenc; const char *help; const char *tokens[CMD_TOKENS_MAX]; } commands[CMD_MAX_NUMBER] = { [CMD_NONE] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 0, .tokens = { NULL }, .help = "Unspecified command" }, [CMD_RESP] = { .argc = 1, .tokenc = 0, .tokens = { NULL }, .help = "Command response, used internally", }, [CMD_HELP] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 1, .tokens = { "help", NULL }, .help = "Show available commands", }, [CMD_PING] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 1, .tokens = { "ping", NULL }, .help = "Check the connection", }, [CMD_STATUS] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 1, .tokens = { "status", NULL }, .help = "Show general stats and jails list", }, [CMD_ROTATE] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 1, .tokens = { "rotate", NULL }, .help = "Reopen daemon's own log file", }, [CMD_RELOAD] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 1, .tokens = { "reload", NULL }, .help = "Reload own config, all jails will be reset.", }, [CMD_SHUTDOWN] = { .argc = 0, .tokenc = 1, .tokens = { "shutdown", NULL }, .help = "Gracefully terminate f2b daemon", }, [CMD_JAIL_STATUS] = { .argc = 1, .tokenc = 3, .tokens = { "jail", "", "status", NULL }, .help = "Show status and stats of given jail", }, [CMD_JAIL_SET] = { .argc = 3, .tokenc = 5, .tokens = { "jail", "", "set", "", "", NULL }, .help = "Set parameter of given jail", }, [CMD_JAIL_IP_STATUS] = { .argc = 2, .tokenc = 5, .tokens = { "jail", "", "ip", "status", "", NULL }, .help = "Show ip status in given jail", }, [CMD_JAIL_IP_BAN] = { .argc = 2, .tokenc = 5, .tokens = { "jail", "", "ip", "ban", "", NULL }, .help = "Forcefully ban some ip in given jail", }, [CMD_JAIL_IP_RELEASE] = { .argc = 2, .tokenc = 5, .tokens = { "jail", "", "ip", "release", "", NULL }, .help = "Forcefully release some ip in given jail", }, [CMD_JAIL_FILTER_STATS] = { .argc = 1, .tokenc = 4, .tokens = { "jail", "", "filter", "stats", NULL }, .help = "Show matches stats for jail regexps", }, [CMD_JAIL_FILTER_RELOAD] = { .argc = 1, .tokenc = 4, .tokens = { "jail", "", "filter", "reload", NULL }, .help = "Reload regexps for given jail", }, }; void f2b_cmd_help() { struct f2b_cmd_t *cmd = NULL; const char **p = NULL; fputs("Available commands:\n\n", stdout); for (size_t i = CMD_PING; i < CMD_MAX_NUMBER; i++) { cmd = &commands[i]; if (cmd->tokens[0] == NULL) continue; for (p = cmd->tokens; *p != NULL; p++) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", *p); fprintf(stdout, "\n\t%s\n\n", cmd->help); } return; } void f2b_cmd_append_arg(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *arg) { assert(buf != NULL); assert(arg != NULL); strlcat(buf, arg, bufsize); strlcat(buf, "\n", bufsize); } /** * @brief Parse command from line * @param buf Buffer for command parameters * @param bufsize SSize of buffer above * @param src Line taken from user input * @return Type of parsed command or CMD_NONE if no matches */ enum f2b_cmd_type f2b_cmd_parse(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *src) { size_t tokenc = 0; /* tokens count */ char *tokens[CMD_TOKENS_MAX] = { NULL }; char line[INPUT_LINE_MAX]; char *p; assert(line != NULL); /* strip leading spaces */ while (isblank(*line)) src++; /* strip trailing spaces, newlines, etc */ strlcpy(line, src, sizeof(line)); for (size_t l = strlen(line); l >= 1 && isspace(line[l - 1]); l--) line[l - 1] = '\0'; if (line[0] == '\0') return CMD_NONE; /* empty string */ /* simple commands without args */ if (strcmp(line, "ping") == 0) { return CMD_PING; } else if (strcmp(line, "help") == 0) { return CMD_HELP; } else if (strcmp(line, "status") == 0) { return CMD_STATUS; } else if (strcmp(line, "rotate") == 0) { return CMD_ROTATE; } else if (strcmp(line, "reload") == 0) { return CMD_RELOAD; } else if (strcmp(line, "shutdown") == 0) { return CMD_SHUTDOWN; } /* split string to tokens */ tokenc = 1; /* we has at least one token */ tokens[0] = strtok_r(line, " \t", &p); for (size_t i = 1; i < CMD_TOKENS_MAX; i++) { tokens[i] = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &p); if (tokens[i] == NULL) break; tokenc++; } buf[0] = '\0'; if (strcmp(line, "jail") == 0 && tokenc > 1) { /* commands for jail */ f2b_cmd_append_arg(buf, bufsize, tokens[1]); if (tokenc == 3 && strcmp(tokens[2], "status") == 0) { return CMD_JAIL_STATUS; } if (tokenc == 5 && strcmp(tokens[2], "set") == 0) { f2b_cmd_append_arg(buf, bufsize, tokens[3]); f2b_cmd_append_arg(buf, bufsize, tokens[4]); return CMD_JAIL_SET; } if (tokenc == 5 && strcmp(tokens[2], "ip") == 0 && strcmp(tokens[3], "status") == 0) { f2b_cmd_append_arg(buf, bufsize, tokens[4]); return CMD_JAIL_IP_STATUS; } if (tokenc == 5 && strcmp(tokens[2], "ip") == 0 && strcmp(tokens[3], "ban") == 0) { f2b_cmd_append_arg(buf, bufsize, tokens[4]); return CMD_JAIL_IP_BAN; } if (tokenc == 5 && strcmp(tokens[2], "ip") == 0 && strcmp(tokens[3], "release") == 0) { f2b_cmd_append_arg(buf, bufsize, tokens[4]); return CMD_JAIL_IP_RELEASE; } if (tokenc == 4 && strcmp(tokens[2], "filter") == 0 && strcmp(tokens[3], "stats") == 0) { return CMD_JAIL_FILTER_STATS; } if (tokenc == 4 && strcmp(tokens[2], "filter") == 0 && strcmp(tokens[3], "reload") == 0) { return CMD_JAIL_FILTER_RELOAD; } } return CMD_NONE; } bool f2b_cmd_check_argc(enum f2b_cmd_type type, int argc) { if (commands[type].argc == argc) return true; return false; }