package CMTD::Captcha; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Imager; our $VERSION = 0.01; sub new { my ($class, %config) = @_; my $self = { width => 120, height => 40, bg_color => '#444444', fg_color => '#999999', expire => 300, debug => 0, length => 6, ft_file => undef, ft_size => 32, ft_family => 'SansSerif', wv_size => 5, wv_length => 60, %config }; die("Captcha : ft_file not set\n") unless ($self->{ft_file}); return bless $self, $class; } sub _gen_code { my ($self) = @_; my ($code, $pos); my @chars = ('a' .. 'f', '0' .. '9'); my $length = $self->{length}; $code = ""; while ($length --> 0) { $pos = int rand scalar(@chars); $code .= $chars[$pos]; } return $code; } sub create { my ($self) = @_; my ($code, $data, $err); eval { warn "Generating code\n" if $self->{debug}; $code = $self->_gen_code(); warn "Code is: $code\n" if $self->{debug}; my $image = Imager->new( xsize => $self->{width}, ysize => $self->{height}, ); warn "Creating image (1/3)\n" if $self->{debug}; $image->box(filled => 1, color => $self->{bg_color}); # calculate position of bottom left corner of text box warn "Creating font\n" if $self->{debug}; my $font = Imager::Font->new( file => $self->{ft_file}, size => $self->{ft_size}, color => $self->{fg_color}, ) or die("can't create font: ", Imager->errstr, "\n"); warn "Creating image (2/3)\n" if $self->{debug}; $font->align( string => $code, halign => 'center', valign => 'center', image => $image, x => $image->getwidth / 2, y => $image->getheight / 2, ) or die("can't place code on image\n"); $image->filter( type => 'noise', amount => 120, subtype => 0, ) or die("can't distort image\n"); $image = $image->convert(preset => 'grey'); warn "Saving image\n" if ($self->{debug}); $image->write(data => \$data, type => 'jpeg') or die("can't write image: " . Imager->errstr . "\n"); $self->{error} = ''; 1; } or do { warn "Error: $@" if ($self->{debug}); $self->{error} = $@; return; }; return ($code, $data); } sub error { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{error} || ''; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME CMTD::Captcha -- generate captcha with Imager =head1 DESCRIPTION Based on Mojolicious::Plugin::CaptchaRenderer, but uses Imager instead. =head1 Methods / Private =head2 C<_gen_code> Generate captcha code for placing to image. =head1 Methods / Public =head2 C my $captcha = CMTD::Captcha->new(%config); Constructor. Takes plain hash of options. Mandatory settings: * ft_file -- default: undef, file with font to use Optional settings: * width -- 120, image width * height -- 30, image height * bg_color -- '#444444', base background color for image * fg_color -- '#999999', color of text * debug -- 0, display diagnostic messages to stderr * ft_size -- 32, font size, points * ft_family -- 'SansSerif', font family * wv_size -- 5, distortion settings, vertical amplitude * wv_length -- 60, distortion settings, wave length =head2 C my $captcha = CMTD::Captcha->new(%config); my ($code, $data) = $captcha->create(); Generates captcha image, returns hash of filename. =head2 C my $captcha = CMTD::Captcha->new(%config); something wrong... my $error = $captcha->error; Returns last occured error for method C Error will be cleared on next successfull call to these methods. =cut