2 changed files with 0 additions and 199 deletions
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
package LDV::Comments; |
use strict; |
use warnings; |
use utf8; |
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; |
use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file); |
use Mojo::URL; |
sub add { |
my ($self) = @_; |
eval { |
my $sectoken = $self->session('c_sectoken') |
or die("missing security token\n"); |
my ($ip, $upto) = ($sectoken =~ m{^([0-9a-f\.:]+)-(\d+)$}io) |
or die("malformed security token\n"); |
($upto > time()) |
or die("expired security token\n"); |
($ip eq $self->tx->remote_address) |
or die("remote address mismatch\n"); |
my $text = $self->req->param('text') |
or die("empty comment\n"); |
my $pageid = $self->_gen_pageid() |
or die("can't get pageid\n"); |
my %opts = (binmode => ':bytes'); |
my $comments = []; |
my $path = $self->app->home->rel_file("data/comments/$pageid.json"); |
if (-f $path) { |
my $json = read_file($path, %opts); |
$comments = $self->app->json->decode($json); |
} |
push @{ $comments }, { |
text => $text, time => time(), |
user => $self->session('username') || 'anonymous', |
}; |
write_file($path, \%opts, $self->app->json->encode($comments)); |
$path = $self->app->home->rel_file("data/comments/$pageid.html"); |
$self->stash({comments => $comments}); |
write_file($path, {binmode => ':utf8'}, $self->render_to_string(template => 'comments/list')); |
$self->render(text => 'OK'); |
} or do { |
chomp $@; |
$self->app->log->error($@); |
$@ = 'internal error' if $@ =~ m{line \d+}o; |
$self->res->code(400); |
$self->render(text => $@); |
}; |
$self->rendered(); |
} |
sub get { |
my ($self) = @_; |
eval { |
my $pageid = $self->_gen_pageid() |
or die("can't get id\n"); |
my $path = $self->app->home->rel_file("data/comments/$pageid.html"); |
if (-f $path) { |
my $comments = read_file($path, binmode => ':utf8'); |
$self->render(text => $comments); |
} else { |
$self->render(template => 'comments/none'); |
} 1; |
} or do { |
chomp $@; |
$self->app->log->error($@); |
$@ = 'internal error' if $@ =~ m{line \d+}o; |
$self->res->code(400); |
$self->render(text => $@); |
}; |
$self->rendered(); |
} |
sub create { |
my ($self) = @_; |
eval { |
die("request error\n") |
unless $self->req->is_xhr; |
my $ip = $self->tx->remote_address |
or die("can't find remote ip\n"); |
my $sectoken = sprintf "%s-%d", $ip, time() + 60 * 7; |
$self->session(c_sectoken => $sectoken); |
my $pageid = $self->_gen_pageid() |
or die("can't get pageid\n"); |
$self->stash({pageid => $pageid}); |
$self->render(template => 'comments/new'); |
} or do { |
chomp $@; |
$self->app->log->error($@); |
$@ = 'internal error' if $@ =~ m{line \d+}o; |
$self->res->code(400); |
$self->render(text => $@); |
}; |
} |
1; |
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
package LDV; |
use strict; |
use warnings; |
use utf8; |
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; |
sub startup { |
my ($self) = @_; |
my $config = $self->app->home->rel_file('conf/ldv.conf'); |
$self->plugin(Config => {file => $config}); |
$self->plugin(I18N => {default => 'ru'}); |
$self->plugin('LDV::Helpers'); |
$self->app->mode('production'); |
$self->app->secrets([ $self->app->config->{secret} ]); |
$self->app->attr(json => sub { |
require JSON; |
my $json = JSON->new->utf8; |
return $json; |
}); |
$self->app->attr(email => sub { |
require LDV::Email; |
my $email = LDV::Email->new($self->app->config->{email} // {}); |
return $email; |
}); |
$self->app->attr(ldap => sub { |
require LDV::LDAP; |
my $ldap = LDV::LDAP->new($self->app->config->{ldap}); |
return $ldap; |
}); |
my $r = $self->routes; |
{ # /comments |
my $comm = $r->route('/comments') -> to(controller => 'comments'); |
$comm->post('/add') ->to(action => 'add'); |
$comm->get ('/get') ->to(action => 'get'); |
$comm->get ('/new') ->to(action => 'create'); |
mkdir $self->app->home->rel_dir('data/comments'); |
} |
{ # /user |
my $user = $r->route('/user') -> to(controller => 'user'); |
$user->get('/') ->to(cb => sub { shift->redirect_to('/user/login'); }); |
$user->get('/login') ->to(action => 'login'); |
$user->get('/register') ->to(action => 'register'); |
$user->get('/profile') ->to(action => 'profile'); |
$user->post('/auth') ->to(action => 'auth'); |
$user->get ('/logout') ->to(action => 'logout'); |
$user->post('/create') ->to(action => 'create'); |
$user->post('/update') ->to(action => 'update'); |
} |
{ # /zerobin |
my $zb = $r->route('/zerobin2') -> to(controller => 'zerobin'); |
$zb->post('/') -> to(action => 'save'); |
$zb->get ('/') -> to(action => 'create'); |
$zb->route('/:time', time => qr/\d+/) |
->via('GET') -> to(action => 'view'); |
$zb->get('/prune') -> to(action => 'prune'); |
my $conf = $self->app->config->{zerobin}; |
mkdir $self->app->home->rel_dir($conf->{root}); |
} |
{ # /imgbin |
my $conf = $self->app->config->{imgbin}; |
my $ib = $r->route('/imgbin') -> to(controller => 'imgbin'); |
$ib->post('/') -> to(action => 'save'); |
$ib->get ('/') -> to(action => 'create'); |
$ib->route('/:time', time => qr/\d+/) |
->via('GET') -> to(action => 'view'); |
$ib->get ('/prune') -> to(action => 'prune'); |
$ib->get ('/latest') -> to(action => 'latest') |
if ($conf->{show_latest}); |
mkdir $self->app->home->rel_dir($conf->{root}); |
mkdir $self->app->home->rel_file('public/images'); |
mkdir $self->app->home->rel_file('public/images/full'); |
mkdir $self->app->home->rel_file('public/images/small'); |
$ENV{MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE} = $conf->{maxsize} + 2 * 1024 * 1024; # +2Mb |
} |
} |
1; |
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